Queen Of Hearts Is The CEO's, Mysterious Love.

Tempestuous Affinity

Tempestuous Affinity

Li Na had excused herself for using the washroom, and without any mistake, she just did that. She walked past through the glass doors, and through the shop, Mei Lein'd entered.      

From a prolonged glance Li Na viewed the woman shopping dress for the party, Mei Lein's choice was dress was not gowns, but she was looking at club party clothes, short and sexy ones.      

"As usual," Li Na murmured walking past, smiling as she shook her head, what was she thinking, is it really possible for them to attend the same event tonight? The stock of fluster she had felt seeing Mei Lein which leads to her agreeing to go out with Lu Jianjun had now collapsed down with as much of reason as it towered before.      

Even if they're attending the same event, Li Na had to wait and see it for herself tonight. Now that she agreed to go, her curiosity peaked to attend it. What kind of event it will be?      

She entered the washroom and sliding her hair to one side, she held it with one hand and splashed some water with the other. then she looked herself in eyes of the mirror, worry, and nervousness evident in them. She didn't know how she manage to hid it from Lu Jianjun it was good he didn't question her abrupt change of mood. She'd agreed on a nerve of impulse and hoped she won't regret it later.      

"She is alright! They will be fine too!" Mei-Xing assured herself of her family out there. Mei Lein seems perfectly normal like usual and she believed the same for her parents.     

Wiping her face clean with tissues, Li Na returned to the shop where Lu Jianjun had taken her. Entering the VIP area, her eyes fall first on the familiar man on the couch and she breathed at the sight of composed Lu Jianjun, then it moved to another man beside him.      

He appeared to be in his mid-year life of the forties, blonde hairs, dressed sophisticatedly, the refined man was staring straight at her as if he'd seen an old ghost.     

Moments later, the man offered her a small smile as he got up from his place and made his way to the place where Li Na stood, while simultaneously inspecting her face as if he knew her somewhere from the past.      

"Have we meet before?" Klein asked with curiosity.      

It instantly clicked to her that the man was someone from a past Li Na must have known. But with no memories of Li Na, she chose to politely dodge it. "Perhaps, but sorry I don't remember you, Sir!" Li Na answered, her gaze shifted from Klein to Lu Jianjun and then back to Klein, trying to understand the dynamic between them, which was of neutral nature.     

Klein's smile broadened as he remembered the girl.     

He'd meet her before and the fact that he could vividly remember the girl is because she was one of the rares, who Wang Jing had introduced him as a potential talent in the entertainment industry. The incident was nearly five to six years ago as Klein struggled to recall the young girl's name, at that time he was truly looking forward to working with her since she was introduced by the Queen.     

And just a few months ago, he'd seen her perform in the competition where the girl lost the title to her rival but definitely won several hearts. The young girl has a rare talent, he liked her look in the show reminding him of young Wang Jing and mirroring her as she'd done some sort of Ph.D. on the Queen, she was fit because she'd clear features and mesmerizing eyes but lost the competition due to lack of originality in later rounds.      

Klein's stared made Li Na stiff as he had forgotten her name and is now in the process of the trial of recollecting it.     

"Li Na!" she helped the man with a sincere smile. But the man frowned, hearing the name, for some odd reason the name doesn't fit into the familiar feel of memory as if he had told of another name.     

"Li Na!?" Klein repeated but then accepted it. He could be mistaken in something either relating to the wrong girl or the wrong name.      

"Is she the one?" Suddenly, Klein turned back and asked Lu Jianjun. When the man on the couch gave a subtle nod, he assured himself again and took a while to gaze at the young girl from head to toe before leading her towards the dresses.     

Within few minutes, Lu Jianjun got a phone call from Ethan. After attending the call, he informed Li Na about his going back to GQ for some work. She thought of wrapping quick but he told her he will be picking her up after an hour and they'll go straight to the event he left her in the hands of the stylist after handing over a black card to pay.     



"You look stunning, Li Na! If you don't mind..." Stella came forward.     

Clutching the hemline of the dress, Li Na said, "This is too revealing for me. I'm not sure of it!" Indeed, she felt the dress was too revealing for her after it was like a millennium she'd worn a backless dress that was only hanging on her shoulder by a string tied in a bow knot. A simple tug on one string and would fall over and exposing half of her body.     

"Don't be so conservative, and narrow-minded, it's perfect for a beauty like you," Stella voiced made its way looking out the dress's fitting on her.     

Li Na was not convinced, not because the dress was not pretty, she hesitated she could have her focus on things and people around her rather than having to deal with a constant nagging of worries for the dress. The dress would be more suitable for a close party preferably than a full-blown event with a lot of businesspeople.     

