My Crazy Housemate

Sweet confession

Sweet confession

Mia thought he was asleep and was only responding unconsciously to her kiss. But when his tongue slid inside her mouth, she began to rethink it. He was awake! Why did he always catch her in the act?      

She didn't have the time to think too much about it because the kiss was overwhelming her. She put her full attention into the kiss and soon, there was a battle between both their tongues.     

One would think she would have been a pro at kissing now after all her experience with Leo, but he had always been the one in charge so she was still pretty clueless.      

She decided to try anyway and pushed out her tongue. Soon, their tongues began to fight a battle. He was trying to taste every part of her mouth while she on the otherhand, was using her tongue to push his out.     

Leo didn't know when he began to laugh while still kissing her. He let her win and withdrew his tongue from her mouth while still laughing.      

She looked at him in confusion, wondering what was so funny.      

"God! You are so adorable sugar." He hugged her, letting her head rest on his chest.      

"Did... I wake you up?" She asked after a while.     

"When you moved, I woke up."     

"So... you were pretending to be asleep?" She asked, annoyed.      

"Hmm. Wanted to see if you would try to take advantage of an innocent sleeping man."      

"Tch! Innocent my foot." She snorted making him laugh.      

They were both quiet for a while, just hugging each other before his hands began to draw circles in her back.     

Mia noticed he was moving too much and his breathing was a little faster. She also felt his raging hard-on and realised what was causing his restlessness.      

She raised her head from his chest to look at him and saw him looking down at her. His eyes were filled with... lust? It wasn't lust. He desired her.      

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable it's just that... you know..."      

"I know." She nodded. "Why are you apologizing to me?" She could not help but ask.      

He gave her a confused look before he shrugged. "I... don't know. I don't just ever want you to be uncomfortable around me or think I am trying to take advantage of you—"     

"Why would I ever think that about you?" She asked again. She looked confused. They were dating and they liked each other. So?     

"You... I..." He furrowed his brows as he tried to think of the best way to say what he wanted to say.     

"Let's just say I am trying to be sensitive here. You have been going through a lot."     

"That doesn't mean I wouldn't want you." She interrupted.      

He took in a deep breath and slowly released it. "I want you. Everytime. But I want to be sure it's something you want too. I will never force you against your wish no matter how tempted I am. That is how much I love and respect you Mia Lucas."     


"I know you are my girlfriend and I am your boyfriend, but it doesn't mean I can just jump on you whenever I want without considering you." He looked deeply into her eyes as he confessed, "I want you to know that whatever I feel for you, is more than just having you in bed with me. Seeing you makes my heart flutter. I like to hear your voice. When you are down, when you are crying, I also feel down and sometimes, I cry but not in front of you. Simply seeing your name pop up on my phone's screen makes me happy. Your pictures brightens my day. I want to be with you every second, every minute. Because you... are my soulmate and I cannot live without you."      

By the time he was done with his confession, his eyes were glistening with tears and Mia had tears in her eyes too.     

"I have never felt this way before for anyone so it is kind of overwhelming. But I wanted to let you know. I want you to believe this words and never doubt my feelings for you."      

"No... one has... ever said... these words to me... before." She said in a broken voice as tears flowed down her eyes.     

"Sorry to say this, but I am glad. At least, I'll be the only man you'll ever love."      

She giggled amidst her tears.     

"Look, I cannot believe I am saying this right now, but... if you want, we can always leave all of this until we get married."     

"Really?" She asked, a little surprised.      

"Yes. I want that day to be special. For the two of us."      

Mia smiled and then she laughed before nodding.      

"But..." He started again.      

"We can do other things to give you pleasure." He winked at her.      

"W...hat?" She asked in confusion.     

"I have a mouth and hands." He smiled mischievously which made her blush.     

The next one hour, he spent it giving her the pleasure she never knew until she was writhing beneath him. There was no part of her body his lips and hands didn't explore. When he was done, he looked at her flushed face and smiled.     

"You are so beautiful."     

She slowly opened her eyes to look at him before weakly shutting them back.      

After a while, he spoke again.      

"I only have a week to spend here." He paused before adding, "Come with me this time."     

She opened her eyes to look at him again, this time, she kept her eyes on his face longer.     

He looked at her hopefully but the hope in his eyes began to dwindle when he noticed the conflicted look on her face.      

"Is something wrong?" He asked.      

She sat up on the bed, making sure the duvet covered her body and looked at him.      

"There... is a probability I'll get a job at the National Assembly. Maybe not as a politician for now, but I can climb my way up."     

"Really?" He asked in surprise.     

She told him all about Solomon Van. And also told him about her plan to get a place with James—     

"WITH JAMES?!!!"      

"Calm down! And Mira." She quickly added. "The three of us. Mira is coming soon so we'll get a place before James graduates and I need money for that so I need to work. This has been our plan from when we were younger." She didn't think it would make sense to just follow him to his place of work when all her mates were starting to build their lives. Wouldn't that make his mother look down on her more?     

It was Leo's turn to look conflicted.     

But he was very understanding so he nodded. It was her dream anyway and he had to be happy for her.     

"But you have to promise me one thing."      

"What is it?"      

"When we are done shooting the movie and I return, we will get married." He said seriously.      

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