The Emperor's Pampered Wife

Medication Is A Must

Medication Is A Must

Yingjie was once more in the table filled with food he wasn't supposed to eat. He glanced at Wei Yan who was placing macaroons on her plate. "Big Sister, is it really okay for me to eat as I want?"     

"I told you, didn't I? It's your cheat day so eat whatever you want" Wei Yan said with a smile on her face. "Promise me you'd brush your teeth afterward and drink your milk"     

"Of course"     

"Little Sister" Yu Shou called out again making Wei Yan frown. This psycho is really annoying her right now.     

"Can you please stop addressing me that way? You're irritating and I don't want them to misunderstand something"     

Yu Shou looked around but he only smiled. "But you're my little sister"     

"I don't want a weirdo for a big brother" she immediately blurted out, not wanting to be associated with a crazy man like him. Even if he is Yixue's son, his annoyance is something she can't bear. "If my Jun Shen hears of this, he'll go after your head"     

"Puh-lease" Yu Shou said while laughing. "Jun Shen is way out of my league"     

"Are you sick or something?"     

"Little Sister, I'm healthy" he retorted, a huge smile plastered on his face as he looked down at his lower level. "In every aspect"     

"For a weirdo like you, I think medication is a must" Wei Yan said while cringing at what he was implying. Bloody hell, she wasn't curious about that at all!     

Yu Shou, sensing her grimace, laughed and chortled at her cuteness. "I'm proud to be weird. I'm unique that way"     

"I can even proudly say that Little Sister will fall deeply in love with me if I put my heart in it" he added, drawing closer once more only to be pushed away by Wei Yan's hands.     

"Stop picking a fight with me, Yu Shou"     

"If you start calling me Brother Han, then I might just stop" Yu Shou said once more, not wanting to drop the subject.     

"You monkey"     

Yu Shou laughed at how amusing this is. He liked how Wei Yan forgoes her angelic nature to fight his annoyance back. "Look whose talking"     

"Tom and Jerry" Yingjie suddenly blurted out taking both of them by surprise. Slowly, they turned towards the plump kid staring intently at them.     


"You two look like Tom and Jerry" he clarified with a proud smile on his face.     

"Baozi, don't lump me up with a fool like him" Wei Yan said with a sigh before glaring at the smiling idiot. "Stop, annoying me!"     

"Brother Han" Yu Shou said while shaking his head. "Call me Brother Han and I will leave you alone"     

"For the night, that is" he added making Wei Yan flare up once more. Can he just stop?!     

Yingjie, quite amused by his sister's reaction chuckled. He likes this, but no matter what happens, he will always be on Wei Yan's side. "Big Sister, let the little kid have his moment or else he will cling on you to the ends of the earth"     

"Fine" Wei Yan stated with a pout. "Brother Han"     

When she saw Yu Shou with no reaction, she tilted her head and asked him in an annoyed tone. "Happy?"     

"I'm extremely happy, Wei Wei" Yu Shou beamed, the smile on his face bigger than ever. If he was annoying earlier, well, he maxed out.     

After a few seconds, he turned to the plumpy kiddo and frowned. "What did you call me? Little kid?"     

"Uncle, you look like a creep" Yingjie honestly stated while backing away. Yu Shou kept on alternating from a smile and frown. He is indeed a unique lunatic.     

"You brat. I said I will leave Wei Yan alone, but I shall not let you off the hook" he grumbled before pulling Yingjie toward him. "Big Brother needs your companion"     

Yingjie's eyes rounded in horror as Han Yu Shou locked him in his grasp. He kicked and thrashed around but surprisingly, Yu Shou was strong enough to stop his movement. "Uhhh, nooooooo!!!"     

"Big Sister!!!" he called out with a pleading look on his face.     

Wei Yan's face contorted in worry as she saw Yingjie's struggle. "Yu Shou!"     

"Enjoy the night, Little Sister" Yu Shou shouted as he walked away. "I will enjoy it as well"     

Wei Yan was left there dumbfounded by how fast everything transpired. Yu Shou took Yingjie and before she knew it, they were out of her sight.     

"Hey! Let me go!" Yingjie repeatedly shouted as Han Yu Shou dragged him to a room. However, no matter how strong he struggles, it was all futile. "Idiot Han!"     

"Listen, Brat, I need to talk with you" Yu Shou said as he closed the door. He then released the child before frowning. "So shut up and stop resisting"     

"What is this about?"     

