Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Celebration (3)

The Celebration (3)

"Yang Fangxu tried to sabotage Wu Lina's career even before it had taken off. But karma comes back. You try to destroy any person, the nature makes sure that you get the same taste of life."     

People around had started looking in their direction and so Yang Xinyu asked them to go to the study and continue the conversation.     

Once in the study, Yang Fangxu's mother again said loudly, "Yang Min-Chang, we are here only for one reason, which is that you give us our share of property and we will leave you forever. We won't bother you."     

Yang Xinyu stepped forward and said, "You won't get a needle from this family now. Your property included ten percent of shares, which you have gladly sold. With that kind of money you could have bought huge real estates and would have stayed without botheration for the rest of your life."     

Yang Fangxu's mother became so agitated that she again shouted, "You brat! How dare you speak to me like that? Go to that ugly wife of your and stop bothering us. She was the reason my daughter had to go to the jail and only because of her, my daughter's movie didn't work well in the cinema houses. Your wife is very clever. She released the movie during the time when my daughter's movie was supposed to be released. Couldn't she wait for another week to release her movie? You both are first-rate scoundrels. Every time I want to talk to Yang Min-Chang, you are hovering around him like a fly. I don't know what magic have you two done on him that he now doesn't even want to visit us. Until your wife came into the family, everything was going so well. She came and ruined everything!"     

The mayor couldn't control his rage and stepped forward to strike her across the face. "How dare you speak like that to my son? Remember that he was the one who decided to get Yang Fangxu out of the jail."     

The slap was so hard that she fell on the floor. Yang Fangxu shrieked and bent down to pick her up. Then she looked at Wu Lina and said, "You disgusting woman!"     

Wu Lina kept the orange juice on the table and started to leave. Yang Xinyu held her hand and said, "Don't leave."     

Wu Lina blew out hot breath and went back to her chair. She picked her orange juice as the two women continued their drama.     

With Yang Fangxu's help, her mother got up and sat on a chair right behind her. She was shaking, tears coming out of her eyes.     

Yang Fanxu settled her mother, then started speaking, "Father, I came here because you invited. One of the reasons for coming here was that I want my share of property and then we will leave forever. All your children get equal share in your property, so please give me mine."     

The mayor wanted to slap her too for being so mean and rude. He restrained himself and said, "What share are you talking about? You sold whatever was in your name. There is nothing left."     

"Father, are you being partial to Yang Xinyu? This is not done. You will have to give me my share. The company has grown manifold and if we calculate I will get one-fourth of all of this," said Yang Fangxu excitedly with irritation.     

The mayor started laughing, "One-fourth?" He looked at her and said, "You are not entitled to a single penny now. Get out!"     

"Father, are you insane? I will pull you into the courts if you don't give me my share," she said with fists closed so tightly that her nails dug into her palm.     

This time the mayor couldn't hold himself and slapped her also across the face. "You ungrateful child! Go do whatever you want to. You will not get a single penny in this life or the next. You dare go against me?"     

Yang Fangxu started crying, as her mother consoled her. She gave disdainful looks to Wu Lina. Wu Lina was watching the wretched behavior of the two women in front of her and when she saw that they were looking at her, she just rolled her eyes.     

"Do you know why I called you here?" asked mayor. "I called you here because I wanted to request Wu Lina in front of all of you if she would sign up you as one of her stars."     

Wu Lina looked at the mayor in bewilderment. Even Yang Xinyu couldn't believe that his father would make such a request.     

Yang Fangxu cried, "I would never sign up with her company!"     

The mayor continued, "I know that you are under huge debt. I could have taken care of that if you agree to sign up with Epic Entertainment."     

Wu Lina smiled and picked her orange juice again. This was about to become extremely interesting.     

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