Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Board Meeting (2)

Board Meeting (2)

Vladimir looked at Yang Xinyu, rose from his chair, bowed his head and sat down. All other board members were stunned to see a foreigner as the board member. They were awed by the sheer aura he had around him. Almost all of them except his daughter liked him. The fact that he was just too handsome also worked in his favor.     

Wu Lina was panicked as she saw him. Yang Xinyu signaled her to sit down and be calm. While Wu Lina sat back slowly, inside her mind body was in turmoil. How could Vladimir come back? She hated him so much that the sight of that man was abhorring. She wanted to walk out of the room, but had to restrain her feeling. Yang Xinyu looked at her so hardly that she couldn't move from there.     

The lawyer got up and introduced him to all other members.     

"This is my client Vladimir Yankov. He had been working really hard to come to the country from a long time now. He had bought the shares from Yang Fangxu and the other board member. Currently he holds twenty percent shares of the Yang Corporation. He will stay in the country for some months now and so he will be requiring an office to sit in this building."     

Before the lawyer could continue, Wu Lina retorted, "We are sorry, but he cannot sit in this building."     

Other members looked at her questioningly. They thought that being the Chairman's wife she was already throwing so many tantrums. So one of them pointed out, "Wu Lina, you are the chairman's wife but that doesn't mean that you can start making comments like these. After all he is a board member and if he says that he wants an office here, we will have to provide him."     

Wu Lina sat back in her chair glaring at Vladimir and stopped talking. The lawyer continued, "Mr. Vladimir Yankov will be here for a long time now so he desires to hold some office under him."     

Wu Lina was scared that if he tells about Epic Entertainment, and the board members approve of it, she would be in deep trouble. She felt as though she had been trapped. She looked at Yang Xinyu who was still looking as calm as ever.     

When the introduction finished, Yang Xinyu spoke, "Mr. Vladimir Yankov, thank you for coming and attending the meeting. Now that we know your demands, we will take of them according to what is convenient to the company. Obviously everything needs to be passed amongst the board members. We hope that you have a pleasant stay here."     

Yang Xinyu rose from his chair and started to leave. But just then the lawyer said, "An important fact I had omitted here was that Mr. Vladimir Yankov is Ms. Wu Lina's father."     

Every member of the board was shocked to hear that. They started murmuring amongst themselves, as Wu Lina lowered her head.     

She heard one of them saying, "Children today are so vicious. She is even telling that he won't be allowed to sit in the office building over here."     

"Imagine, he holds twenty percent of company's shares. He must be so rich."     

"My God! Wu Lina is the daughter of such a rich man?"     

"That's such a shocking news. We always thought that she was from a low-class family."     

"How come her father is not a Chinese?"     

Wu Lina was so flabbergasted that she hurried out of the room as the meeting had adjourned. Yang Xinyu followed her to the lounge.     

Vladimir noticed both of them leaving at the same time. He wanted to go and speak to Wu Lina, but he knew that she wouldn't talk to him. He sighed and along with his lawyer exited the building after shaking hands with all the board members. They were all so impressed by him that they even invited him to their houses.     

Meanwhile in the lounge Wu Lina was red faced with anger. Yang Xinyu had followed her there knowing that he had to pacify her.     

"How could that man enter the building? Yang Xinyu didn't you know that he was the one behind all that purchase? Don't tell me that your private army did not have the intelligence to find out about him!" shouted Wu Lina with her arms crossed.     

"Baby, calm down. Yes, I knew it from sometime now, but didn't tell you because you would have become stressed," replied Yang Xinyu.     

"You knew? Then why did you allow him to even enter the building? You must purchase all those shares from him and that's it!" she yelled at him.     

"I cannot do that Wu Lina. He now holds a chunk of company's shares. If I pressure him to sell them to me, he may just go to the market and sell them all away in one go. That will negative impact on our company. There are many players out there who want to come on the board and trust me most of them are hawks," said Yang Xinyu trying to reason with her.     

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