My Perfect Lady

We Should Get Down to Business Directly

We Should Get Down to Business Directly

Jimmy sat at Wilsons' Family Meals, a restaurant at the farther end of the city. It was his favourite place to eat, whenever he could spare the time. It was a small business, run by an old couple who used part of their own house to carry out the service. It had a very homey feel to it, and the food served was excellent.     

Jim smiled satisfactorily as breakfast was laid out before him, mainly boiled potatoes and orange juice. He went over his excellent plan again, each detail crystal clear in his head. He had gotten the details of the top three social service societies in the city and contacted their heads personally. A meagre donation on his part, and he was sent a list of some proper poor females, along with their addresses. Park and Hartley had sat all night and shortlisted three of them for the time being. On what basis the selection was made, he didn't know.     

Park was against the plan and had to be convinced to help out, of course. He obliged albeit, a bit grudgingly.     

Jimmy now ate his potatoes and sung himself a happy song. Now that he had a plan, and one that was achievable, he felt satisfied. He went through the details of the three females as he ate. He had looked through the list before as well, and had chosen the third girl to visit first, simply because she lived near this restaurant. It was a double advantage. Good food and, he crossed his fingers, probable marriage.     

After he was done eating, he wiped his hands and walked towards the washroom. He hadn't felt so elated in many days. He hummed again, this time a bit more loudly. When he reached near the men's washroom though, he stopped in his tracks.     

He could hear someone talking inside.     

"Come back Ben, just what are you up to?" It was a shrill, angry voice.     

"No way, mommy." He now heard the mischievous voice of a kid.     

A woman and a kid… What in the world were they doing in the men's toilet?! He wondered if he should really go in there now and show his face. But then, why shouldn't he? He was at the right place, so…     

"Someone's coming mom," the child shrieked.     

"You come here Ben," came the woman's voice.     

Jim pushed open the door.     

What he saw next took him by surprise.     

On the floor of the bathroom knelt a small, rather frail looking girl who was holding onto a smaller boy. Her eyes were wide – with fear or surprise, he couldn't tell – as she looked up at him. Her hair was brown, but resembled the color of mud and strands of it fell all over her face. She was dressed in a red skirt and an oversize white shirt. There were stains of dirt on her ragged clothes, and she looked tired, without the slightest bit of make-up on her face.     

A poor person, Jim could tell. Maybe she was there to clean the toilets.     

He was still staring at her when the girl looked away and Jim realized he was being weird. He pulled away his gaze, but couldn't help but feel that he had seen her somewhere before. Her eyes… those smouldering black eyes seemed familiar too.     

He quickly pushed aside the thought, though. How could he know a person like that?     

"Why is that uncle staring at us, mom?" the little child suddenly asked, pulling at the woman's sleeves.     

"I…I don't know," the girl said, flustered and red, "Come, let's go." She picked up the child in her arms, and got ready to leave.     

Right then, as he saw the woman's side profile, it hit Jimmy.     

She was one of the candidates for his 'perfect' bride! In fact, there was no mistaking it! The picture in the list that he had been given was a side profile. No wonder she seemed familiar, but he couldn't recognize her! He had been going over her details just minutes before.     

She also lived somewhere near. He had driven to this area of the city to meet her!     

What a lucky coincidence to have met her right here!     

Jim smiled, and before she could run away, he yelled, "STOP!"     

The girl stopped in her tracks and looked back at him hesitantly. The child in her arms frowned.     

"Y-Yes?" she asked quietly.     

Now this was the hard part. Even though Jim had told her to stop, he didn't know what to say next. Obviously, he couldn't mention his proposal to her here, in the bathroom. So he asked instead, "Do you work here?"     


"That child, is it yours?"     

"Yes," she answered.     

"You aren't married though, are you?"     


The woman frowned.     

Jimmy smirked.     

This was so great! It wasn't mentioned in the list, but there was even a child! That alone would make the situation so embarrassing for his father!     

The girl looked at him awkwardly, waiting for him to either say something or let her leave.     

Jim took a step towards her and stretched his hand.     

"Come with me to the backyard. We should get down to business directly," he announced bravely, smirking all the while.     

Business? Backyard? The woman flinched, looking at him suspiciously, now a bit scared.     

"We're getting out of here, Ben" she then whispered to her son, and ran out of the washroom, pushing Mr. Hunter to the side once he tried to hold her. Jim faltered, but caught hold of the basin for support, only to see the woman escape as fast as she could.     

He had the urge to run behind, but then he stopped.     

He might be desperate for a girl, but he wasn't going to chase after one literally. Not to mention, he already had her address and was going to meet her anyway.     

What bothered him a bit was that his first impression had been spoiled. Why had she tun away anyway? Well, who cared. Usually, in business, he won over deals with the first impression alone. This time, however…     

But… this woman cleaned toilets. As if he had to worry about impressions.     

Relaxed, Jim walked out of the bathroom within a few minutes and reached his table. There he paid the bill, gave the waiter a handsome tip and looked at his list again.     

This time he observed the picture showing only the side face of the girl more closely. That hair… it was definitely her. He read out the name aloud.     


Jim sighed.     

Well Miya, here he came.     

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