The Emperor's Pampered Wife

Medical Team To Remember

Medical Team To Remember

Han Tengfei was well known for liking peace—although some often consider it quite ridiculous considering he has quite a chaotic son. He likes solidarity to escape the reality that his son is a walking mess and so his office was situated in quite an isolated place.     

Hou Wei Yan walked peacefully in the silent hallway alongside her trustworthy guard and assistant. When they reached his office, Meixiu and Fang both waited patiently outside.     

"Master Han" she gently called out after she knocked three times.     

"Oh, Wei Wei" Han Tengfei replied as soon as he heard her voice. He gently walked towards the door and allowed her inside. They then walked towards the couch to talk things through regarding her medical team. "Did you already finish finalizing your team?"     

"Yes" she answered as she handed him a folder containing the medical team she was assigned to make. "Here's the list, Master Han"     

Han Tengfei carefully checked the people she chose for her team. He was worried she would choose someone without that much potential. Surprisingly, everyone that Wei Yan chose had exemplary abilities. He turned towards Wei Yan, thrilled by her chosen people. "Can you bring them here now?"     

"But I thought I was supposed to introduce them tomorrow?" Hou Wei Yan asked curiously. The plan was for Master Han to meet them tomorrow, why would it suddenly change?     

"There's some change of plans" Master Han said before he stood up and went to his desk. Wei Yan observed him silently and was quite bothered when he handed her a folder from his cabinet. "I received a report about a patient suffering from Aortic Dissection. We need to operate him tomorrow and I want your team to do the job. Can you do it?"     

The question was all too sudden and so does the operation. She was used to abrupt surgeries…because that's their life in the Emergency Room. However, she's particularly concerned with her team. They can all hold out on their own but they aren't a team yet.     

Heck, they haven't even met each other!     

"I can" she gently said as she closed the folder of the patient's medical history and information. Hou Wei Yan sighed as she clasped her hands together worriedly. "But I want my team to have a say in this. They haven't met each other yet. If we suddenly enter the battlefield without knowing each other, we might end up in a bloodbath"     

"I understand" Han Tengfei answered with an understanding smile on his face which rarely happens. He was someone who often forces his belief on someone. But towards Wei Yan, he could never do it—for he knew just how much she went through to get to wherever she is now. Diverging from the business industry that she was trained to handle strains the mind and body so he feels inclined to cater to her decisions. "The ones you chose are not entirely the best, but you choose wisely. They have interesting character and achievements"     

"Thank you for such praise, Master Han" she politely answered, truly glad that he didn't change any of the people she chose. It took her a couple of days to finalize such a team and she chose them based on how devoted they are to their jobs. Although there are other good candidates, she didn't want someone who would easily falter when a problem arises.     

"Go and gather your team. Make sure they get well acquainted with one another" he remarked before he leaned back on his chair. "I'll officially meet them tomorrow after the surgery"     

Hou Wei Yan smiled at his consideration. She then stood up and took a polite bow. "Thank you, Master Han"     

Tomorrow will be a big day for her team…but for now, she needs to make sure they are well acquainted with one another.     


All that could be heard in Table 51 inside Sunnyside BBQ House is the continuous tinkering of utensils. Their table was already filled with foods and there is only one person gobbling it all up. Hou Wei Yan sighed heavily as she looked at the servers continuously passing by their table to take the empty plate and serve yet another plate filled with meat. Unable to take it anymore, she gently patted her best friend making her look up to her. "Xie Na, you'll have a stomachache if you continue eating like that"     

"I'll stop with this one" she said with a grin on her face. Hearing this Hou Wei Yan immediately looked at the servers and motioned them to stop with the plate on their table. She gently observed Xie Na before looking at her stomach and then turning to Fang.     

Fang who was busy grilling some meat which Xie Na keeps on eating, looked back at her the moment he felt her gaze directed at him. He merely gave a slight smile before returning to what he was doing.     

It's not like the awkwardness is gone…nor did their feelings change, but the two of them managed to find it in themselves to accept the consequences of their decision. They're doing fine outside, but Hou Wei Yan knew they're still fighting their inner demons.     

"You're here!" Qiu Meixiu suddenly exclaimed making the other trio turn towards the entrance.     