Yu Shou arched his brows at him before sighing. "You hacked into our computer, didn't you?"     

There was silence in the room. Both of them stared into one another, trying to test the capabilities of the other. However, Yingjie smirked all of a sudden and released a terrifying chuckle. "How did you reach that conclusion?"     

"You jerk, I called for Makio and learned your identity" Yu Shou exclaimed. They were quite baffled by the one who hacked them and they were even more shocked to learn of who it is.     

It was Cao Yingjie. The brat Wei Yan was babysitting and the one who Fang dubbed as Li Zhao's love rival.     

"Why did you do it?"     

Yingjie smirked before taking a seat at the spacious couch. He only does such things for his family, and his two family members are his mother and Hou Wei Yan. "For Sister"     

"Wei Yan?" Yu Shou asked, dumbfounded by his answer. Wei Yan ordered him to hack their servers? What was her purpose?     

Does she even know of Palisades?     

"She asked you to hack our computer?" he asked for confirmation only to be laughed at by Yingjie.     

"Why would she?" he blurted out, his eyes dancing in mischief. Well, he wanted to test Palisades, and he got want he wanted. "I did that for my own gain. I wanted to learn Ji Li Zhao's situation, the truth of their past, and the people who will soon become a part of my Sister's life. Her protection is a big deal to me so knowing the possible allies and threats is my first priority"     

As Yu Shou stared at Yingjie in disbelief and horror, two people emerged from the other door. "I never thought a young child would manage to hack us"     

Yingjie immediately turned to the source of the voice. He saw two men, but the one who caught his attention was the jet black-haired man with the same eyes as him, wearing glasses and simple looking gray hoodies.     

"Einstein" he called out. "Am I right?"     

Makio couldn't help but chuckle before ruffling his own messy hair. "You even know our codenames"     

Yingjie shook his head before glancing at the man behind him. If he remembers correctly, he's Brett Ramos codename Big Brother.     

After sensing the man oddly staring at him, Yingjie turned back to Makio and frowned. "Not all of you. I was blocked before I could gather enough information"     

"You didn't gather enough?" Makio asked while laughing. "I'm fascinated by your greed, young child"     

Makio draws closer to the child before he offered his hands for a handshake. "I'm Shun Makio, codename Einstein"     

"A pleasure to meet you, I'm Cao Yingjie" Yingjie replied while gently shaking his hands. As both of them faced each other, Yu Shou and Brett can't help but look at one another.     

Somehow, Makio and Yingjie look like one another. Even their aura feels the same.     

Is this something common for IT Geniuses?     

"What you did to us was quite something, Yingjie. Normally, you would be punished or threatened" Makio blurted out making the other two return to their senses. "But you're a special case. You're related to the Madame after all"     

Yingjie chuckled at him before turning serious once more. "Please don't beat around the bushes. Tell me what you want"     

"Join us"     

When faced with such an offer, especially from Palisades, one cannot simply dismiss it. But like what he said, Yingjie is a special case and he knows that very well. "What if I refuse?"     

"Would you refuse? I don't know who honed you but I'm sure you're a genius even without anyone's help" Makio answered with conviction. "But you're still young and you know the restrictions of that"     

"Would you still refuse knowing that we have the best facilities and information network around?"     

Palisades is indeed a prestigious organization. Their facilities are beyond comprehension so such an offer is a juicy steak. Normally that is. "You have a point and I won't refuse. But unless I see progress in Li Zhao and Big Sister's relationship, you would have to walk on eggshells around me"     

"There's no way I would enter Palisades without a guarantee" he added, his face concerned and it was only for his beloved Big Sister.     

"Looks like another headache has come to Palisades" he replied with a chuckle. After a few seconds, Makio placed his hoodie and turned around. "Then, I shall see you sooner or later"     

"We'll see" Yingjie answered before glaring at Han Yu Shou. He was quite angry. He could have said that Makio wanted to meet, there was no reason for him to drag him around like a sack of rice.     

Once Makio and Brett left the room, Makio let out a smile that caught Brett by surprise. Well, the Makio he knows is an anti-social geek who hardly smiles at someone warmly.     

Is he smiling in such a way because he acknowledges, Yingjie? Because he found a child with the same ability as him? "Man, I love that kid"     

"If another organization gets their hands on him, we will be placed in a serious predicament" Brett blurted out, quite concerned of Yingjie's vague answer. He needs a guarantee before entering and the thing he wants is something not even them is sure to happen.     

