My Crazy Housemate




Mia heard someone call for her attention as she was on her way out of school. She would have ignored the person and assumed he was probably calling someone else if the voice hadn't sounded so familiar.     

She turned around immediately and came face to face with Leo who was smiling at her.      

She looked a bit surprised to see him standing there and also began to feel guilty.  She wasn't sure there was any way she could pretend like nothing had happened in school and it made her very angry because there was nothing she could do about it. Report him to the school authorities for harassment? Report him to the police?      

No one had to tell her before she knew she was going to be wasting her time.      

Her lips suddenly began to itch her as she slowly approached Leo. She felt the urge to cut off her lips because it was beginning to disgust her. She just couldn't handle it anymore.     

Leo just watched her as she approached him. His hair looked messy but it wasn't as messy as she remembered. He wore a simple shirt and trousers with his hands deep inside his pocket while he placed his back on a car she hadn't seen him drive before.      

"What are you doing—"      

She was almost asking while approaching him but stopped just before she got really close to him.      

"Are... you... insane?" She asked him with angry eyes.     

"What? Why?" He asked calmly with his head tilted to the side.      

"Were you trying to deceive me just now? What's with your hairstyle?" She asked as she took more steps backwards.      

Her dream suddenly flashed before her eyes and she remembered how she had kissed Louis thinking it was Leo and how that had scared the hell out of her.      

"It's surprising how you always seem to tell who it is no matter what. It's good to see you again." Louis said as he looked her up and down.      

Mia snorted. "What's happening today? Is this some kind of test?" She asked herself quietly.     

"You better brush your hair backwards and not try to act like you did just now another day... I will get angry." She warned before turning to leave while he looked at her with interest.      

Mia hated the fact that even though he was Louis, merely looking at him gave her almost the same effect she felt whenever she looked at Leo because they both looked exactly the same. She was sure she wouldn't have known it was Leo just now had she not took note of the cologne Louis wore.      

She had been around Leo too much and had gotten accustomed to his scent.     

Why did he have to make his hair look like Leo's? What exactly was he thinking? It had scared the hell out of her when the realization set in that he wasn't Leo.      

She really had to go home. She was already tired from everything.      

"Are you going to leave just like that?" Louis asked her carefully.      

"What? I am supposed to hug you and tell you I missed you?" She turned around to ask dryly but he chuckled lightly.     

"I wouldn't mind that."      

"You are sick!" She spat out before walking away and this time, she walked really faster. Seeing 'Leo's face' was getting to her and a voice in her head was trying to tell her that he could be Leo and she should be nicer to him. But she knew that was a lie so she quickly ran away while Louis snickered.      

"She's cute." He muttered to himself.      

"And what do you think you are doing right now?" Chloe asked in annoyance as she approached Louis.      

One way or the other, her parents found out about the accident and had asked for Louis to take her to school and bring her to the hospital after her classes, which by the way, was really embarrassing for her.      

At 23, everyone still treated her like she was a kid which was very annoying but there was nothing she could do about it.     

"What do you mean?" He asked indifferently as he opened the front seat for her to get in while he turned to hop in the driver's seat.      

Chloe didn't enter even though he had started the car. She looked at him suspiciously until he gestured for her to hop in before she reluctantly joined him inside.      

"What was that for?" She asked him again.      

"What was what for?" He asked innocently with his gaze on the road.      

"Your hair, the look, everything. What were you trying to do?" She asked and looked at him with narrowed eyes.       

"How long were you watching?" He asked.      

"Long enough to know that Leo is going to kill you when he finds out about it." Chloe said before taking out her earphone.     

"Don't say I didn't warn you." She told him before plugging her earphone in her ear and closed her eyes.      


When Mia got home, Leo wasn't in. Tara approached her carefully as if not sure Mia would be willing to pet her.      

Mia stood in a spot and looked at the dog for a while. She realised that if Tara wanted to hurt her, she would have done so a long time ago.      

"Hi!" Mia greeted while Tara began to wag her tail faster.      

"God, I don't want to regret this." She prayed quietly before crouching down. She could swear she saw a flicker of surprise in Tara's eyes before she hopped towards her happily.      

Mia's heart stopped as Tara's furs came in contact with her knees. But Tara didn't bite.     

She smiled and began to pet the dog who looked really happy.      

"Nice to meet you again, I am Mia Lucas." Mia said with a smile before she stood up and head to her room to go freshen up.     


"You should have been more careful." Mrs King said as she led Chloe out of a room after her medical examination.      

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again."      

Mrs King stopped walking and sighed. "I can't believe you kept it away from us—"     

"I didn't want to worry any of you. Besides, I was told that I was fine so I didn't see any point----"     

"There is! You are our only princess. You should be good. And oh!" Mrs King suddenly smiled and took her hand in hers.      

"There is a boy we would like to introduce to you. You already know him though, but your father and I think it's best you both get to know each other before you graduate."     

"A... boy?" Chloe asked in surprise. This was the first time they were both having this kind of conversation. "And I know him? How?"     

"It's a secret. We are looking to organize a blind date. I'll let you know the date and time."     


"I'm so proud of you Chloe.." Her mother said with a smile before pulling her into a hug, not giving her a chance to protest.      

"You are always so obedient and makes us proud. And I am so blessed to be your mother. I can't believe you are finally growing up." She said with a sniff.      

Chloe just stood there awkwardly while chewing her lips. She locked eyes with Louis who was walking closer to them and merely looking at the ladies, Louis could guess his mother was telling her to do something she wasn't interested in doing.      

"I'll lead her out." Louis said before Mrs King left Chloe and took out her hankie to clean her eyes.      

"Is everything okay?" Louis asked her as he led her towards his office.      

"Yea." Chloe said dryly even though her heart was beating very fast from anxiety. She really didn't like any of this.      

"Your friend came with his younger sister for the check up and—"     

Chloe's ringing phone distracted the two of them.      

When she took it out and saw it was Ellie calling, she sighed before excusing herself.      

What was Jeremy planning this time? She really wasn't in the mood for games right now.      

"Hello? Is this Chloe?" Ellie asked impatiently when the call connected.      

"Yea. It's me."      

"Are you busy? Can you come over? I don't know what is wrong with Jeremy, he seems to be in pain." Ellie said desperately and it sounded like she was crying.      

"Such a great actress." Chloe said in her head. She could tell this was another of his plan to get her to come over.      

"Look Ellie, I am really busy now. I am not in the mood for this. You can tell him to stop playing pranks like this. It's annoying." Chloe said before disconnecting the call, then she turned off her phone.     

Since her parents had made sure she took a day off from work, she knew her PA was going to handle everything efficiently without bothering her.      

She placed her back on the wall and slowly slid down until she was squatting.      

"You are always so obedient and makes us proud"     

That word kept ringing in her ear.  Maybe she would have been a rebel just like Leo?      

How was she supposed to live now?     

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