Fox Life

An Ill-Fated Love Affair (8)

An Ill-Fated Love Affair (8)


Iris took in a deep breath and nodded. It was going to give them away to whatever people were trying to find them, but she was certain that it was better to do it now than let it continue for longer. If anyone, Tyler would know what was happening.     

And Kyro agreed that it was better for them to move fast. Once Iris' whereabouts got found, they'd face trouble in no time once more. Thus, they would be better off visiting all the places they needed before that happened.     

"Do you think I should bring Mila with me or show her only later?"     

"Later. I'll ask Sophie to watch over her in the car."     

That sounded good, and Iris looked at the house that came into view. It had been her own idea to come face Tyler and his family, but she wasn't as certain that it was a good idea as she was pretending. But if it was bad, wouldn't Kyro have told her so?     

She looked at him sitting by her side and talking on the phone. He seemed to be in his element, tapping something on his laptop while giving commands to people in the cars behind them.     

His confident behavior bolstered her courage, and the moment the car stopped, Iris jumped out of the car and marched off toward the building. Kyro was a few steps behind, followed by some of Gale's people. They were dressed casually if not for the hidden weapons that Iris had seen them take out during the drive.     

When they entered the building, she saw a commotion inside. The people on the ground floor were rushing left and right while shouting at one another.     

"Mom, where's my black shirt?"     

"Owen, think we can squeeze in the hairdryer?"     

"I can't find my winter shoes! Who put them where?"     

'In a rush to escape?' Iris wondered, feeling something dark raised within her. 'Planning to run away without a word? But seems like you got the memo late.'     

She pushed through the door into the hallway. Her entrance was silent, but all action stopped. One by one, the people raised their heads and stared. Worry entered some of the expressions, but others filled with hostility.     

"You!" Owen hollered and dropped everything in his hands to the ground. His eyes flashed with fury, and he charged toward her.     

But before Iris could even think to dodge, a man from behind her jumped forward and intercepted Owen. The middle-aged man was subdued in one move and fell to the ground, screaming at his broken hand.     

"I'm here to talk," Iris said. The sudden violence startled her, but she stood her ground. If she backed out now, her coming here would have been for naught. "This time for real."     

Nobody in the family moved. They just watched her with lowered heads while glaring. Iris didn't see Tyler among them and wondered if he was not home when he left his room with an unbuttoned shirt.     

"Can't even let a man get dressed properly?" he threw at her, his voice without any sign of the previous kindness or care. He sneered at her then. "Came to kidnap another of my siblings?"     

The jab was well-aimed, but Iris didn't let it get her. "I want answers. Was anything you told me true?"     

"And you think I would just tell you?" He laughed without any humor, but before he could finish, a shot rang out.     

Iris swiveled her head back to see Sophie standing a couple steps back with a raised gun. There was a smile on her face, but her eyes were hard. "You will. If you want to leave here alive."     

Cold sweat broke out on Iris' back, but she tried to remain calm. Tried being the relevant word there. But how could she? First it was the swift and violent take down of Owen and moments later a gun had been whipped out almost at her side. It wasn't something she had ever thought to encounter.     

Tyler was stunned for a moment as he stared at the bullet hole in the wall ten centimeters from his head, then began to cackle. His laughter echoed through the empty hallway in a bone-chilling manner.     

"You sure found some allies, but crazies do attract other crazies, isn't that right? I should have known you'd be as mad as your father."     

"What do you know of my father?" Iris demanded. She could give Gale an earful about his subordinates' trigger happy fingers later.     

"And wouldn't you like to know?" Tyler said with mock cheer, but his eyes soon caught sight of something behind Iris, and fear flashed through his expression. "He was blessed. Blessed, but stupid. He could have been the best, started something that would've changed the world forever, but did he? Of course not. He died like a dog.     

"But I guess that's in the blood. All of you are beyond stupid. His mother killed herself when the guard around her got a bit lax, he escaped, and you're trying to do the same. Idiots all of you."     

Insults were all that Iris had ever heard aimed at her father, so it didn't even surprise her. There didn't seem to be a single person in the world who didn't think that he was a worthless waste of good space.     

But something else in that little speech struck her. "Blessed?"     

"You don't know even that?" Tyler shook his head, laughing. "He was born healthy. No diseases or unexplained deficiencies, and no problems with changing. He was the perfect specimen among thousands of failed ones. All his other siblings died after a few years at best, but he lived.     

"If he had joined the lab coats, he would've become a king—someone that could change the world. But he just raged at everyone and everything all the time. Some lab coats even speculated that he had some disorder, but before they could decide on which one, the bastard had the audacity to escape."     

Once Tyler was cornered, he seemed to have lost all inhibitions and spoke all that was on his mind. Words rushed out of him as if a dam had been broken and the water couldn't be held back.     

"Do you know how he escaped? Even while under twenty-four hour surveillance, he had managed to hide the fact that he'd learned to change at will. While lab coats only dreamed about such a possibility, he had the key to it and never said a thing!     

"But he was so stupid." Tyler cackled once more. When he looked at Iris, his expression was full of gleeful mockery. "He actually fell for a lab coat's sister! Can you imagine that?" Tyler could barely speak through his mirth. "He spent years of his life trying to escape, and then delivered himself back on a silver platter! And even brought a gift - you! Isn't that hilarious?"     

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