My Crazy Housemate

Be careful

Be careful

Mia tried to hide the dark circles under her eyes as she prepared to leave for school the next morning. The previous night, she did what she knew to do best, run. Leo had let her go after she claimed to be 'drunk and needed to sleep.' And when he told her she had drank juice, she almost but her tongue for telling such a pointless lie.      

"I said I feel drunk. I have my body and know how it feels." She shot back before running into her room and sheard him chuckling as she hurriedly closed the door. He was enjoying messing with her and a plan began to form in her head to return the favour.      

But she really wasn't sure about that. She had noticed she had more self control than Leo. Leo may probably take that opportunity to jump in unlike herself who always ran away.      

"You look out of it again! What's been up with you lately?" Jeremy asked as he joined her seat.      

"How are you?" Mia asked him instead as she looked at the little cut by his mouth. It seemed to be less of an eyesore than it was the previous day.      

"I'm good. Of course I'm a man." He said with a smile as he showed off his biceps.      

"Were you finally able to talk to her yesterday?"      

Mia asked as she looked at Chloe's direction.      

Chloe had her head on her desk and a textbook on her laps as she slowly flipped through the pages. "She looks stressed" Mia noted.      

"Yea she does. I don't know what's been up with her lately. I tried to raise a conversation with at the school infirmary yesterday but it looked like she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone at all so I just let the whole thing drop.      

Mia looked at her with a worried frown. She really hoped Chloe was okay and the crazy guy was no longer bothering her.      

Jeremy was about to press her for what was up with her when the teacher came in.      

Two hours later, they were done with the class and she received a call from Mira to meet her at the cafe closest to the school so they could both catch up. Mia checked and noted her next class was going to begin in the next two hours so she left the school.     

"What's up babe?" Mira asked as Mia sat opposite her at a cafe.     

A young waiter came over and asked for their orders. Mia was starving since she hadn't had breakfast so she ordered for a freshly baked bread and coffee while Mira did same so Mia wouldn't be left eating alone.     

"You look awful. Didn't get any sleep?" Mira asked as she carefully looked at Mia's face.      

"I am fine." Mia hissed as she sipped her coffee.      

"I doubt that. I talked to James this morning." Mira informed her.      

"And...?" Mia looked at her curiously.     

"He told me to watch over you. He said you probably liked your housemate and—"     

"That's absurd." Mia said immediately.      

"What is?"      

"What do you mean I like my housemate? Besides you both now hold a conversation to talk about my private life?" She asked with a displeased frown.     

"He is just looking out for you okay? Besides, I'm also worried about you."      


"I mean look at you.... your emotions have been taking a rollercoaster ride ever since you met him. One minute I think you like him, the next, I am not so sure about it.... and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only confused one. You also are."      

"I'm not having this conversation with you right now." Mia said with a frown as she took a big bite of her bread.     

"Oh yes we are Mia.... look..." She took Mia's hand in hers and looked at her with concern.      

"You haven't been in a relationship before and I'm not sure you've ever been in love before. I do not want you to mess things up in your first time. If all of these emotions are foreign to you, talk to someone. I'm not saying you have to talk to me, you can talk to someone else if you feel shy to tell me about it. You have James and there is also Jeremy..."      

Mia pulled her hand away and massaged her temple. She could feel the beginning of a strong headache especially since she hadn't slept the previous night after her chat with Leo. Maybe she really was confused. But what was she going to do? Leo was going to leave soon.. she also had her life to live. Besides, she didn't think Leo was the right one for her. And she liked someone else, Benjamin.     

"So how is Jeremy?" Mira sudden asked while trying her best not to sound curious or look nervous.      

Mia sighed deeply. Her life was suddenly so complicated. Even her friend liked someone who liked someone else who didn't like him. What a messed up world!     


After the second class that afternoon, she had a little chat with Jeremy who begged her again to be his tutor. He also reminded her about the Talent hunt and asked what she planned to do. Well, she only had one talent... dancing.      

After a little chat with Jeremy that afternoon, she returned home. She needed to sleep and rest her head.     

When she peeked inside the house, she didn't see Leo nor Tara. She sighed and was heading to her room when she saw a note on the table...     

She looked at the note and one would think she was reading the note but in reality, she was admiring his neat writing. When she returned to her senses a few minutes later, she hit her head with her hand as she scolded herself and finally read the note..     

"Took Tara for a walk. Lunch is in the kitchen."      

A lips curved up in a smile as she went to the kitchen to eat her lunch first. It was surprising how someone who rarely ate in the past suddenly had a big appetite.      

When she was done, she did the dishes and went to take her bath.     

A test was coming up soon so she decided to read a bit before sleeping but then,she heard her phone ring and checked to see it was from an unknown number. She picked it up and heard a feminine voice say a faint "Hello?"     

"Chloe?" She asked in surprise.     

"Yes. Did I disturb you?" Chloe asked politely.      

Mia was a bit surprised. Chloe didn't seem like how people had painted her to be. And everyday, Chloe proved just that to her.      

"No you didn't. Is something wrong?" Mia asked wondering whether David was after her again. But even if he was, why would Chloe reach her instead of the police?      

"I've been trying to understand the table in page 87 of our ACN 413 textbook but it keeps throwing me off. I don't know... do you understand it?" She asked in a quiet voice.     

Again, Mia was surprised. Was Chloe really just asking her to explain something to her?      

"Are you there?" Chloe asked.      

"Sure. I'll just go through it and check if I can then call you later."     

"Alright. Thanks. Is... brother Leo at home?"      

"No.. He went out with the dog." She informed her.     

"Alright..." Chloe was about to hang up but decided to just tell Mia one last thing.      



"I just thought I should tell you... Be careful. My brother plays about with women."  She believed it was the least she could do for Mia.     

Mia's grip around her phone tightened and she bit down on her nether lip heard.      

Another reason for her to keep her guard up.     

"Yea thanks." She managed to say before the call dropped.      

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