Fox Life

An Ill-Fated Love Affair (5)

An Ill-Fated Love Affair (5)

Gale watched the woman before him in indecision. He really wanted to just leave and return to his work, but she had a point. It was better to clear up the mess as soon as possible, regardless if it had been caused by her or not.     

"First, it was you who called that taxi, so I had nothing to do with it, and second, have you even checked the evidence?" Elise raised her phone and pushed it to his face. On the screen, there was a blurry photo of him resting on her shoulder. "That's your doing too. You fell asleep like it's nobody's business and didn't wake up for hours to come."     

"You didn't have to take me to your place," he said, looking away. It was disgusting how he had lost control of himself. How could he have forgotten to get an energy drink or more coffee before entering the taxi?     

Elise gave him a chilling look. "Where then? A hotel? You sure that would've been better? At least now we can make some sort of story out of this."     

"You and your story," Gale murmured, falling a few steps back. He felt like hell, but it was as usual. He reached a chair and sat down. "So what's your plan?"     

"You're just going to agree to it?" Elise took a few hesitating steps forward, watching him with distrust. It was clear that she didn't believe his sudden surrender.     

And it was smart of her. Under normal circumstances, he would have never even considered it. However, his obsession for success forced him to think about her offer. As one who was always on the news, he knew better than anyone how much power the media and public opinion held.     

It didn't have any obvious outlet, but humans were social creatures and easily influenced. Even if those at the top pretended like they were as cold as machines, it was a lie. They still played the reputation games and judged things on their limited knowledge based on rumor or hearsay from 'friends'.     

"Tell it to me, and I'll try to enlighten you why it won't work. Go ahead. I don't have much time." He brushed his hair back from his eyes and focused on Elise. She looked seriously pissed now, and he smiled. Angering the opponent was a good tactic to force them to make mistakes.     

But he was surprised at that moment. Elise took in a deep breath, calming herself. "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" Her expression softened instead of growing angry. She took a couple steps to the side and also sat down. "I won't say anything then. You go and come up with a way to solve this and I'll just follow. Will that be fine for your majesty?"     

"Don't call me that."     

Gale knew when he was being taunted and didn't care for it. But what was he supposed to do? Her saying she would do as he asked was great, but he didn't know what he wanted to do himself. It was simpler to refuse another's choice than to make a decision to damage Dioscuri by himself.     

Yet he couldn't imagine himself pretending to have a real girlfriend. It was fine to play around for a few days, but the mere idea of family and close relations was repulsing to him. The world had no worse institution than that of marriage.     

He took out his phone and scrolled through the rumor mill. Everyone was wondering what his relationship with Elise was and if they should expect the forever bachelor to lose his title. It touched a nerve for Gale, but he kept looking, even checking out his chat groups.     

They were no better. There were plenty of mentions, calling him out to confess. Some people couldn't believe that he'd go for his target of disgust throughout the years while others wondered if it had been not disgust but love that had kept him away from Elise.     

Gale wrote [shut up] before he was even aware of it, then deleted the message. Claiming innocence would not solve anything. No one would believe him if he said that, not even he himself.     

But that game Elise suggested… He could see that it was advantageous in a myriad of ways, yet he couldn't make himself voice it. There was a part of him that was scared of letting anyone close, even if it was just for show.     

The fear made him angry. Why was he still limited by his parents? Didn't he go over and beyond what should have been possible to escape them? To leave the past behind? At times, he even thought that he'd succeeded.     

Yet here it was rearing its ugly head back at him. He was about to sabotage his own company and its future just because he didn't want to face the darkness of his past.     

"Gale?" He raised his head, noticing a familiar face next to him. Elise was crouching by his side, looking at him from below. With her index finger, she poked his forehead. "What's with that frown? It's not the world's end, I'm sure we can come up with something."     

Gale didn't allow himself to hope for things that wouldn't happen. He wanted to be clear-eyed and certain of his status in the world.     

"Hey, if you really can't stomach the idea of it, then let's just say that I drugged you. It wouldn't be the first time someone attempted it, and everyone would see Mark's actions as paying you back for my misconduct."     

"What?" Gale's eyes went wide. He stared at her, not believing his ears. "Do you have any idea what it would do to your reputation?"     

She smiled at him, revealing a self-mocking expression. "Probably better than you. I've lived without one for most of my life, so it will be little different now. I don't go out much anyway." She shrugged like it really didn't matter.     

But how could it not? Gale cursed inside, looking away from Elise's clear hazel eyes. She was simply crazy.     

Even if he didn't want her around, it didn't mean that he could let her sacrifice herself for him. He never wanted to fall that low.     

"I really don't mind," Elise said, raising up. "If you think you can spin a good enough tale, go ahead."     

"Even if you're okay with it, I'm not."     

He was a man and he was him, so how could he let another human being step into the fire for him? It was fine to push down those that got in his way to the top, but he didn't need charity. "I'll take you out for dinner tonight, eight o'clock. Dress up for a lot of attention."     

Then, before Elise could say anything, Gale left the apartment. He might have been hurrying to work, but just as likely, he was trying to run away from his decision. It would send him into a dark place he refused to ever visit, but it was better than the alternative—losing his respect for himself.     

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