Queen Of Hearts Is The CEO's, Mysterious Love.

Safe And Secure

Safe And Secure

Leaning back on the seat, Li Na sat there with a calm expression but internally, each cell of her body was roaring inwardly. It was hard for her not to do anything and watch the play of her life when she has nothing to do with all this.

Why I'm paying for Li Na's deeds? Why do I have to go through all this? What wrong I did in my past life to go through this?

She raised her hand to press her throbbing temples. A mild headache rapidly rising along with the stinging sensation of the tight slap which was imprinted on her pale face.

Slowly, Her eyelids became heavy and she felt like drowning and drifting into the darkness which seems endless.

After a while, she hears a light voice calling out her name. She did listen to that male voice fading away when the sensation of cold fingers lightly tapping on her cheeks jarred up her a little bit. Her brows knitted as she shudders from cold wind hitting her skin. Slightly awake, she tried hard to open her eyes but found it difficult to lift her heavy and sleepy eyelids.

Lu Jianjun saw her struggling to open eyes but just as he touched her face he felt his hand burnt. Her body was boiling with high temperature. He saw her lashes trembled hard but, she couldn't open them.

It was still drizzling as the weather turned cold and wet. Lu Jianjun hates been soaked in rain thus he didn't wish to stand there getting drenched by rain. With no choice left, he took a deep breath and carried her out of the car as if lifting a weightless child. Just as he picked her in his arms she shuddered to make him worried about her increased temperature. Quickly, he walked into the villa. On the way, he ordered a maid to call the Doctor as he took her to the bedroom.

Her body was drained and worn out she could feel the pain in her dazy state which was unbearable to bear. Her head on the verge of exploding as a teardrop unknown to her slip from the corner of her closed eyes.

Lu Jianjun carefully laid her onto the bed when he noticed a teardrop rolling out of her eyes. When he saw the handprint stamped on her and her cheek has swelled no wonder the sound of that slap reverberated when she was hit. Lu Jianjun's brows creased thinking that as it also gave her a cut on her lower lip. Looking at her condition like this he felt as if she was abused and slandered severely. This single drop and her moist eyelashes trembling shocked Lu Jianjun. He stood there, staring at the tears flowing out in trance as he didn't quite understand if it's just fever and the hurtful slap, or she was hurt somewhere else to cry in her sleep.

The maid's voice came from outside the room as she informed the doctor.

He hummed in reply and told her to bring cotton cloth and lukewarm water and wipe Li Na's face clean and apply some ice pack on her swollen cheek afterward as the maid quickly went to collect the required things. A few seconds passed Lu Jianjun bends to pull over the blanket covering her.

Suspecting something must have happened between Little Tiger and Li Na, that Lu Jianjun left in hurry. When he earlier spoke with Butler Wu, the old man had briefly informed him about Little Tiger's devastation after facing Li Na and how the boy cried his heart out for him later. But till the time Lu Jianjun arrived, exhausted Little Tiger went to sleep after a lot of crying as no one could coax or stop the little guy from wailing.

Shortly, the doctor also arrived.


In the living area, Lu Jianjun sat with his legs crossed one over the other whereas Butler Wu reporting the whole situation without been biased starting from the day Lu Jianjun left. He didn't miss out on any of their banters and fights. He even told his master about Li Na's organized behavior over the past weeks. It did surprise Lu Jianjun that she didn't protest or opposed the restriction upon her. Unconsciously, his eyes drifted to look at the girl lying on the bed across the room as he can see her through the open the door from where he sat.

The Doctor was treating the patient whereas Lu Jianjun's eyes were fixed on her drained face. He didn't know why but he remembered her bright appearance from days before he left which now seemed as sullen and quiet like something major happened.

Was she shocked and unhappy knowing about Little Tiger?

Before he went on the trip, Lu Jianjun gave them a few orders to collect everything about Li Na's past history and help her in adjusting. Somewhat, Lu Jianjun expected her to ask questions as she will be wanting to know from them being lost and clueless about her past life.

As he told both the young men to cooperate. Because they know more about her than Lu Jianjun himself.

Lu Jun-hui knows and has the whole records of Li Na for the past five years related to her work life whereas Bai Tian is her classmate as they study together so Bai Tian is familiar with her friends she used to hang out thus he cany help her with school life.

But to Lu Jianjun's surprise, his boys didn't choose to behave themselves. Rather than helping her they opt to ignore her even after he warned them to behave. Certainly, they planned to misguide Li Na by taking advantage of her condition to get rid of her but been warned they couldn't step over the boundary so they did nothing.

For which Lu Jianjun had to punish them as they overlooked Little Tiger's miseries. As a result, both Lu Jun-hui and ttBai Tian were harshly bashed by their boss for not doing the given work. They were punished as they spent the entire night, kneeling out in the rain while Lu Jianjun sat outside to monitor them. Resulting by the time dawn hit their knees were scraped and legs sorer.

Although Lu Jianjun did his own work sitting under the shade as he just couldn't relax or sleep. He has always been careful about Little Tiger's tears as his little boy had often cried in his sleep whenever Little tiger couldn't express or share his pain thus seeing Li Na too shedding tears somewhat bothered him.

While doing his work, sometimes he sat still and distracted, as if in a daze thinking a long time. Though he then resumed working remembering that the girl and his little boy were soundly asleep in their rooms.

Safe and secure.

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