There stood a star-like figure with his chocolate brown hair wet from sweat and glistening sapphire eyes excitedly scouting the place. As though someone froze time, everyone watched him with their jaws dropping and their heart thumping fast. He strode confidently towards Table 51 and sat there without sparing a glance to those meticulously checking him out. "I see, I'm the first to arrive"     

Hou Wei Yan smiled at him before she shook her head. She's unsure if he's dense or just very good at ignoring people. "They'll be here in a minute"     

Ashraf nodded his head as he began helping Fang with grilling the meat. Wei Yan and Meixiu looked at one another before they began tending on the vegetables and making Xie Na stop devouring all of it.     

"Doctor Hou!" a very cheerful voice called out making all of them turn her way. The petite woman repeatedly waved her hands with enthusiasm making Wei Yan involuntarily look at Ismael Ashraf who was obviously more anxious than before.     

"Long Lee!" Wei Yan called out with a smile after she checked out Ashraf's starstruck reaction. Two people stood beside Long Lee with a smile on their faces making her smile even wider. "Come in, come in"     

"Sorry if we came late. We decided to come together" Long Lee explained as she sat opposite to Ashraf. Her carefree attitude made Hou Wei Yan chuckle. She glanced at Ashraf once more while laughing inside. ---Looks like someone won't be eating much this evening.     

"It's okay" she remarked as soon as she finished teasing Ashraf inside her head. He was someone who wears his heart out of his sleeve…but Long Lee is the type who's too cheerful to notice such romantic development. She just shrugged her shoulders and didn't mind their affairs. She had enough playing cupid.     

A few seconds after their arrival, Meixiu noticed a shy looking man entering the establishment. She slightly patted Wei Yan who immediately smiled when she saw the man. "Oh, Bingwen is here as well"     

"Hello" he politely greeted before he took a seat. The others silently checked him out because he looked new to them. His platinum blonde hair was certainly striking and awfully stands out, but none of them could remember if they saw him in Yi Lan.     

"Oh, we're the last one to come?" someone suddenly said at the entrance making them halt whatever they were doing and glance at the person who just entered.     

It was He Lan and there stood behind her two other people who looked awfully familiar to them. Soon after, they remembered who they are and how significant they are in Doctor He Lan's life.     

"Doctor He" Wei Yan called out warmly as she helped her take a seat beside Xie Na. Xie Na was the one who introduced He Lan to them during Cheng Ying's surgery that Jiang Yanyan nearly tarnished. Ever since then, He Lan devoted herself to helping Wei Yan with her surgeries.     

He Lan smiled widely at them before she pulled the man beside her by the collar. Her actions immediately made him frown and within a second, her hand was swatted away. "I went to grab this little brat so we came late"     

"It's okay. No harm done" Wei Yan remarked before she stood up with a smile. "Since we're all here. Let's start     

"Let's just be casual. I'm Hou Wei Yan but you can call me Wei Wei" she introduced as she bowed down politely to them to show her sincerity. She was the one assigned to lead the team but she's not the Eldest one among them and so she needs to give them her respects. "This medical team is under Director Han's supervision. Most of the surgeries we will do will be under his jurisdiction. I know that the pressure is on but I need you to trust your capabilities and your companions. That's why I orchestrated this dinner so we can get to know each other"     

She took a long pause before she glanced at them one by one. "Because tomorrow, we will be introduced and we will be having our first ever surgery as a team"     

"Tomorrow?" Long Lee asked, surprise evident in her eyes. She then slowly turned to Qiu Mexiu who merely nodded her head in reply.     


"Well, that's fast" the man who accompanied Long Lee earlier said making some of them nod their head.     

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head in agreement with his statement. Indeed, things are transpiring too fast even for her, but they can never complain when there's a patient waiting for their treatment. No matter how fast things become, they need to always face it stubbornly because it's their job as medical practitioners. "Let's start with the introduction"     

Meixiu stood up instantly and without hesitation to begin the introduction. She politely bowed to them; her face seemingly emotionless yet the aura she's giving off isn't too detached nor cold enough to make them back away. "I'm Qiu Meixiu, 29. Wei Wei's Physician Assistant"     

"Hi! I'm Xie Na" the little chirping lady said as she stood up. They knew who she was without the introduction. Before Wei Yan entered Yi Lan, she was known as the 'Psychotic Gossiper' then she suddenly became 'Doctor Hou's Knight in Shining Armor'. They all smiled at her cheerfulness and nodded their head, urging her to seat down once again. A lump of meat was already placed in her plate which she devoured without haste after settling back in. "I'm just an observer"     

The next one who stood up was the platinum blonde man who took their attention earlier. He looked cool and composed, unlike the shy demeanor he showed them upon entrance. He slightly smiled at them; polite and respectful appearing as though cautious of his surroundings. "I'm Tian Bingwen, 27. Recruited as the Surgical Technologist and just recently entered Yi Lan Hospital"     

Long Lee and her companions looked at one another before they looked back at him. He was a head-turner with his tall figure and his obviously masculine body figure hidden beneath his shy demeanor. If he was a new recruit, he will become a hot topic after the surgery tomorrow.     

