Queen Of Hearts Is The CEO's, Mysterious Love.

A Name Tattoo

A Name Tattoo

Seeing Li Na wide awake, Elder Li began to sympathize with her as if soothing a teenager. Bewildered, the girl on the bed observed the old lady as she was caressing her hair like a mother, tears rolling down the old lady's face but she wiped them off before giving her a wrinkled smile full of hope and love in her eyes.

Dazed, Li Na felt like she was seeing her mother cry for her. Her mother always scolds her for little things saying this and that but she cries her eyes out if her child gets a single scratch or cut. Li Na sensed the same care and concern but this lady is neither her mother nor does she know her.

'And why the hell is she crying so much?' Mystified, Li Na sighed.

When doctors began to ask her questions, how she feels, or if any pain bothers, the girl began to notice something unusual. It was strange how they address her like a spoilt kid. All of them were extremely cautious and alert it's not the way how they must talk to normal patients.

In the effect, a Doctor said to comfort her, " Don't stress too much. You'll be fine, Li Na!"

Confused and bothered, her eyebrows furrowed in doubt, and she desired to know. Unconsciously, she blurted out. "Who's Li Na? and Why are you people keep calling me that? It's you after that old lady. I'm..." she tried to get up while supporting her upper body on one arm and her eyes lowered on the hands. Her hands were slim and skeletal even her skin tone varied. She was so pale and scrawny that her swollen blood vessels were visible to naked eyes. She stares at her palm and hands like this part doesn't belong to her body.

"Li Na! Your name. Have you forgotten your name?" the Doctor looked as he asked her tensely? Did she lose her memories?

'Huh! I'm Mei Xing. It's impossible...'

" I'm..." the girl looked confused and went into deep thoughts when she mechanically raised her hand and touched the space between her brows. Her eyes went wide and a strange panic started to creep in.

Regulating the conscious self, Li Na worked hard to stop herself from panicking. She looked horrified like there were ghosts all around her. 

The Doctor was attempting to communicate with her but she was so engrossed in adapting herself to the unexpected reality that she felt misplaced.

With a muddled head, Li Na look around her she couldn't think straight nor able to digest the reality. She stared at peoples as if she was surrounded by the barbarians. Whereas everyone watched her astonishingly. Li Na looked like she didn't recover from a shock instead encountered a major one. 

'Has she forgotten her memories?' she heard such kind of several murmurs from around. "Ah..." Li Na winced dumbly sensing a needling pain on her arm. Shortly, the injection worked as Li Na fell into a state of dormancy. Following that she was taken for a full-body scan and some specific testing.


The next time she opened her eyes she was still trying to grasp the reality. Whereas Doctors' were consoling her saying she lost her memories. Little did they know she has her memories but not of Li Na's.

For a realistic like Mei Xing, it is totally beyond her wildest believes, beyond the realm of reasons. Even if she would dream something like rebirth or reincarnation she would obviously dissolve into laughter for dreaming an implausible reality. And now at present, that's becoming an unspeakable truth of her existence.

It's Impossible! It's Crazy!

"How do you feel now? Better?" Head Dr. Zhao asked her while examining the data of the report.

Li Na slightly turned her head to see an experienced old man reading a few thick sheets in his hand. Although she was curious like hell and was ready to bombard all the swirling questions in her head about this medical enigma she restrained herself before nodding once.

One question leads to another growing like a chain reaction. If she asked one then she also had to answer the numbers of them and right now, she doesn't want to be discovered or to be in a state of suspicion.

After thoroughly checking up, Dr. Zhao said, "Good, let me know if you feel dizzy, heavy-headed, or in any kind of confusion. Okay!?"

Kind of confusion? Well, I'm a huge mess of confusion!

Unconsciously Li Na raised her left hand to touch the area between her brows just to feel the skin where the bullet entered, she sighed and replied. " I will. Thank you, Doctor!"

Dr. Zhao felt relieved as he smiled at Li Na, previously they were terrified by her shocked expressions they immediately gave her anesthesia. It would not be suitable for her recovery if she underwent a shock the moment she woke up. Her mental strength is low. Firstly they did her brain scanning to look for injury but she endured it. She wasn't that weak as they thought she might be from her medical history, in fact, she appeared more alert.

A Nurse entered to call the Doctor, informing the arrival of Second Master Lu specifying that the guest wants to talk about something urgent. Taking the reports with him Dr.Zhao left shortly.

Li Na felt her smooth skin intact there, nothing harmed but she couldn't sustain the fact that she was shot there. She rubbed her forehead before her gaze fell on the half bandaged wrist rubbing it.

Feeling peculiar about the piece of white bandage wrapped around the recurring needle bruises from the given vaccinations and injections all through the past few weeks. 'What's this?' Li Na blinked curiously. There was something beneath the cover as a little portion like a dot was visible and uncovered.

Wincing, "A-Ow..." she pulled out the tightly glued bandage in one stroke before she rubbed the wrist as the stinging sensation of her ruptured wrist felt like it was skimmed. Her pale white wrist swerved into the red rashes. Swollen green veins were humped and obvious of the needle atrocities it underwent. She blew some air and when the pain receded a little, suddenly, Li Na thought of wearing her eyeglasses and went stiff.

'Wait a minute! I think now I don't need them for this pair of eyes.' Awkward to confess, she bit her bottom lip.' I'll miss them! Ugh...my lenses and specs.' Well, it's just the beginning of changes adapting and adjusting will take time. She bitterly chided herself.

