The Emperor's Pampered Wife



As Wei Yan and her family, consists of her father, grandfather and cousin Xing Qiu entered the registrar, the hall turned to a gleeful ambiance. The main guard , Fang Tao walked ahead and confirmed Hou Wei Yan's arrival to the head of the office. The whole registrar was shut down for the day and it was all Ji Li Zhao's doing. His name was enough to make Ahn Yong, head of the office, shut the office for the day. But alas, Ji Li Zhao personally sought his permission leaving him ecstatic to see who made such a powerful man go crazy.     

Ahn Yong greeted Hou Guanyu with a smile. Of course, its the daughter of the Hou Household! As he expected it was them!     

Considering their status in the big circle and their position as one of the 12 regal families, it makes sense the Ji's are itching to marry their family. "Guanyu, it's been a while. I never would have thought I'd get the privilege of witnessing your daughter's marriage here"     

Hou Guanyu smiled back at his old friend. "Thank you for preparing things, Yong"     

He nodded his head and gave a polite bow to Hou Tian Lang. Ahn Yong was a good friend of Guanyu back in their school days. Because both of them get along when it comes to naughtiness, he always meets Hou Tian Lang in the process. "Master Hou"     

"Good to see you, Ah Yong" he said with a smile. Afterward, he gently pulled Hou Wei Yan where Ahn Yong can see, he held a smile of pride. "Our Xiao Yan is back, and she's a doctor now"     

Ahn Yong was taken by surprise. He always knew Xing Mei Yi and Hou Guanyu's offspring would look good. But the woman standing before him is far from good looking. She looked angelic with her sweet smile. "Uncle Ahn"     

"Its good to see you back, Xiao Yan" he said and looked at the CCTV above. So Ji Li Zhao was ultimately taken by her charm. He wanted to give Ji Li Zhao a thumbs up for choosing Hou Wei Yan as his wife via CCTV but he stopped himself and just gave a pleased smile. He had looked after her once when she was young and knew then she would become a good wife.     

After their brief greeting, they proceeded inside the registrar's office with Ahn Yong leading the way. All the papers; her birth certificate, certificate of marriageability, household registration book, and health certificate are all complete and neatly piled on the table. He instantly settled them in while Fang Tao closed the door and guarded it from the inside.     

"All you have to do is sign the papers" Ahn Yong said as he noticed Wei Yan looking around the room probably looking for her supposed to be husband.     

"Did he finish already?" she asked all of a sudden and sat comfortably on the couch. She could clearly see that what remains on the table was all her files and not his. All traces of him was completely erased.     

"Is he taking this wedding seriously?" she added.     

She cannot stop but ask such a question because even though she was told of some weird rules, she was willing to obey and commit her whole being to this marriage. But her future husband seems like he didn't take her seriously. She understood his circumstances and she accepts it, but he could have at least came to their wedding even if he stays in the room or gets covered by a blanket or something. On her weird and secret wedding day, his presence would have made a big difference.     

"Sister Yan" her cousin, Xing Qiu called out softly. He knew Ji Li Zhao because he somehow works for him and he knew best how much Ji Li Zhao loves her. But he has to sacrifice to ensure her safety and not trigger her trauma. "For him to go on such lengths, it's obvious he takes this seriously"     

Hou Wei Yan looked at him and smiled. Ah, a good wife tries to understand the situation and her husband, not doubt all the time. She looked at the papers laying flat on the table and slowly smiled. This should be a happy day for her. She shouldn't fill it with bad vibes.     

"Where should I sign?"     


The room fell in silence as Wei Yan voiced out her doubt. At that time, Ji Li Zhao and Huang Xun weren't alone in the room. That day was a memorable day and so, Ji Li Zhao's best friends went to witness it live on his big-screen television situated in the living room inside Li Wei Mansion.     

The first one to ever say a word was the naughty one Han Yu Shou who happened to be the closest to Ji Li Zhao and the one considered to be akin to a brother. "If I was little sister, I'd ask the same thing too"     

Li Zhao remained silent at his statement because he knew for himself he disappointed his wife. His other friend, Fan Shunyuan gave him a serious look. "Li, you decided to pursue this path, this is only the beginning"     

Shunyuan was one of the many people who disagree with his method. He strongly believes there are other ways to handle his relatives where both of them don't have to suffer from him hiding his identity.     

"I know" he simply replied and fell into silence again.     

His other friend sighed. "Why don't you go to her right now? Ah Yan must be dying for her husband's presence right now"     

Among them, the one that can be called a veteran in wife wooing is none other than Shi Song. He used to be a jerk-ish playboy who stole a whole lot of hearts from both sexes. But he fell in his own hellish hole of heartbreaks after meeting his wife and from then on used his romantic abilities in pleasing her and her alone. "Cindy said it's important for us to be there at their most important and memorable moments. It serves as an assurance to them"     

Qian Zhiqiang nodded his head in agreement. He was the cold and serious type in the group, though Ji Li Zhao often overtakes that spot when some serious matter regarding Hou Wei Yan arises. Zhiqiang was the second one to get married right after Shi Song. He was a complete mess back then because it was arranged and his wife was a total nosy and noisy brat. But as time flew by he found himself entangled in her charm that now he can be called Shi Song's disciple in wife wooing.     

