My Crazy Housemate

I am not okay.

I am not okay.

Leo woke up pretty early the next morning. Maybe it was safer to say hadn't slept the previous night.      

He had gone out with Richard to go have fun and probably hook up with a nice lady but unfortunately for him, his mission was not successful.     

His mind kept drifting back to Mia's request and he also remembered her flushed cheeks as she watched the screen, making her look very innocent and adorable.     

Every woman he had seen in the clubhouse did not interest him. Even when some made passes at him, he felt disgusted and left the clubhouse.       

He knew he was in trouble now. A very big trouble.      

He had thought his attraction for her was something minimal and casual but he had been really wrong. And with each passing day, his self control dwindled.     

Even last night, he had also dreamt about her. His dream had been so vivid. She had walked into his bedroom wearing only her lingerie and demanded for him to come kiss her.      

He closed his eyes again as he tried to relive the dream but it suddenly dawned on him that he was behaving like a pervert and sat up immediately to go get himself a nice cup of coffee.      

Mia was still locked in. She had mentioned her classes was by 10 am so he guessed she was still asleep since they had both seen a movie until 12am before he went out and returned a few minutes past 2am.     

He sat in his favourite spot in the kitchen and looked at the seat opposite him where Mia usually sat.     

"Can I practice how to kiss with you?"      

He remembered her request and shuddered. He wouldn't lie and say he had not been tempted to do it. Even now, after thinking it over and over, he still wanted to try it, but he was really holding himself back.      

It was just like jumping into fire and... no one liked fires.     

He was a realist. Maybe she wasn't, but he was.      

He knew if he did it once, he was probably going to want to do it over and over again and it was risky.      

He shook the thought out of his head. If she wanted to have fun, she should go ahead. But not with him.      

'Maybe I need a company.' He thought to himself and smiled when a really nice idea popped into his head.     

"Tara!" He said with a smile.     

He thought if he brought her to come live with them, then she would be able to distract him from having dirty thoughts about Mia since Tara was very clingy.     


Mia and Leo bumped into each other in the sitting room.     

She was dressed for school while he was dressed to meet with a client.      

They both quietly stared at each other awkwardly before Mia hurried out without even saying a 'good morning' to him.     

Leo wrinkled his brow in confusion. Was she having those silly mood swings again? He wondered as he also left the house.      

"Get in. I'll drop off." He offered when his car got closer to her.     

Mia looked at him through the window and shook her head.      

"Thanks. But I prefer to walk" She said while avoiding his eyes contact. She didn't wait for him to say anything else and began to run.      

Leo frowned. Now, that was strange. "Did I do something?" He asked himself. Or maybe she had seen through his thoughts? He wondered in frustration as he watched her cross the street to the other side.     

It didn't take long before Mia arrived at school. As usual, Jeremy came to bug her.      

She was probably now used to him since she was no longer pissed as she used to whenever he came around.      

"Seems like you ran here. There's still 10 minutes left before the class starts." He informed her as he sat beside her.      

"I know." She answered while opening her back to fetch out her books.      

"So why did you run?" He asked with his head cocked to the side.      

Mia didn't look at him but instead, she began to sort through her books.      

How was she supposed to tell him she had been running away from the owner of the house she stayed? It was probably better to refer to Leo as her benefactor after everything he had done for her.     

The previous night had been one hell of a night for her!     

She had made a terrible mistake by agreeing to watch such explicit movie with him.     

She hadn't thought a mere movie was capable of of arousing feelings in her she hadn't known she possessed.      

Maybe it was because of the ideas Mira had been pumping into her head lately, or maybe it was because she had been thinking about kissing Benjamin and having sex.....      

While watching the movie last night, a crazy thought had jumped into her head. She imagined how it would feel like to experience what the lady was experiencing and as the thought came, the couple on the screen suddenly changed to herself and Leo.      

She had been stupefied by it and just at that moment, he had asked her,     

"Are you learning?"     

His questions had further taken her aback since he had asked at the 'wrongest' time. All she could do was flutter her eyelashes and run away after saying a good night while hoping that he hadn't noticed her flushed cheeks because she was very certain her cheeks were flushed then.     

She felt like a terrible person and a disgusting pervert.      

Leo had helped her and taken her as his sister but not only had she done nothing to repay him for his kindness, she had went on to have dirty thoughts about him.      

If only he knew... she was very certain he was going to kick her out of his house for being a pervert just like he had done in the dream she had last night.      

She dropped her head on the desk and cringed as she remembered the dream...      

Leo had yelled at her and called her a pervert then went on to tell her to leave his house. He had said,     

"Even if I said I may be sexually attracted to you, did you think you were my type and I would stoop so low to have sex with you? After all I did for you, you dare think of me that way? I am so disappointed in you. I didn't know I have been housing a pervert."      

Till now, she still felt like he had directly said those words to her in real life. It was the reason she could not face him this morning.      

"Are you okay?" Jeremy asked.     

Mia shook her head.     

"I am not. I am not okay" Mia admitted with her face still buried in her palm.     

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