Rubbing a thumb over the wrist Li Na closely looked over the light green mark on her left wrist. It seems design or something was written in sloppy cursive handwriting.

"A name tattoo?" And why is this written in English?

Furrowing her brows, Li Na carefully spells the tiny words written, "Lu...Jian...jun" just as she spells it within an instant an image flashed before her eyes as if imprinted on the walls of her mind.

Astounded to see a mesmerizing stranger; she went into a daze, a handsome man sitting behind the huge desk. Dressed in a posh black suit, and well-build. His head was slightly inclined at a perfect right-angle as his eyes focused on the documents reading them carefully with a face filled with seriousness.

Stupefied, Li Na whispered lowly, "Wow...Nice!"

She came back to herself with a jerk. " Woah! What's wrong with me? What the hell is nice?" Li Na cleared her throat and mind while she stopped rubbing the tattoo. No matter what, it won't disappear as this wasn't written with a pen. She groaned in frustration.

She never thought of getting a tattoo nor her short-spaned profession allowed her to do so and now she had one. A stranger's name on a stranger's body.

Just Awesome! 

Meanwhile, a nurse entered along with Elder Li. Li Na looked over and instantly remembered the old lady. An awkward yet wide smile spread across Elder Li's face knowing Li Na has lost her memories. 

 Li Na responded with the same warmth as she saw the exhaustion and fatigue on the old lady's appearance. Elder Li's eyes were filled with concern and sadness despite that smile on her face, she looked extremely worried. As Li Na had no memories so she wants to take Li Na along with her but it's not that easy.

Li Na talked to Elder Li generally and the more she talked, the more old lady beamed with happiness. The talk was casual but Li Na can guess the extreme happiness of the old lady from her short laughs and her joyous voice. As if she was talking to her granddaughter after years of separations.

Surprisingly, Li Na had no memories of the happenings. It's strange! The last and only memory was of that man sitting in front of her. After a while, knowing about each other's health and whereabout Elder Li left Li Na to take her medication and rest.

Resting on the bed Li Na could not help but started to brainstorm and Doctor had already warned her not to stress more, nevertheless, she couldn't sleep.

'Hm! Lu Jianjun? I think I am familiar with this name. But from where?

School? Nope. Work? Nah... no way. Academy? Maybe be. Not sure, but this name, I know it from somewhere before.'

'Very well, who's he to Li Na. But he doesn't feel stranger nor closer. And what's the relation between them?

Li Na's Boss? Looks like. Crush? Maybe. Boyfriend? Can't be.

Fiance? In the worst case. Husband? Noo, please don't be the husband.'

'Hold on. Why I am stressing on that, I should worry about that nutcrack who shoot me.'

On that deadly night when she almost saw the man's outline, there was amiss, one close look and she knew he was not Zhang Han. Not possible!

Although their height and outline were somewhat similar but not precise. And the man had his left ear pierced, and the ring's outline was what caught her attention while standing at a few meters distance.

"Fucking Bastards, they dare to drag my family into this mess, I swear if anything happened to them, even a single scratch, I'll roast them alive one by one. Now I don't give a shit about the required validation from anybody. Fuck you!"

"Zhang Han, where was he that night?" she murmured.

She was sure that Zhang Han didn't have the slightest idea that his cellphone was hacked to trap her. He is too raw and doesn't know about her profession. If not for the fact that she had hacked into the best systems, some time to peel the information or to trap the scapegoat she would definitely doubt, Zhang Han. And she trusts Zhang Han. Her trust in him was not blinded he had earned it. Moreover, he loved her too deeply to even hurt a hair on her. Murder seems futile.

'Somehow, I must check on him? He has to be alright. but I don't have a...'

Just then, Lu Jun-hui entered the room. Seeing Li Na's perplexed and troubled expressions he asked coolly, "You need something?"

No matter what, he was particularly ordered by his brother to provide her everything she needs. Since then she was the only pain in his ass. And if Li Na knew that Lu Junhui wants to throw her out of his big brother's life then she would probably kill him. But he also knows that is impossible to do there is someone at home who would be grievously hurt after knowing. And he loves that person more than he hates her.

Li Na asked, "Who are you?"


Lu Junhui was stunned and stood frozen. She does not know me? or... don't remember me? he stared at her dumbstruck for a while and then began to examine.

'Did she lose her memory? Great! God answered my prayers. Almighty Lord had shone his grace upon us.'

'Oh... No, no, don't be so happy. Confirm, be sure of it.' Lu Jun-hui nodded to himself as the corner of his mouth turned up, mischievously.

"Little lady, you really don't know me?" his eyes shone he asked her to clear a little doubt.

"No, I don't, and What the hell does this little lady!?" she replied with raised brows and forced a smile.

Lu Junhui stared at her warily, "Nothing! But...Are you sure? I mean, my ears didn't catch your words."

Li Na's face turned black her mouth twitched seeing the fake facade of been surprised. He is beaming with joy.

'Is he deaf! or pretending to be. Clearly, he is playing!' The Elder lady was much more convenient to communicate with than this stupid young man.

Li Na pursed her lips as she frowned at him, "Little boy, don't make me repeat my words. You heard what I said."

Her displeasure and annoyance were clear, "..."

Lu Junhui shook his head and began to laugh." Haha..."

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