My Crazy Housemate

Happy ending or a New beginning?

Happy ending or a New beginning?

A week went by in a blur. Mia and Leo made sure to spend as much time together since they knew it wouldn't be long before he would be boarding a flight back to work. As much as they were happy to be with each other, there was a lingering sadness there. He may not get another break to return until the next 20 months. The only time they stayed apart during this week, was when he went to see Richard and Louis. Oh! And also Jeremy.     

On the first night he had arrived, he realised Chloe didn't return at all that evening which made him worried and that was when Mia told him about her progress with Jeremy and the fact that she was usually with him most evenings. He hadn't taken it lightly and the next morning when she woke up, Leo wasn't beside her.     

As early as 6am, Leo was in front of Jeremy's house since he wanted to meet him before he went to work. And to his surprise, he saw Chloe leaving. To his shock this time, it was Chloe who first kissed him goodbye.     

"HEY!" He interrupted their kiss while glaring at them. Chloe jumped apart from Jeremy to look at the intruder and got the shock of his life when she saw Leo. When did he arrive?      

Jeremy also knew it was Leo. Louis would never glare at him like that or be so jobless to come here this early in the morning.     

"What do you think you are doing with my sister?" He barked at Jeremy.      

Chloe quickly stood in between both guys when Leo continued to approach.     

"You... didn't tell him?" Jeremy asked Chloe in a loud whisper.     

"Tell me what? That you forced her to date you?"      

"I didn't force her!"      

"He didn't force me!"     

"Why else would she date you? You allowed a young girl spend the night at your place? What kind of an irresponsible man are you?"      

"Mia sleeps in your place! Did I ever try to force her out?"      

"Why would you even think about forcing her out when she is my girlfriend?"     

"Chloe is also my girlfriend!"     

"She is my sister!"     

"And Mia is like a sister to me. She is also my best friend!"     

"Why would Mia be your best friend when she is my best friend and girlfriend?"     

Chloe looked at the two in disbelief as they bantered back and forth.      

"What is going on?" Ellie came out of the house to ask when she heard her brother quarreling with someone.      

"Leo... let's go home, I will explain it all to you later. Please?" Chloe pleaded while Jeremy tried to make his sister return inside.      

"Leo? Is that your brother, Chloe?" Ellie asked in surprise before she squealed, "He is so handsome!" She tapped her brother and pointed at Leo, "He is my type. I want him."      

Chloe released a heavy sigh. "I can't deal with all this people!" She said in frustration before walking out on all of them.      

Chloe and Leo took their discussion home where she assured him she liked Jeremy.      

"What do you like about that boy?" He asked in disbelief.      

"I don't know... I just like him." She answered.      

"What? So you are telling me you'll say yes if he asks you to marry him?" He asked, his face still showing disbelief.      

When he saw Chloe thinking about it, his eyes widened, "You are even thinking about it!"      

"Can you calm down Leo? I am happy with Jeremy just like you are happy with Mia. I am happy for you so why can't you be happy for me?"     

"He looks pretty! He drives a fancy official car and looks all matured and he is earning well. By the time he starts getting tempted by a lot of girls and women and he breaks your heart, I will kill him. And I don't want to be a murderer so I want to save you from future heartbreak. Oh! His rich father can just decide one day that he has a suitable suitor for him and then what?"      

Chloe snorted in disbelief. "You are overthinking okay? Jeremy loves me. Besides, his father doesn't have that right over him and even if he does, who is more suitable than Chloe King?"      

He sighed, "If he breaks your heart, I will kill him."      

"Okay." She agreed.     

"We have a deal?" He asked, extending a hand.     

Chloe shook his head and nodded.     

Mia watched from the side and shook her head at his childishness and pettiness. It was Leo after all, so she wasn't surprised.     

Two significant things happened that week.      

Leo had helped her fix her resumé. So after she sent it to Mr Solomon, she called him to let him know it was in his mail. People like him rarely had the time to go through their personal emails so she thought it necessary to call him. He told her he would get back to her and after four days, he called back with a goodnews, there was a position for her. It was even better than she had expected, and she knew he must have used his influence to grant her the position of an assistant to the Minister of Welfare in the country. And she had to resume the following week.     

