Queen Of Hearts Is The CEO's, Mysterious Love.

Living Under A Roof

Living Under A Roof

But as soon as their eyes fell on the person behind Li Na their twisted and disdained faces were fixed manually as if their pressure points were pressed by that man's presence.

Astonished by the sudden change in their expression Li Na follow their gazes as she saw a head-tall than her Lu Jianjun stood beside her like a sentinel with a poker face.

"CEO Lu, it's a great pleasure to meet you." One of the brothers among the two said flatteringly. Hearing the honey-toned voice dripping with over sweetness Li Na glanced at the two men nonchalantly as if she has just spotted something she dislikes.

'Hm, Bootlickers!' she is very well aware of this species of swindlers.

Lu Jianjun gave them a side glance but he didn't reply.

The man got excited by obtaining Lu Jianjun's attention as he said placidly, "CEO Lu, we don't question your authority anymore? We have read the agreement. Li Na is under your authority and you're free to do whatever pleases you with her. You can enjoy the way your- " a mischievous glint in his eyes with an obvious meaning behind his words.

Under your authority? Free to do whatever you please? Enjoy what?

' Who is this shitty-head? How dare he say that?!'

Offended, Li Na's eyes turned cold. Her glare was intense enough as if asking him to take his filthy words back that it did astonish the man to rethink what he just stated as he frowns.

"This is my matter, Li Cheng. None of your business. Get Out!" Lu Jianjun commanded curtly.

The aloof CEO's harsh tone seemed displeased by their unwanted interference thus they didn't dare to stir or meddle into Lu Jianjun's matters further. Their presence was no longer required as their task was done before Li Na entered. However, they just stay behind aspiring to met CEO Lu. Not bad, at least Mr. Lu observed them.

Ethan pointed towards the exit door for them to leave instantly as they smiled and nodded.

With frowning brows, Li Cheng turned to glance at Li Na before he strode out of the mansion.

The old lady sat impassively as Lu Jianjun said curtly, "Elder Li, Whatever it is? Ask me! Li Na doesn't know anything!"

Elder Li sighed before she glanced at her granddaughter, she got up from her seat and slowly came to stand in front of Li Na. She didn't ask for Li Na's presence to talk but to, Pak! Li Na had just turned her head towards the old lady when a burning and solid slap landed on her face. The sound of that tight slap echoed throughout the room.

Li Na's face swung to Lu Jianjun's side as the corner of her lip started to bleed. A mouthful of blood spread in her mouth as she blinked to registered what just happened. Her inner cheeks were cut as she gulps down blood before rolling her tongue over the cut as realization sunk into her. She was slapped. It's good that she wasn't prepared because if she would be then... as a reflex, Li Na's fist balled up. Her eyes flashed with coldness for a mere second before she tightly shut them.

'Don't! Don't do it! She's your Grandmother.' Her jaw clenched tightly. The stinging sensation of the tight slap made her featherbrained for a second as she suppressed her anger. One the other end, the old lady was furious beyond that.

Elder Li fumed as her breathing heaved up and down. " I've never been so disappointed by anyone just as how greatly you've disappointed me. You've not only let me down but you also broke the trust and hopes I'd for you." her pulses growing as her anger went a par.

"Support and care? That's what you needed and we failed to provide you as a family. But let me tell you, the path you have chosen for yourself will definitely leave you alone forever. You disowned our family and chose to be a mistress. Your late father and mother did everything they could to give you a better life. How dare you disrespect them? You're living under a roof with him knowing that he's not going to marry you. You..."

From the sides, Lu Jianjun saw the cut on Li Na's lips bleeding as his brows knitted in disapproval. He looked over the old lady when she raised her hand again to hit in a fit of rage. Li Na saw a shadow as she intuitively closed her eyes expecting another slap.

"That's it!" Lu Jianjun raised his voice and before her hand could be landed on Li Na, he caught the old lady's wrist impulsively.

" You know Li Na has amnesia. So, you better watch your actions and words." Lu Jianjun said coldly, his eyes were getting darker as Elder Li tried to free her hand but Lu Jianjun didn't let her lose thinking she might try to hit Li Na again.

Almost everyone knows that Li Na doesn't remember anything of the past. But it looks like Lu Jianjun didn't make it clear to everyone and no one should blame or assault her based on her prior activities.

She doesn't recognize anything. For this sole reason, Lu Jianjun happened to give Li Na another chance to treat Little Tiger better perhaps this time she can change for good. In an extension to that, he doesn't want her to be traumatized and depressed as she was before it does affect Little Tiger from her behavior.

But somehow, Lu Jianjun did manage to control himself yet others couldn't.

"Lu Jianjun?" Master Lu shouted at his son for interfering in between a grandmother and her granddaughter. Previously, Master Lu was persuading Elder Li to forgive Li Na.

Elder Li twisted her aching wrist slightly because his grip was so tight that she sensed he'll break her bones like snaps of the finger, she glared at the Lu Jianjun and said, "Lu Jianjun!? Let go. I'm..."

Lu Jianjun let lose her hand just then he grabbed Li Na's arm and pulled her towards him. Shocked and effortlessly pulled Li Na looked up and saw the raged man with wide eyes, stunned by what he did just now. She hasn't anticipated any of the people in the room would prefer to go against an old lady of elder Li's age.

Baffled, Elder Li was stunned. She regretted whatever she did for Li Na. She had backed Li Na and tried to help her to deal with problems and addiction although everything went in vain as if she never needed at that. It took Elder Li this long to finally realized as if fixing her granddaughter by slapping some sense into her would probably open this infatuated girl's eyes but to no avail. Infuriated to see them together, Elder Li looked at Li Na hatefully as if she was deceived and her granddaughter has misused her affection wrongly.

"Elder Li, you're too late. You should have slapped her on the day Li Na began to take drugs rather than pitying the situation she was in. Maybe, she wouldn't have gone this far."

" Now that you're done with Li Na. Then, leave her to me." Lu Jianjun said as he shot a glance towards his father who had forced him to bring Li Na here. Lu Jianjun knew there was nothing to talk about or discuss between the granddaughter and grandmother. Li Na has disowned her own family legally years before so there's no point in meddling into this.

Naturally, Elder Li was furious to know that Li Na knew Lu Jianjun way before she warned her granddaughter to stay away from him. Li Na was with Lu Jianjun way before when he came to meet the Elder lady asking for her legal custody. On top of that, Li Na, on her own, took that decision and now they're in a live-in relationship which is never going to be legal as he won't marry her. Ever.

Little did she knows, Lu Jianjun did that for Little Tiger's custody, as per Li Na saying he can have Little Tiger's full custody only after he has her guardianship. As she was a parentless child and also underage at that time of her pregnancy, so it does become necessary for him.

Knowing that it's worthless to argue on this matter, Lu Jianjun grabbed Li Na's wrist and took her along.

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