Once Bingwen's introduction was over and he sat back on his chair, they slowly turned towards Long Lee's group prompting them to introduce themselves first. As the most cheerful and friendly one amongst them, Long Lee stood up with a smile on her face. "My name is Long Lee. 25 years old and one of the Scrub Nurse Doctor Hou recruited"     

"I'm Jian Guiren, the same age as Long Lee. I'm also a Scrub Nurse" the man who accompanied Long Lee earlier said. He was quite a looker with his black hair and onyx colored yes screaming cheekiness and freedom—and he was obviously close to Long Lee for he swung his arms around her neck after his introduction. He smiled at her and Long Lee ruffled his hair before they slowly parted from one another.     

Ashraf glanced at them, curious about their relationship. ---Bestfriends? Childhood Friends? Close Friends? Just Friends? Friends with bene…fck what am I thinking!? Long Lee isn't like that!     

It was quite laughable how he was convincing himself that they are merely friends. The conflict he was having inside his head was clearly reflected on his face making Wei Yan nearly laugh out loud at his awful translucency.     

If he continues wearing his heart in his sleeve, it won't take long for Little Long Lee to notice his affection!     

The next one who stood up was Long Lee and Guiren's companion earlier. She had the air of innocence around her with her droopy eyes melting like snow. She was quite taller than Long Lee but she exudes elegance than intimidation with her height. "I'm Yu Lanfen, 24 and one of the Scrub Nurse"     

"I'm Nurse Sheng Mingzhu, 32" The eldest amongst them said making them show their polite smile. Sheng Mingzhu is well known in Yi Lan. Her thick eyebrows which always seems raised reeks of arrogance and intimidation. She's strict to her juniors, but not awfully strict to the point that they would bear a grudge against her, and yet she's really caring to her patients. She knows who needs her attention and knew very well that gossips don't help in their job. To others, she may appear hypocritical, but to Wei Yan, she's quite distinguished because she remains true to her job.     

That's why she recruited her without hesitation even though others would think twice about recruiting her.     

After Sheng Mingzhu sat down, He Lan's little brother suddenly let out a squeak as he bolted up taking them by surprise. Once he was up, he immediately glared at his sister who was grinning beside him. Of course, the others instantly understood why he suddenly let out such sound despite his usually composed and cool demeanor. Without any choice left, he coughed to hide his embarrassment before he looked at them and gave a polite bow. "He Zihao, 26. Circulating Nurse"     

"Hi" the woman who spanked He Zihao earlier said with a grin on her face. Although already settled in, Zihao still glared at his older sister and he grated his teeth in anger when she winked at him. "I'm Doctor He Lan, 30 and I'm unfortunately Zihao's sister---"     

"That's my line" he grumbled with gloom making the others smile at their cute little antics. Having this brother and sister pair in the team sounds shady but fun at the same time.     

"Brat" He Lan retorted back before she bowed down to them with respect. She was filled with vigor and youthfulness creating quite a comfortable atmosphere in the area. Her beautiful brown locks swayed thou and fro as she settled in her seat. "Anyway, I'm the Anesthesiologist"     

"And I'm Yi Xiuying, 26, your nurse Anaesthetist" the woman who came with He Lan introduced. She bears the air of seriousness around her but her movements were polite enough to spike their interest. She appears strict but she showered them with respect instead!     

He Lan smiled at them when she noticed their curious eyes lingering in Xiuying. Yi Xiuying is under her care ever since she entered Yi Lan after she graduated. Xiuying takes pride and her job and does her very best to do her job well thus creating a perfectly tuned nurse who knows how to handle anything thrown at her. She focuses so intently in her job that it became a habit and soon after, became her special attribute and the mask she grew accustomed to wearing. But inside, Yi Xiuying is quite a shy and reserved person who devotes herself to knowledge and thus pays great respect to those who know more than she does.     

