Queen Of Hearts Is The CEO's, Mysterious Love.

I Would Like To Go Out

I Would Like To Go Out

After changing the costumes and getting her makeup removed, Li Na sigh relief as she prepared to follow Ethan towards the car. The day was so boring sitting on a makeup chair for hours and testing different looks and constant blabbering she felt like she was strapped to a single chair all day. Now that she thinks she didn't mind going out for some fresh air and shopping for Little Tiger to freshen up her mood.     

When Ethan went to open the car's door for her, Li Na looked at him and asked, "Where is Lu Jianjun?" wondering if he was still working in his office.     

The window at the driver's seats slowly rolled down where she came to stop near, "Right here, before you!" Lu Jianjun's voice reached her as she froze like her pressure points were suddenly pressed. A second later, she slowly looked around him, her gaze a mix of surprise and amazement before it come to stop to look in the eyes of the man. It was partly because she didn't expect him to be here at this moment and the rest cause he was casually holding onto a piece of document in his hands, seated in comfort, looking like he was waiting for her a while now.     

Lu Jianjun then turned to raise his head from papers to savor the rare expressions she held. The strange atmosphere didn't last long before Li Na recovered quickly and went to circle around the car where Ethan held the door opened for her. Lu Jianjun's gaze followed her.     

Until she came to sit inside the car and the door was shut by Ethan before the assistant returned to his side as Lu Jianjun signed the papers and handing the document along with some orders. Ethan listen and then retreated inside the GQ building.      

Li Na turned to look at him as Lu Jianjun drove them out of GQ's parking.      

"Are we going shopping or home?" she asked flatly letting him know she was open to both options.     

"Where do you want to go?" he emphasized.     

Li Na lifted one eyebrow and waited for him to make the decision as always but then Lu Jianjun turned towards and said," I'm asking you...are you not tired?"     

Tired? In fact, she was bored to death. Li Na rolled her eyes and replied, "I was bored the whole day, so we can go shopping," And she relaxed back to leaned on the back seat while she made a list of things to buy for Little Tiger in her head. Whereas Lu Jianjun also relaxed, he knew it would work better with her if he gave her choices instead of direct orders. At this point, he wasn't sure if he was going to attend tonight's event. Li Na was the sole reason he considered attending the reception but now with her rejection, he doubted she would change her mind this soon. It took him a whole day to persuade her to just shopping, and to go on a date was a long goal.      

The destination wasn't far away from GQ's building, as they reached shortly. Lu Jianjun took her to an exquisite shop that was reserved for VIPs with tight security she didn't have to worry about anything like in GQ's parking lot.      

As Li Na considerately shopped for Little Tiger, carefully choosing a variety of colors and patterns, Lu Jianjun also participated. Their choice was completely different and Li Na had to explain to him the reason for rejecting whatever he pointed to.     

"Why not this?" Lu Jianjun asked pointing to another one.     

For the nth time, Li Na rolled her eyes looking at him, " Stop it! Lu Jianjun! He's a four-year-old kid and not some office guy who would wear plain colors, look for something nicer which would make him look good and feel good, search something else,"      

He advised a few but at last, gave up hearing her rejecting them all. and on the other hand, whatever she selected he too liked it, "Fine, you choose everything," he said and went to sit on the couch watching her immersed herself in shopping.     

It took a while for Li Na to conclude her shopping, all the while she has contended look that Lu Jianjun silently sat there without disturbing her or nagging her to choose quickly.     

"Wrap them," she told the manager and he went to pack the items of clothing as Li Na walked up to Lu Jianjun sat beside him.      

"Done?" Lu Jianjun asked as he skimmed through the rest of the magazine, and chucked it aside.     

"Mhm, it would be better if Little Tiger was here," she murmured flexing her neck muscles.     

"Next time, you two can come by yourself," she agreed instantly as Lu Jianjun was of no use while shopping. She wondered why would he waste his time accompanying her.     

Then suddenly something struck her and Li Na frowned. She remembered he'd an event to attend tonight, mostly he wanted to shop too, "Do you want to shop?" she asked.     

The question took Lu Jianjun by surprise, "What for?" he wondered if there was anything left to buy.     