Han Yu Shou observed Ji Li Zhao's reaction. Everyone was engrossed in Wei Yan's marriage signing except the naughty him. He was focused on Ji Li Zhao and his gleeful smile didn't go unnoticed under his radar.     

"Do you want to hug her?" he asked all of a sudden taking all of them in utter surprise.     

Ji Li Zhao observed his friend and instantly noticed the spiral of seriousness, innocence, and curiosity in his demeanor. He doesn't know why this naughty brother asked but he can only trust and answer.     

He slowly nodded his head and focused his gaze back on his wife. Yes. His Wife. Finally, officially his wife. "Want"     

Everyone in the room fell silent and was obviously struck shock by his answer. Li Zhao hates Yu Shou's questions. In the group, the two of them spent the longest time together but he clearly stated he hated his questions and can even barely tolerate his pranks.     

For him to answer, is indeed surprising!     

Shi Song whose top 2 in naughtiness went with the flow and took the opportunity to ask more. "Do you want to kiss her?"     

Li Zhao sighed at his answer, his gaze still focused on Wei Yan who now finished signing everything. Damn question! Of course, it's obvious!     

"Want" he's doing his best not to run up to her and force Ahn Yong to say 'You may kiss the bride'     

"Do you want to lay in the bed and embrace her as she sleeps?" Han Yu Shou continued on.     

Right, it's their wedding night. He sighed once more after realizing that she has a secret husband so he obviously can't just walk in and lay in bed with her, nor embrace her. But...he'd die for it. "Want"     

By then, Zhiqiang's poker face softened as he asked. "Do you want to be her crying shoulders and her only confidant?"     

Based on his experience, this is the best part of being in a relationship. His wife can express herself fully to him and he feels great about it. She's a big cry baby but she only shows that to him and he's grateful for it.     

"Want" he said hesitantly. Cry? Oh, he can't allow her to cry, not on his watch. He will only give her happiness and bliss.     

But if she ever does, he'll be more than her crying shoulder. He will become her soldier and impair whoever made her cry.     

Yu Shou's naughty level skyrocketed as he got Ji Li Zhao's full cooperation and attention.     

"How about planting babies in her tummy, do you want?" he asked all of a sudden with his brows wriggling in mischief.     

His friends face-palmed at his doom. This sicko.     


Of course, Ji Li Zhao was surprised as well. The room fell into silence again.     

Well, having a child with her would be his greatest blessing besides having the honor of placing a wedding ring in her hands. But, that's for the future. The present situation is still dangerous and early. Wei Yan is also at her starting point when it comes to her career, so baring a child might just hinder her freedom.     

But,yeah. He obviously "Want".     

Yu Shou banged the table with annoyance and glee. "Then what are you stupidly waiting for. Dude, your uncle is a tiny ant and it's obvious your wife doesn't remember your happy and tragic past, so why are you torturing yourself and us...the spectators?!"     

His friends didn't nod but they did agree with him secretly. They were his friends and they stood witness to his love and sacrifices. They were the spectators dying for their meeting and wanting to just shove them so they can fasten the pace.     

Li Zhao knows what's running in their head so he didn't answer yet. It was until Wei Yan exited the office and Ahn Yong giving a thumbs up in the CCTV did he find time to answer them. "I designed our marriage to be a process"     

Yu Shou sat back in confusion. Process? What process does he need? It's obvious they are soulmates. As long as they are together, then it's happily ever after kind of a story. That's how things are supposed to go in his perspective!     

He just shook his head at Yu Shou. "Besides, it's better to be safe than sorry. What I want the most is for Wei Yan to slowly adapt to the married life and the house. Once she finishes that phase, I will then show up and let her adapt to my presence and influence in her life"     

Shuyuan turned his gaze at him with seriousness. "Don't tell me that's it, cause I'm sure as hell not buying it"     

He studied Li Zhao carefully and saw him smile as he glanced back at his computer. He quickly changed to another CCTV and observed Wei Yan ask for her siblings' whereabouts.     

"Actually" he said without batting an eye. "I'm following her romantic fantasies"     

His friends were dumbfounded. Romantic fantasies? Since when did he plan this?!     

Zhiqiang looked at Huang Xun who was near him. "And those are?"     

Huang Xun turned his attention towards Li Zhao, obviously asking for permission to speak. Li Zhao slightly nodded his head letting his assistant know that it was fine around them.     

Huang Xun immediately answered. "Masked men. Mysterious lover. Hidden marriage. Secret husband"     

Yu Shou was the first to react. "I can't believe she's into such things"     

"But, you're doing this because its her kind of thing?" Shi Song asked. He knows Wei Yan is a bookworm but it never occurred to him that Li Zhao would turn her reading fantasies into reality.     

"Yes" he answered without hesitation. His wife is his most important person, his very source of life, and he will do anything for her. This is only the beginning of his infinite pampering.     