After she settled back in her seat, Ashraf looked around and finally stood up to introduce himself. The others looked at him wearily because Ashraf is well known in Yi Lan. He was known as quite an eccentric man—though he ranks lower than Han Yu Shou still…he is considered a bona fide weirdo. He looked so handsome with his Egyptian accented facial feature and his keen sense of fashion this evening. Every eye were on him the moment he stood up and revealed his truly gifted height. "I'm Doctor Ismael Ashraf, 30 years old"     

Everyone had a smile on their face when the introduction finally ended. Most people in Sunnyside BBQ house situated near their table can't help but get blinded at their sight. Their table was sparkling, it was filled with beautiful and handsome people each with their unique charm! Even though the smoke was lingering around and slightly blinding some of them, they still cannot help but look at them as though tempted by an unknown force.     

Truly, Table 51 is shinning brightly that evening.     

"Our surgery tomorrow is a Thoracic Aortic Dissection Repair" Hou Wei Yan began once the introduction was finished. She needs to inform them thoroughly of tomorrow's surgery.     

Thoracic Aortic dissection, or a tear in the innermost layer of the heart, can trigger a number of high-risk complications like heart failure, stroke, or even a rupture of the aorta, making its repair vital to the survival of the patient. Since there was already a rupture of the aorta, the patient needs immediate treatment. They need to remove the area of dissected aorta and rebuild the blood vessel with a synthetic graft.     

Hou Wei Yan had already performed this surgery a couple of times back when she was in Mortham Private Hospital and still under the disguise of 'The Daredevil'. She could do it in a very terrifying speed but what she needs in this surgery is not the record of her agility, but her chosen teammate's work ethics. She needs to know just how good they are and how they can help her go through the surgery without any damage done to the patient.     

"How we will proceed with the surgery is already planned out. The files are already in your office. Go through it tonight or tomorrow morning. I want everyone to be aware of the procedures"     

Jian Guiren who was just as excited as Long Lee in joining the team smiled widely at what she said. With obvious enthusiasm and vigor, Guiren replied. "Got it"     

"Now" Wei Yan began before she raised her glass filled with cold cola. Because they will be performing a surgery tomorrow, Hou Wei Yan chose to take the safe route so they can perform well tomorrow. "Since the formalities are done, let's raise our glasses for a toast!"     

The others flashed their smile as well as they raised their glasses to celebrated the beginning of their journey together. "To our medical team!"     

"To our medical team!" Wei Yan replied back and with one chug, their long evening of getting to know each other began.     


Today was quite a big day and the hospital was filled with buzzing because of Hou Wei Yan once more. She was taking big steps at quite a terrifying speed so they cannot help but feel inclined to watch over her actions. Of course, some are watching over her achievements with grated teeth because obviously, she's a big threat to their positions.     

Han Tengfei took confident strides as soon as he entered Yi Lan and not too soon, his annoying so-called best friend came running towards him. "Yow! Tengfei!"     

"Wen Shan" he muttered without looking back nor slowing down his pace. He need not change his pace to entertain him because he knew, he would catch up and annoy him.     

"How've you been!"     

"Go away" he grumbled in haste. He marched faster than ever because it was nearly time for the surgery commenced. "I'm busy"     

Wen Shan smiled widely at his answer. As usual, Han Tengfei still answers him with as minimal words as possible. Tengfei took a turn towards the elevator and was suddenly baffled when Wen Shan followed him even though his office was on the ground floor. He remained mute even when they entered the elevator, but his patience reached the maximum when he still followed him inside the monitoring room.     

He glared at Wen Shan making him smile cheekily to answer his silent threat. "I came here to watch your Apprentice's show"     

"Then shut up" he immediately remarked making the others who were already inside silent. They instantly made way for him and they took backward steps as silently as possible. They weren't sure if he was referring to them but it's always better to be safe than sorry. "Observe and don't make a noise"     

Provoking Han Tengfei would warrant their jobs so they always walk on eggshells around him. Of course, Wen Shan is the only exception. He was never afraid of what Tengfei can do and has enough audacity to provoke him countless times. Take for example the current situation they're under. Under such circumstances when Han Tengfei reprimands someone, they ought to obey and stay silent, but Wen Shan did the opposite and laughed loudly in front of them. "You're always like this to me. You always act cold but I know you like me deep inside!"     