Another significant thing that happened that week was clearly obvious on her finger.      

She had woken up one morning to find a ring on her finger.     

When Leo told her earlier about getting married immediately he returned, she had agreed but she still had been surprised to find a ring on her finger.     

She had also gotten one for him. If she was wearing one, he had to also wear one.      

And just like that, their week came to an end and he was on a flight back to work.      

****ONE MONTH LATER****     

Mira and Mia checked out their new three bedroom apartment. It was quite big and at the seventh floor of a building which had thirteen floors, all with a nice view of the city.     

Mia's job had come with an official car and she had been given two options to choose from in regards to her apartment. Either she wanted a yearly housing income or she wanted an official apartment. She had chosen the former because she would be staying with Mira and James for now and once Leo got back, they were going to get a new place and get married after all. They had a great view of the city from this point and as they looked around, they began to visualize how it would look like after furnishing it.      

"I am so happy we are going to be living together finally!" Mira hugged Mia who hugged her back.      

Mia had never been so happy in her life. She had everything she wanted. Friends who loved her, Leo, a good job. Her days of part time jobs were over. Her days of bothering about Mary and Linda was over. Thankfully, they hadn't made any effort to reach out to her and she hoped it would continue that way.     

She knew now that she would be able to stand in front of the King's family with her confidence in tact. She was glad she hadn't accepted Mrs King's offer no matter how tempting it had been. And she had Mr Solomon Van to thank for it. The man did treat her like his daughter. He always called her whenever he had the chance and had invited her to his home twice to have dinner with his family who were very welcoming.      

"I am happy too." Mia said to her friend with a sincere smile.      

"Let's call James." Mira said and started face timing with her phone. It didn't take long for him to appear on the screen.     

Mira showed him around the place and he nodded approvingly. "I want this room!" He said when they showed him one of the rooms.      

"No way! I already called dibs on it!" Mia refused immediately.      

"I want it! I'm going to have Peter take all my stuffs there immediately!"      

"Same Peter who is busy enjoying his college life?" Mira mocked. "Didn't you say he moved out?"      

"Oh shoot!"     

"Peter moved out?" Mia asked.      

"Yea. He got an apartment with Noah." Mira answered.      

"I feel bad for Rachel. So she'll be staying alone at home?" Mia asked James.     

"I don't know." James shrugged. "Or she may move in with the boys. You know how they always banter."      

"That aside, I want that room!" James said persistently but Mia quickly hung up while Mira laughed.      

In a few days from now, James would be graduating and be back here. Mia was curious to see how these two would live together even after she had left them, without falling for each other. Maybe it was going to be just like her and Leo but since they were already friends, the probability of them getting together was kind of high.     

"Let's go house shopping baby girl" Mira urged her.     

Mia nodded and picked up her bag, "Are you driving or I'm driving?"     

"I'm driving! You really should go for more driving classes before you think about driving me!" Mira said making them both laugh.      

'Twenty months time...' Mia thought to herself. She was going to get married to the love of her life.      

She just couldn't wait for that day to come!     



WOW! We got here!!!!     

Thank you everyone. You have no idea how grateful I am for this. This was my first ever story here and I am glad I got to finally end it. I wouldn't have been able to do it without your encouragements.     

Thank you for sticking around, thank you for ignoring the many errors.     

You should not remove this book from your library because when the sequel starts, I'll inform you with an update here.      

The sequel is going to be centered on Mira and James, and Noah and Rachel. And we'll also see how Peter tries to kill Noah since he had warned him not to ever think about liking his sister. Hehehe!     

We won't forget Leo and Mia and also Chloe and Jeremy.     

Let us know who your favourite characters are and also let me know if you are interested in a sequel. I go with whatever you decide.      

PS: I have other books..     





You can keep yourself busy before the sequel begins.(if you want)     

Thanks and I love you all!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡     

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