"Do you think they have a chance?" Makio retorted, his voice filled with confidence. "That kid sticks like a piece of gum to our Lady Boss. I don't think he would ever join others knowing fully well where Wei Yan belongs"     

"But doesn't he have a weakness?"     

"His mother?" Makio asked before turning away. Truth be told, he didn't get much information about Yingjie's mother but he can't blurt that out. "Well just have to make sure she won't be a weakness"     

"Anyway, Makio, he looks like you. Don't you find that odd?" Brett said all of a sudden making Makio stare at him strangely.     

"We have the same hair and eyes. Does that have to mean something?"     

"You know that's not what I mean" Brett answered before sighing. Their similarity when Makio was young is uncanny. How can he not find that odd?     

Well, he can't push the subject when Makio refuses to answer anything more. "Let's return to the base. We still have a lot of men to train"     

Back to Yu Shou and Yingjie. Yu Shou stared at the brat before him, his eyes filled with amusement. "Brat, you're terrifying"     

"I take that as a compliment, Idiot Han" Yingjie answered before getting off the couch and walking out the room.     

"So you know the truth? You know Wei Yan's conditions?" Yu Shou had to ask. According to Makio, Li Zhao got infuriated because most of the information taken was about him and Wei Yan.     

"Her losing her memory twice?" he asked before nodding his head. "Yes. Yes, I know"     

"Say, did Wei Yan have relapses of her memories when she was in America?"     

"No" Yingjie answered, quite sure that his Big Sister lost everything there is about her childhood lover. "Ji Li Zhao has been wiped from her memories like a clean slate"     

"But she remembers me. She lost her childhood memories, how can she remember me?" Yu Shou asked, still unable to move on from his earlier conversation with Wei Yan that sent him into a panic.     

"You're a doctor. You should be the one answering those questions" Yingjie retorted making Yu Shou shut up.     

That's right, he's the doctor. Yingjie is just an IT Genius, he's just a child too mature for his age.     

"This is just my guess. Isn't it because you're not the culprit of her accident?" Yingjie suddenly brought up making Yu Shou frown. "This will sound painful, but Li Zhao getting wiped off her memories is a product of his negligence"     

"He didn't do it" he immediately answered. Li Zhao may have something to do with Wei Yan's trauma but he too is a victim of their circumstances.     

"I don't blame him...In fact, I pity him" Yingjie said while nodding his head. Indeed, Li Zhao isn't the sole reason for Wei Yan's amnesia but he was unable to protect her...that's his setback. "That's why I want him to make a move before he regrets his decision"     

Once they entered the jubilant venue, Yingjie approached the children near them. "Hello, I'm Cao Yingjie. Nice to meet you"     

All the kids looked at him weirdly. Where did this mushroom come from?     

He came out of nowhere that none of them could react to his sudden appearance.     

Except for a young lady with a cute pink ribbon on her hair. "Hello, Yingjie"     

The child gave Yingjie a warm smile which made him feel welcomed. "I'm Jiang Nana"     

"I saw you earlier, entering with the newbie" a child suddenly blurted out taking Yingjie's attention off Jiang Nana.     

"Newbie?" Wei Yan, a newbie?     

"Yeah, that lady in black. I heard she climbed in someone's bed so she could attend this convention" the child beside the one who said Wei Yan was a newbie stated which made the children look at one another.     

How can they say such things at such an early age? It's ridiculous.     

Is this how their social circle work?     

"Did your mother climb your father's bed as well to get to her position?" Yingjie said after a few seconds.     

The child older than him stepped in with a scary look on his face. "What are you talking about?!"     

"Don't talk nonsense" Yingjie answered, his voice filled with anger, warning, and obvious danger. His sudden tone and the way he looked at them like they are convicted criminals made them shiver. "The medical field may be prestigious, but you shouldn't overindulge yourself. After all, true skills speak volume than some petty connections"     

"I'm sure the adults will agree with me on this" he added sending the children to cower in silence.     

"Hey, Yingjie. Is she your Big Sister?" Jiang Nana asked, unaffected of his display of intimidation.     

"She is" Yingjie immediately answered, his voice calmer and warmer as he stared at hi Big Sister. "Beautiful isn't she?"     

"Yeah" Jiang Nana replied, her eyes not leaving Wei Yan's graceful figure. "She's beautiful"     

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