"I do not" Han Tengfei answered coldly. Like him!? As much as possible, he wants to eradicate him. If it wasn't for his great skills he would already throw him out in the Pacific Ocean! He glared hard at Wen Shan but his gaze softened when he saw Wei Yan's team enter alongside the patient. "They're here"     

"Would you look at that" Wen Shan remarked the moment he saw the beautiful yet fearsome brunette of the Anesthesiology Department. A smirk donned his face when he saw how diligent she was working and smiled, even more, when he noticed that she's working with her little brother. Their relationship is more like Tom and Jerry so no one dared put them at the same place. Even inside, they still glared at one another from time to time, but they were steadily working on their respective jobs making the spectators surprised by this development. "Stingy Anesthesiologist He is with your apprentice"     

"She made quite a team, Master Han" one of the higher rank doctors said with a smile on her face. She was clearly surprised when she saw He Lan and He Zihao and secretly applauded Hou Wei Yan for employing both of them even though it reeks of trouble. She must have seen just how good they are and already has a plan on controlling their fights. Whatever her team does from now on, she will surely look out after them with enthusiasm.     

Somebody else said and he was one of those skeptical of this team. He has great respect for He Lan but having He Zihao around her changes everything. She becomes another person when her little brother is around and their little argument often leads to serious fights that would take ages to resolve. "Now all that's left is to show us what they got"     

"Aren't you nervous, Tengfei?" Wen Shan dared ask. Tengfei remained mute to their remarks and his face still displayed the coldness he always wears to everyone around him.     

He slightly looked at him from his side before he sighed. What's there to ask about!? The moment he appointed Hou Wei Yan his apprentice, he had never once felt nervous before her surgeries. She already has plenty of experience despite her young age so he instinctively placed his full trust in her. "I believe in my apprentice and the people she managed to recruit"     

"You're surely showing favoritism" Wen Shan remarked earning the attention of everyone inside. Although unable to nod their head because it could incur Han Tengfei's wrath, some of them cannot help but scream 'Yes' in their mind. He rarely hands down important and risky operations to someone, and yet he did it for Hou Wei Yan for the second time already.     

Surely, that can be considered Favoritism!     

"I'm not" Han Tengfei answered coldly, his face still devoid of emotions. He was someone who doesn't like to clarify things when it's unnecessary but he felt obligated to tell them his reason for trusting this surgery to Hou Wei Yan.     

"I just entrusted the surgery to a capable person" he blurted out after quite a long pause. The moment he said this, everyone looked at one another, trying their best to decode what he said. Does he mean they aren't as capable as Hou Wei Yan!? Isn't that far too absurd!? They have more experience than her, how can she compare!?     

Noticing the negative vibe slowly seeping out of their minds, Han Tengfei can't help but sigh at them. If always feared him and never dared ask for his graces, yet now that he's showing how kind he can get, they bear their fang against his student! He wants to scold them thoroughly and reprimand them for such atrocity, but he decided to take a different path and make them move their asses on working diligently. They want his recognition, then they need to earn it! "Of course if others show me that they are reliable, I could offer them other surgeries as well"     

Everyone looked at one another once he blurted this out. This a golden chance! Han Tengfei is offering them a golden opportunity and none of them wants to throw it away!     

While they are thinking this, Wen Shan chuckled as he looked at Tengfei from head to toe. He's still Han Tengfei everyone perceives as cold for his visuals, but it's obvious that he had changed some of his ideals. "You've changed, Tengfei"     

"And sadly, you didn't change at all" he immediately retorted making Wen Shan chortle. Change is a common occurrence and people are the ones who will decide when to change. He saw plenty of people change, but he chose not to change yet…because in his life there's yet no reason for change.     

Once the patient is sedated and ready for operation, two figures entered the Hybrid Operating Room. The scrub nurses immediately helped both of them wear their operating gowns and gloves. They then placed their *surgical binocular loupes. Once done, Hou Wei Yan and Ismael Ashraf approached the surgical table and took a bow to the Seniors watching them above. Han Tengfei immediately nodded his head in recognition as he carefully watched them from across the glass panel.     

"We'll be performing Thoracic Aortic Dissection Repair. This will be quite tough but I ask of you to remain calm at all costs. Never panic and focus on your job. The patient's fate lies in our hands" Hou Wei Yan calmly said which the others replied with a simple nod. They know what their job is, they are confident of their skills and fully trust the surgeon leading them so the atmosphere inside the Operating room was controlled and calm. "Let's begin Patient Chong Siyu's Thoracic Aortic Dissection Repair"     

"Scalpel" Hou Wei Yan calmly ordered before beginning the initial incision. Her face remained calm as she cut through the patient's chest with Ashraf assisting her.     

