My Crazy Housemate



*Knock knock*     

James rolled on his bed and his eyes slowly fluttered open when the knock came on his room's door.     

"Yea?" He asked groggily still lying on his bed.     

"Breakfast is served. Mum wants you down." His younger sister, Rachel said from outside the door.     

He groaned before sitting up. "Okay. Be down soon." He said to her and heard her walk away.     

He looked beside him on his large bed and there was Mira, snoring lightly with her mouth slightly open and her hair messy.     

He chuckled and shook her shoulder so she would wake up but she only groaned and turned over to the other side.     

"Mira? Wake up sleepy head." He said and continued to shake her.     

They had both stayed awake for most of the night seeing different movies and playing video games. He was also feeling really sleepy but he knew he it was compulsory to join the family for breakfast so he stood up and kept shaking her shoulder until she woke up.     

"Good morning." He said smiling down at her.     

"I hate sleeping here. You always wake me up so early." She said before closing her eyes again.     

"We have to go down for breakfast." He informed her as he walked towards the bathroom.     

"Alright, alright." She hissed before opening her eyes.     

A few minutes later, they were both downstairs and joined the four people who were already sitting around the dining table.      

James quickly greeted his parents and Mira did same, going over to kiss his mother's cheek.     

"Good morning Mrs Black, Morning Mr Black." Mira greeted before going to sit beside James.     

"Good morning little angel. Didn't know you were in. Hope you slept well?" Mrs Black asked her with a smile.     

"I doubt she slept at all. They kept laughing throughtout the night, I hardly slept." James younger brother, Peter said.     

Peter looked a lot like James but unlike James who had blond hair which he got from his young looking mother, Peter had his father's black hair.     

The boys had their father's built– tall, muscular and handsome. In his late forties, Mr Black still looked really young and healthy— all thanks to being rich.     

"You are just jealous because she is better at video games than you are." James sister Rachel said to Peter before sticking out her tongue in a mocking gesture.     

Rachel was the baby of the house. She took all of their mother's features— Her blond hair, grey eyes, petite frame and cheerful attitude. Herself and Peter were both cat and rat. They always bantered.      

"Just eat up all of you." Mr black said before he took a bite from his cheese sandwich.     

"How are your parents?" Mrs Black asked Mira.     

Mira managed to leave a smile on her face as she answered.. "They are good."     

"Oh... What about Mia? I can't remember the last time I saw that girl" Mr Black said looking at James and Mira.     

"You know that girl likes to keep to herself." Mrs Black replied him before either of them could answer.     

"Mum, Dad?" Rachel called looking at the both of them.     

"What is it Honey?" Mrs Black asked.     

"Mira is organising a welcome party for James today. Can I go?" She asked with a hopeful smile.     

"No you can't. Babies aren't allowed to parties." Peter said with a smirk.     

"I am not a baby! I'm 16!" She said looking at him with displeasure.     

"16 is a baby. Wait until you are 18" He said smugly.     

"What a showoff. Are you even 18? You act 15!"     

"Enough you two!" Their mother cut in while the rest just ate quietly.     

"So there's a party? How come I didn't know about it?" Mr Black asked.     

James wanted to say something but Mira beat him to it.     

"Well, it's just something I am organising for friends. Rachel and Peter can come along. It's their brother's party after all"     

"A welcome party? I don't know what you kids think these day" Mrs Black said giggling. She couldn't see the point of the party.     

"She's only looking for an excuse to throw a party. You should know that by now." James finally spoke out with a laugh.     

"So can I go?" Rachel asked drawing the attention back to herself.     

"Where is it going to be held?" Mr Black asked.     

"Uhm… Westend Bar." Mira said biting her lower lip.     

"Westend Bar?" Both parents asked at the same time.     

"You can't go there darling." Mr black turned to tell Rachel when Mira nodded.     

"But why? James is going to be there and so is Peter." She whined.     

"They are older." Her mother said.     


Both parents looked at each other before Mrs black suggested.     

"What if you hold the party here?" She asked turning to look at Mira.     

"Here?" James and Mira asked at the same time.     

"Yea. Then we can be sure it's safe. Do not worry, your father and I would leave the house for you young ones. Besides, it's been raining a lot lately. You can hold the party here and those who cannot return home can sleep over. It's safer and better."     

Mrs black said before turning to look at her husband for permission even though she had already made up her mind.     

"That's a good idea, then I can stay right?" Rachel asked.     

"That's a great idea." Mira said turning to look at James.     

"So what about the reservation and invitees?"     

"Its never too late to change the venue besides, this is morning. We can call them."     

"Great!" Rachel clapped happily while Peter groaned in frustration.     

"But… no drugs" Mr Black said not wanting to be left out.     

"No drugs!" Mira and James repeated.     

Mira's phone began to ring and she quickly apologised as she picked it up and saw it was her mother calling.     

"Sorry." She said and stood up to answer the call in a corner.     


"Where are you Mira?" Her mother asked.     

"At James'. Are you at home?"     

"Yes. Can you come home right now? Your father and I would like to have a word with you."     

"Wait! Dad is at home?" She asked in surprise.     

"Yes. And we would like to have a quick word with you."     

"Alright. I'll come home now." She said before disconnecting the call.     


Mia's heart lurched in her chest immediately she opened her room's door and saw Leo standing there with panda eyes.     

He looked like a zombie with his messy hair and deep black eyes. She could tell he hadn't slept a wink the previous night.     

"What.. are you doing here? You scared me to death." She said with her hand on her chest.     

"I couldn't sleep last night." He stated the obvious as he just stood there looking at her face.     

"Why? Is it your family issue?" She asked looking at him with worried eyes. Somehow, she felt it was her fault because he had been trying to cheer her up that was why he sent that picture in the first place.     

"That's only a part of it." He said as he took a step closer making her take a step backwards.      

He continued moving closer while she went backwards.     

"O…kay.. you are being creepy right now." She said in a stutter.     

He looked like he was possessed.     

She knew if she kept going backwards, he was just going to keep following her so she stood firm, raised her shoulders and stuck out her chest to also intimidate him while she raised her chin in a challenging manner.     

He paused and looked at her with a confused frown.     

"Are you alright?" He asked her.     

"I should be asking you that." She replied.     

"You look scary." He said as his face wrinkled in a frown.     

'It's working.." Mia thought excitedly but she was surprised when he held her arm and pulled her closer till she was pressed to his chest while another hand went to her waist.     

"What.. what are you.. ah!" She gasped when he used his other hand to raise her chin so she would look at him.     

She blinked a couple of times seeing how he was just staring into her eyes.     

"Mia Lucas… do you remember what I told you in the kitchen that night when you told me Mira wasn't your girlfriend?" He asked her in a quiet voice.     

Mia tried to remember but she couldn't think straight at that point.      

He noticed she waa confused so he reminded her.     

"I told you I was attracted to you… sexually." He paused making her eyes widen.     

"You can't just hug me the way you did last night and run away."     

Yea, she had run away just when he was about hugging her back. She locked herself inside the room and refused to come out until now.     

"I… uhm.." Mia blinked not knowing what to say.     

Her face was so hot she could cook noodles from the heat.     

"Do not get me wrong.. I liked the hug. But it gave me ideas… and those ideas didn't let me sleep." He confessed before letting her be.     

He cleared his throat awkwardly and stepped away from her. "I feel better now that I've  told you. I'll just go to bed now. Bye." He said before leaving her room.     

Immediately he closed the door, Mia slumped on the bed and tried to catch her breath.     

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