His friend's jaw dropped while Huang Xun merely smiled. That was his first reaction when Ji Li Zhao told him of his plan. He thought it was a joke but he answered him seriously.     

"'re a wife slave. I never imagined my best friend would become a wife slave in the end" Yu Shou exclaimed in disbelief. Shi Song and Zhiqiang are married but he can't see them as a wife slave. They love their wife but they don't pamper them to this extent!     

"Shut up if you have nothing important to say" Shi Song said, slightly irritated because his friend was too damn good at such things even though he's such a virgin when it comes to romancing a woman.     

Of course as a man and a goofball, Yu Shou was the first to instantly react to his obvious jealousy for getting robbed of his supposed title. He smiled widely and in a teasing voice continued his episode of annoyance. "Awww...anyway, about her memory, I'm sure it won't come back that easily"     

Li Zhao looked at him seriously and thought that if he's not his friend, Yu Shou would probably be fried in boiling oil. When it comes to memory loss, the possibility of memory returning can never be ruled out.     

"That's not 100% sure, so I'm keeping my appearance minimal" he said and sent Fang Tao a message of his approval.     

"Should I test it for you to get convinced?" Yu Shou asked, not wanting to drop the subject about her memory loss yet. He's very confident she won't remember.     

The room temperature suddenly dropped as Li Zhao turned his head and gave him a piercing glance. "Don't even think about it" he warned.     

Everyone shivered in fright because Li Zhao is really protective when it comes to such matters.     

However, Yu Shou continued on with his dumb self and placed his phone in his ear after dialing a VIP friend on the medical field. "Hey, Aven. You're having a convention here in the Imperial right?"     

Huang Xun looked at Yu Shou worriedly and turned his attention to Li Zhao who was listening intently. He found himself dumbfounded by this. His not stopping Yu Shou?     

"Can you make arrangements and make Hou Wei Yan one of Yi Lan's representative. I promise I will be there" he said without even batting an eye at Li Zhao.     

Aven on the other side smiled widely by his suggestion. Well, its easy to make someone the representative but making Han Yu Shou attend such event is beyond hard. His father, Han Tengfei is a well known general surgeon in the country along this son of his. But both of them are extremely peculiar. His father, though having a handful of money never built a hospital for himself. Instead, he built clinics all over the country, specifically on those rural areas having difficulties in their medical needs. This garnered him a good image to the people, but to the other business tycoon he is simply a dumb man for wasting money on unprofitable business. Currently, he's abroad with the other Yi Lan doctors sent for work experience.     

His son Han Yu Shou is no exception. He is under no hospital and just pops out of nowhere when truly needed. Snatching opportunities from others and even mocking them for not doing enough. He often gets in trouble for his naughtiness and provocation but Ji Li Zhao always saves him. Aside that, even though having the support of his family, Yu Shou chose to be Li Zhao's lackey and handles a lot of Zhao's affairs than his family businesses.     

Aven was glad this strange guy proposed such a thing. He instantly approved and went to find Yi Lan's head after hanging up the phone. This is such a rare opportunity, he can't possibly miss it.     

Li Zhao looked at his friend and sighed upon noticing his smile. "Just so you know, Yi Lan is under my rule"     

Yu Shou smiled and chuckled. "Dude, I'm your bestfriend. I know whose under you and I know you'll allow it. This is a good chance for Wei Yan to expand her connections on the medical field. This convention is a big gathering of well known doctors and rising newbies. You know that being a doctor is not all about talent. For her to move forward, she needs connections"     

Noticing their gazes, Yu Shou continued talking. "Though you're the greatest backer she can get...but she doesn't know that and knowing her, she'll never use your power even if she knows"     

"Stop talking and leave" Shunyuan said having enough of his babbling.     

Yu Shou raised his hands up after standing up. "Yeah, yeah. If she remembers me then I will immediately leave. But if she doesn't then let me flirt and test your wife's devotion"     

This time, it was Zhiqiang who reacted and stood up as swiftly as a cheetah. "You---"     

"Opps, too late!"he said and ran out the room with a big smile of mischief plastered in his face.     

Li Zhao sighed and shook his head. "Headache"     

The room fell silent again as the talkative creature was no longer there. The people left in the room were serious ones. Although, Shi Song has his own mischievous blood, when left alone with them he can be quite silent.     

Shunyuan looked around and out of nowhere, he spoke. "I hope he can convince you with this"     

Li Zhao slowly turned towards them one by one. As his gaze fell on Qian Zhiqiang, he instinctively made an X sign with his hands in defense. "Don't look at me, I'm not stopping him this time"     

"Come on, let the kid have his fun" Shi Song butted in and smiled. Yu Shou can be quite excessive with his jokes and pranks, but he's not that dumb to forget their friendship and his sense of consideration. In reality, Yu Shou just wants to help and he's sure of that.     

He stood up, ready to leave. But before crossing the door, he gave an honest smile. "Don't worry, if he triggers her memories, I'd be the first one to strangle him"     

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