"There's no blood at all" someone muttered in surprise. Hou Wei Yan's cut was clean and precise making those first-timers in watching her surgery nod their head in acknowledgment. "And she's fast"     

Ashraf then placed retractors to hold the incision open. They then got a clear view of the surgical field but as blood oozes out from the open incision, they need to remove the fluid for a clearer sight. "Suction"     

"Her coordination with Ashraf is amazing" one of the Chief Doctors muttered as he intensely observed their movements. The two of them are well coordinated with one another that the surgery is going in an unfathomable speed. Their movements are fast and precise and nothing is amiss their surgery. It's like watching two doctors who already did such surgery a thousand times! Not to mention, their other members are doing their jobs well, silently and precisely handling them tools within a second!     

"Both of them moves fast and their members aren't shaken at all despite this many eyes on them" he added with a smile on his face. He then slowly turned towards Han Tengfei who was silently watching his apprentice while the others were singing them praises. He remained stoic and it was clearly shown in his face that he fully trust her and her team. She's a beast and Han Tengfei clearly knows this. "Truly, she's worthy of the title Master Han's apprentice"     

Upon hearing the Directors praise, Han Tengfei gave out a little smile before he muttered to himself a little praise for his most trusted apprentice. "You impressed me again, Wei Wei"     

The surgery continued and it went well and smoothly. Hou Wei Yan knew the procedures well and thus there were no unexpected incidents during the surgery. Ashraf placed his full trust in her and smoothly assisted her as she went through with their initial course of action for the surgery. He did his best and was able to cope up to her speed making the surgery end earlier than they had initially presumed.     

"The procedure is done. Good job everyone" Hou Wei Yan blurted out after the final stitches were done. She slowly turned towards her team members and gave them an eye smile for the successful surgery. The others smiled her way as well and in no time, the patient was ready to be transported to the Intensive Care Unit. "Give him an IV solution for the blood loss and place him in the ICU until he regains consciousness"     

Sheng Mingzhu nodded her head before she looked at the other nurses who need to accompany her in transporting the patient and making sure that he is stable and recovering. "Got it"     


Once done, Meixiu helped Hou Wei Yan take off her Protective Gears and helped her wear her white coat. Afterward, she turned to Ashraf and handed him his own white coat. Together, the two of them exited the operating room and was immediately greeted by the buzzing crowd of Doctors.     

"Good job for the successful operation, Doctor Hou and Doctor Ashraf" Han Tengfei said with a smile on his face. The others nodded their head in approval and also flashed the two of them an enthusiastic smile.     

Hou Wei Yan blinked a couple of times before she smiled back and bowed at them, showing them extreme gratitude for their remarks. "Thank you for the praise, Master Han"     

"Your operation was fast and concise. I was really amazed" Wen Shan blurted out as he approached Hou Wei Yan and Ashraf. He flashed both of them his brightest smile making them look at one another.     

No wonder Han Tengfei takes detours whenever he sees Wen Shan. He must have been reminded of his own son's eccentric and proactive attitude. Since he was already fed up with Yu Shou, he would naturally stay away from Wen Shan because he reeks of trouble as his son does.     

"We only did the best we could, Director Wen" Wei Yan replied back after a few seconds of silence. She then redirected their gaze at the people behind her who all wore their professional looks. "Besides, it was a team effort so the praise isn't ours alone"     

Her humble attitude created quite a nice vibe in amongst the crowd. Wen Shen silently looked at Han Tengfei and knew then why he would dote on Wei Yan. She does her job well, only takes the credit for what she has done, and gives way to those who have potentials.     

The atmosphere was great given that the surgery was a success and it went without a hitch. But such a clear atmosphere was warped with a heavy burden when a panicked nurse approached them. His cries urged all of them to be on high alert and soon, they were faced with another problem.     

"Master Han, we have an emergency" he mumbled after taking a polite bow. He then handed Han Tengfei the results of the CT Scan with shaking hands. The ER was filled with patients and this one is in need of a particular Doctor. "We need a cardiothoracic surgeon immediately"     

"A wire stuck inside his heart" Wen Shan mumbled after he received the results from Han Tengfei. Quite baffled, he turned towards the shaking nurse who obviously knows the details of the accident. "What happened?"     