"Don't you have an event to attend later," she recalled with a look of surprise, then she looked at her wristwatch and said, "I don't think you'll be on time if we go home, you might get late by then," her words brought a faint smiled on his lips as he gawked at her face.     

"Don't bother," he couldn't stop himself from clearing it to her, "I already canceled the plan,"     

"Huh?" Li Na's eyes slightly widened, and before she could ask reasons, Lu Jianjun looked deep into her eyes and said, "I don't have a date with me," he then added a provoking smile which threw her off guard.     

She instantly turned away from his mesmerizing looks and cursed, "My bad, that I asked after rejecting you."      

Lu Jianjun chuckled, "Since, you like to be clear let me ask you again, why not?"     

She raised her brows a little bit because of his modified approach. "You want me to be honest with you."     

He gave her a nod.     

"Why me if you don't even like the idea of me?" she was aware of the degree of hostility he beseeched towards her no matter how much he tried to mask it under the garb of tolerance.     

The question was tricky for him to answer in the current scenario when he was dangling in between indifference and gratitude for all she'd done for Little Tiger, "True, I don't like you as a man like a woman but I don't hate you either," he replied. "And there's no one else women in my life, other than you to fill the place."     

Li Na went silent for a while. The way he'd phrase it, she feels all the burden shifted on her. She didn't know how exactly she felt hearing the later part of it, relief or disbelief. The disbelief she chose this as it would be better for all it remains this way.      

"That's much better than what I feel for you," she replied honestly.     

Lu Jianjun frown, "Do you hate me?" there was a hint of aversion in his tone.      

A completely impassive look marred her features. Then she gave him a faint smile. It was much better when they talk about their emotion which helps lessen its intensity strangely making her heart lighter. "Not really, but more like I feel detested, just as passionately, that is equal to the interest of love, as I'd for you in the past," it didn't take Lu Jianjun long to understand she was comparing it to Li Na's love feeling from the past.     

He chuckled. Realizing, she was too smart for picking at him like this, to let him know that as much as past Li Na had loved him insanely, present Li Na detests him fiercely.     

Just then the manager came towards carrying the shopping bags, "Get the bag into car's parking," said Lu Jianjun and got up to pay the bill, Li Na too stood up making her way towards the exit.     

After getting up from the couch, he again persisted by let her know again, " But I still want to take you out," she looked at him, and he stared deep into her, " With all honesty, you're now worth spending time with." Li Na squirmed at her place those words truly brought her distant feelings down.     

"I feel little sincerity. Superficial words don't convince me," she mumbled walking ahead with a faint smile lingered on her lips.     

She stepped out of the shop first whereas the servant carried the shopping bags ahead of them towards the parking. By the time, Li Na stood there looking into her surroundings of the shopping complexes she turned and froze into her place her smile flattened in an instant after spotting a woman walked in her direction along with an assistant lady beside her.      

Mei Lein's heels clicking on the floor as she walked, and unknowingly, Li Na held her breath, suddenly several things rushing in her head to make her stand immobile there.     

"This way, Miss Mei..." Mei Lein's assistant gestures for her when they covered the distance them, and brushed past Li Na to walk ahead.      

Li Na turned to her left, her gaze following their back as both women entered into a shop nearby disappearing behind the glass doors. Li Na looked at the shop which was clad with dress and decor with the exquisite evening gowns. Pursing her lips, Li Na thought about the way the assistant had address Mei Lein, by calling her 'Miss' there were several implications that could mean. And her visit surely ringed numerous bells in her head. Just to have another fleeting look, Li Na stepped forward, walking towards the glamorous shop, then halted.     

She was startled by a hand grabbing her wrist, and she spun around with an intense dilemma.     

 On hearing the voice, the focus returned to her eyes. "Where are you going?" the man in the dark suit stood before as he gestured towards the opposite. "The parking lot on this way," Li Na grimaced at him but kept silent.     

Then she stopped and turned to look at the shop behind her. Lu Jianjun's gaze caught hers and all he could see were elegant evening gowns on the display, he wondered if she want to buy them for herself.      

"Do you want to..." Lu Jianjun began but was cut mid-sentence by her. She knew what was he asking her.     