Klein read her hesitation from one glance, he had seen many worried women's faces, most among them were a concern for their looks and not the comfort of the body. Whereas she was fretting for convenience. The man chuckled as he stepped near the dress carrier stand and come back.     

"Alright! Try this one!" Klein returned with an off-shoulder two-piece slit mermaid bateau dress of dark green color which perfectly went with her dark brown eyes. Li Na eyed the custom dress, it seems more comfortable. "Thank you!" she said and hurried back.     

After a few minutes, Li Na got out of the fitting room wearing the dress Klein had picked out for her. His eyes widened when he saw what she resembled like. The dark green dress embraced her body as if the dress was in love with her, and falling perfectly on the ground. It wasn't just the dress but the way she carried it with an air of nonchalance looked so stunning render many speechless in the room. Klein knew the girl can hold any man's attention easily. Without even assaying she could make anyone fall head over heels for her tonight.      

Running her finger down her hair that comes quickly to fall on her side face, Li Na walked out of changing room feeling contented with the dress. Klein stepped ahead and examined the dress's fitting, it was then he noticed a hem of bandage near her stomach of a healing wound. She readjusted it quickly while looking in the mirror. He frowned but didn't chase the topic.     

Seeing that the girl before him was now a changed woman, Klein summoned his assistant and took out his phone, "Can I have few pictures? Just for the sake of inspiration, I won't be using them for any other purpose."      

"The dress had found its ideal owner and you look extremely gorgeous even without makeup, " the praises lauded Li Na as she conceded the man for pictures. Klein photographed the rare beauty that was in front of him, being a designer he was immensely satisfied.      

"Come, Let's get your makeup done," Klein said making her sit on before a large mirror. Her eyes fell on the array of makeup kits. Worry marred her features again, she wasn't used to all this, her knowledge and expertise limited, and was sure she would easily lose a bet in naming just five products correctly among all, forget about knowing what works on what and how.     

With a reservation, she turned to Klein and made a request making sure only he hears it. "I don't use these many products, can you please keep it bare minimum level and easy to remove."     

 The man studied her face for a while and then smiled at her. "Sure, you have stunning features, light make will do," Klein informed and she heaved a sigh of relief and leaned back on her chair.     

By the time, her makeup and hairs were done Lu Jianjun had also returned after changing clothes, sheathed in a stunning solid all-black suit, black vest, black shirt with a dark silver tie being the only varied. Someone as refined him as always he looked dauntingly glorious tonight. Just as he stepped out of the car, closed the door behind, and turned. His steps came to a shocking halt as he saw the girl in a dark green dress almost instantly, she was stepping out of the lift.     

Li Na didn't notice the man first as she was shoving the card in her silver hand purse when she was done she looked up, her heels gradually slowing down.      

They were the only ones out in the parking, narrowing the focus on each other while the world outside vanished while running its own mission, and they were on another one. She gazed at him in amazement. Her heart skipped a beat to see the sheer intensity his eyes held as he studied her from head to toe. Then his expressions grew domesticated, and a smooth smile spread on his impressive countenance.     

She couldn't stop her lips from pulling up and began strolling in his direction. Hands tucked in the pocket of the black trousers, somewhere taming the ripples surging in his chest part. He waited for her.      

"You sure are quite competitive to match," Lu Jianjun remarked thoughtfully when a couple of steps were separating them.     

She took the underline compliment and said with an air of thrill. "Got to raise bars higher than before," he chuckled acknowledging her grit.     

As it was hard for both of them to shy away from looking at where their eyes pasted on each other like not having enough of it, there was too much to read about on both sides. Then they wordlessly basked in the tempestuous affinity as if a strange web had encapsulated them detached from the others and their conventional self. In the web, remained a split of untouched selves somewhat taming and somewhat marveling over the newfound wonder inwardly before a dash of cool breeze stir their senses from stupor. A shiver ran down her spine when her grip on the hand purse tightened and Lu Jianjun blinked to look away.     

"Where is your wind coat?" Lu Jianjun asked with a hint of displeasure whereas Ethan step forward to open the car's back seat door for her. Thanking the assistant, Li Na then replied to the man. "Didn't think it would be of much need," she muttered entering the car while also been considerate of the dress. Lu Jianjun helped her picking the behind fall of the dress and she whispered thanks to him.     

During the entire ride, none of them speak with each other, both looking outside the window. His eyes mildly narrowed in concentration and her eyes were subtly wide in an unknown nervousness.     

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