"A young man was brought in the Emergency Room. He had a small external injury so we didn't pay that much attention" he admitted which made some of them frown. Working in the ER requires utmost dedication and they are always asked not to discriminate patients. No matter how small the injury, inside the ER it still needs immediate response and utmost attention. Forgetting such basic principles could bring dire situations. "But his mother wanted a CT Scan so we did as she wanted and we found a little wire directly stuck in his heart. He said he was mowing their backyard when something suddenly hit him in the chest. It looked like an external wound so they didn't rush him to the hospital"     

After hearing what the nurse said, Han Tengfei nodded his head before snatching the results from Wen Shan's grasp. He then turned towards Hou Wei Yan and Ashraf, his gaze serious and was without a doubt concerned for the patient. "Can you operate?"     

Hou Wei Yan looked at Ashraf before she looked behind her. Meixiu and the others all nodded their heads and she nodded back to confirm their cooperation. Afterward, she faced Han Tengfei again and looked at him with determination. She received the results without hesitation.     

"Send the patient to the operation room. Prepare him for immediate surgery" he instructed to her medical team waiting on the sidelines. They immediately did as they were asked and rushed towards the ER to prepare the patient. "Ashraf and I will plan how to handle the operation"     

Once they rushed out, she looked back at Han Tengfei and took a bow. "Please excuse us"     

"Tengfei, you're really cruel" Wen Shan grumbled as he poked Tengfei's side. Hou Wei Yan and Ashraf were already out of their sight so he made his moves on Tengfei again causing some of them to sigh at his actions. "Aren't you overworking your apprentice?"     

"One will never know the extent of her potential without going past her limits" he coolly replied as he began walking away. The others remained there while Wen Shan jogged to follow him. "There's nothing more to see here, why don't you try working for once?"     

Wen Shan frowned at what he said. "Hey, you make me sound like a lazy bum!"     

"Action speaks louder than words" he blurted out before totally leaving him as the elevator doors closed. Once he arrived at his office's floor, his assistant came running towards him. "When will our recruits arrive?"     

"Probably a week from now" Zu Deming immediately replied as they began walking towards the office. Han Tengfei, under Ji Li Zhao's insistence, began recruiting foreign doctors for Yi Lan Hospital. Most of them are Emergency Doctors and General Surgeons for the A&E Department. Of course, alongside the recruitment comes the expansion of the Hospital and the continuation of the Hospital Dorm Project which was thrown to the side because of lack of funds and because many argued that it's a waste of money.     

Han Tengfei convinced Ji Li Zhao to continue the project because he knows just how tired their medical staff can get and some even live quite far from Yi Lan. They can rest and live in the dorms and if an emergency ever arises, they can easily call for them.     

"Are their accommodations and places prepared?" he asked because the Hospital Dorm Project is still underway. Considering that they are mostly foreigners and Chinese Doctors who wish to return to China, they naturally need a place to stay in and as their employer, they need to provide it to them.     

"Yes" Deming replied without haste. Luckily, Emerald Apartments which is under Ji Conglomerate had exactly ten spots vacant for them. The Hospital also gave them enough funds to pay for the rent until the Hospital Dorm is finished. "We had already sorted them out according to their specialization. The hospital took care of their lodgings"     

"Good" Han Tengfei said with as he sighed in relief. Once he entered his office, he suddenly remembered that he had undeniably neglected his sons stay in Yi Lan. He hasn't asked for a report in weeks now because it causes him nothing but headaches. Did he cause another trouble or did his son miraculously turned to a new leaf? "And how's my son doing?"     

Zu Deming looked away for a split second before he looked back at Han Tengfei. His face displayed nothing but troubling news. "Should I be honest?"     

"Go on"     

"He's surgeries are doing fine...but other than that he's failing" he reported with worry. He wasn't worried about Han Yu Shou, he was actually worried about Yi Lan. Under his continuous mess, could their Hospital still go on!? "He spends most of his time coiled up in Doctor Hou's office. He accepts the gifts meant for her and keeps it for himself, according to his assistant"     

"That brat" Han Tengfei grimaced. Han Yu Shou is his son but even he gets surprised by his shamelessness. He wasn't like this before and his wife was certainly brutal yet cute. How in the world did his son become like this!? "Call him to my office. I need to scold him thoroughly"     

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