"Yes, I need a new dress for the evening," she implored, somehow wanted to enter the shop without making it obvious to him, if he found out Mei Lein's presence inside the shop was the sole reason for her change of attitude then she was sure it won't fit right with Lu Jianjun's doubtful side. She doesn't want to varnish the little bit of improvement they've made so far in going along. She didn't know when she came to care so much about the dynamics between them, but when Li Na looked at Lu Jianjun's unmoving gaze on her which held no hostility, her haywire went to settle down. His eyes contain no doubt as they seem curious waiting for her to explain.     

She swallowed the lump in her throat and fought to smiled back at him amidst the silence spreading between them. "I would like to go out with you tonight,"      

She saw his eyes dilated with a mysterious flash of a firestorm as they studied her face as if he couldn't believe her. But he quickly recovered and opened his mouth to speak and closed in the next moment. He chooses to his head nod and just said, "Okay!"     

Li Na thought Lu Jianjun would leave her wrist and allowed her to go shopping, instead, he began to take her toward another section of the complex. Li Na turned to glance back at the shop and then at the man before her. "Shop is behind, where are you taking me?"     

"I appreciate your choice...but for these sort of events, it's only better to be dressed accordingly. Most importantly, there will be a lot of elite personalities and I've got a reputation to maintain." he took her to another mega shop with elegant dresses.     

The manager and salesladies walked towards the handsome man. The manager had instantly recognized the honorable CEO of Lu Corporation. Li Na stood beside him, suddenly she began to feel uneasy. Before they could even step into the VIP section, she turned and whispered, and Lu Jianjun was about to add something when she threw excuse of washroom and smoothly slipping her hand from his grip she turned around to go in another direction.      

Lu Jianjun remained straight-faced, his gaze uncertain as he watched Li Na leave. After a while, he blinked reminding himself not to overthink about her action, he returned.     

"Call Klein and Stella, "Lu Jianjun turned towards the manager and ordered the followed. Stella was the top stylist to the A-list actresses of GQ's films. And Klein was the senior head above all. Both were the famous among the showbiz that every lady from elite groups admire them and chose to follow their trends, for the reason Klein was once the personal stylist of Wang Jing. He'd made the Queen actress shine brighter than the moon on such event nights making him an icon of the fashion industry.     

And Since GQ was managed by Lu Jun-hui now but it was under Lu Company's banner, naturally making the CEO of Lu Corporation the ultimate boss behind the scenes. And all its resources and artisans work under Lu Jianjun's orders.     

"Wow! What a gratifying surprise, CEO Lu. I'm very pleased to have you here!" Klien said and greeted the man, who was rarest among the people to visit him let alone have him called upon with the purpose of related to his work.     

Lu Jianjun shook his hand, accepting his welcome. When they sat on the couch, Klein turned to the manager saying something and then instantly turned to ask Lu Jianjun in a tone of shocked excitement, "You actually brought a girl for me to style,"      

The last time, Lu Jianjun'd visit him was with Wang Jing when they'd got engaged and she'd brought Lu Jianjun over to meet her team before they were permanently leaving the city to settle down abroad where they could have a low-key life without any media attention. It was Lu Jianjun who was wary of being in limelight and Wang Jing was ready to leave behind everything for him. As much as Klein remembered, despite all the differences between the couple and their likings Wang Jing has cherished the man like no other. And after Wang Jing's disappearance, Lu Jianjun never visited or remembered him for any of his work matters. All Klein knew was the beautiful couple separated abroad because of some another woman named Venus had driven a rift between them. Nobody knew exactly what happened but Lu Jianjun hated Venus for what she did to Wang Jing.     

They separated in a short time, only for Lu Jianjun alone to come back to the city and take after Wang Jing's position again. Their break-up was one of the biggest shocks of Klein's life till now. Whoever knew Wang Jing closely knew Lu Jianjun was the perfect man for her. He was respectful, reserved, and composed rebuilding what the woman had earned with her sweat and hard work all her life. If not for Lu Jianjun's effort, GQ would not be standing today.      

"Yea," Lu Jianjun replied and Klein couldn't help but arched his brow.     

"Really? Where is lucky lady, I see no one around."     

"She will be here soon,"     

"Well, I can't wait to see her," Klein mused over, he couldn't stop himself.      

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