My Crazy Housemate

A big Male Tara.

A big Male Tara.

"I said I don't want to talk to you. You are embarrassing me." Chloe said to David with a frown. She hated drawing attention to herself for the wrong reasons and David was doing a pretty good job drawing the wrong attention to her.     

She could see most of the students had already taken out their phones to video the whole thing. It was how the world worked now. Instead of helping, people preferred to take videos and circulate then. Well, she wasn't expecting anyone to help her though.     

"And stop videoing." Chloe yelled at the others as she looked around.      

"Alright... alright Chloe.. I'll leave.." David said as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Please... can you... lend me some money?" He said while looking pleadingly at her. "Just a little bit and I promise to never disturb you again." He said in a really one voice so no one else would hear.     

Chloe frowned in annoyance and slapped him.      

"I knew it. I knew that was it." She said angrily as she stood up. It was always all about money. Nothing but money!     

"You... hit me?" He asked with a look of disbelief. It was the very first time Chloe was hitting him.      

"She said stop taking videos." Chloe heard a commanding voice behind her followed by a phone hitting the ground and shattering.      

She turned around to see it was one of her classmate who had destroyed another classmate's phone.     

"Dude what's your problem?" The guy whose phone had been destroyed asked angrily as he pushed Jeremy's chest. Jeremy smirked and looked at the other students. "If I see you making videos,  your phone is going to be next." He warned.      

The other students quickly hid their phones inside their bags. They knew Jeremy was serious.     

"How... how could you hit me?" David asked as he moved closer to her.      

"You are seriously not trying to make trouble in here, are you?" Mia who had been quietly observing suddenly spoke out. She was not one to get involved in other people's affair and was surprised she was beginning to interfere quite a lot lately.     

David ignored her and continued to advance towards Chloe but before he could say something else, Jeremy pulled him backward with his shirt and stood in between them.      

"It's obvious you are not a student here.... you should leave before I call the securities on you." Jeremy told him in a quiet voice.      

"And who the fuck are you? Who the fuck is this guy?" David turned to ask Chloe.      

"Is he the reason why you're acting this way? Is he your new boyfriend?" He yelled accusingly.     

New boyfriend? Mia looked at him and then at Chloe in surprise. Did it mean David was her ex boyfriend?      

Mia looked at David up and down again. She wondered what Chloe had seen in him. He looked like he had some serious mental illness or something.      

"I'll call the security." Mia said as she stood up. It seemed like David was losing it and about to pick a fight with Jeremy.      

"And you come back here!" David pulled Mia by the shirt which caused her to almost fall to the floor. Out of annoyance, Mia turned around and slapped him hard on his face, startling everyone in the class.      

David could not believe he had just gotten hit by two women within the same hour.      

Jeremy, Chloe and Mia missed their next class because they were called to the admin's office.      

Thankfully, it hadn't been a major issue because after hearing from Chloe and the classmates, they all concluded David had been the wrong one to enter inside the class when he was no longer a student and constituting nuisance by harassing one.     

"Thanks to you both." Chloe said to Jeremy and Mia in embarrassment. She couldn't believe that her perfect four years in the university had just been tainted by David.     

"It's fine. I think you should get the cops involved if he keeps harassing you." Mia advised in worry.      

"I really appreciate what you did for me back there. And I'm sorry he punched you." Chloe said to Jeremy as she looked at the small cut on his lip.      

David had tried to hit Mia after she slapped him and Jeremy quickly intercepted it and punched him. That had led to David also punching back and just before the fight could escalate, some security personnel came in. They were all thankful to whoever had called the security     

"It's cool. You should take Mia's advise and report to the cops. He looks out of it." Jeremy said as he tried not to smile.      

Finally, she was talking to him.... and not with the snobbish look on her face.      

"You should get the cut treated. I'll meet you at the infirmary. I need to speak with Mia for a minute" Chloe said, dismissing him.     

Jeremy realised she wanted to speak with Chloe privately and smiled when he remembered she had said she would meet him at the infirmary.      

"Please... do not mention this to my brother." Chloe said in a pleading voice immediately Jeremy left.      

"But.... isn't he going to–"     

"I do not want my family to know about this. Just don't mention it to him.... please.."      

"Alright. Just be safe." Mia said casually. She didn't see any reason to involve herself when the real person involved didn't want her to.      

"Yea, thanks." Chloe said with a small smile.     


Leo lay flat on his bed and looked at the ceiling. His mind was totally occupied. The job offer was a great opportunity for him plus, he had always enjoyed traveling but why was he suddenly sad?     

The answer was right in the next room.     

 He suddenly felt had about leaving her. Even when he was dating Cherry, there had been some incidents where he had to travel for a few months but he didn't feel this sad.      

He checked his phone for the time. It was just past 9 at night. He had known the moment Mia entered the apartment two hours ago but he didn't come out.      

He thought about it for a while and decided to tell her about it.      

"Please stay here" He said as he pat Tara's head. He didn't want her scaring Mia again.     

He knocked on her door lightly and after a few seconds, the door opened, revealing a startled Mia.     

She wore a tank top and tiny short as usual and looked really sweaty. Mia gave him a questioning look as she took off her headphone. She was practically panting, looking like someone had was running a marathon race.     

"Were you working out?" He asked curiously and wondered how she had heard him knock if she had been wearing her headphone. Or was it just for show?     

Mia had been dancing for the past hour. She had been practicing her steps in order not to forget it but she decided not to tell him about it. She had opened the door to go get a bottle of water when she saw him standing there.     

"Uhm... Yes.." She lied.      

"Oh.... Alright. We can talk tomorrow then." He said but didn't move.      

"No.. it's fine. I'll just freshen up and join you.... I guess?" She added skeptically without looking at him.     

She almost hit her mouth after the words came out. What was she thinking agreeing to speak with him? She scolded herself.      

Leo looked her up and down and quickly nodded as he head towards the kitchen. He hoped she would change into something better.      

Few minutes later, she entered inside the kitchen, startling the hell out of him.      

"What are you wearing?" He asked in horror.      

"What am I wearing?" She asked innocently as she looked down at her outfit.      

Leo could swear the skirt she was wearing was her grandma's. It was long and ugly and covered every part of her!      

He knew he had a problem with her wearing short clothes but this skirt was so out of it and she wore a big polo on top! His face crunched up like he was going to burst into tears at any moment.      

"Well... I realised since you always let your body control you and you act like a big male Tara, I decided to wear unattractive clothes like this."      

"Wait what...? Big male Tara?" He asked in shock. Was she just saying he behaved like a dog?      

"I.... really don't know male dogs name that's why I said a male Tara... are you... angry?" She asked innocently, thinking he was angry because she called him a 'Male Tara' and not because she was calling him a 'Dog.'     

"Do you realise you just called me a dog?" He asked with a frown. He thought they had past this stage where they bantered with each other.      

"I didn't call you a dog. I only said a male Tara. You were sniffing my neck this morning." Mia said awkwardly and felt goosebumps crawl up her skin as she remembered how he had buried his face on her neck.     

"She is unbelievable." He muttered to himself in frustration.      

Sometimes, her innocence was cute while sometimes... he felt like choking her neck with his hands.      

"Let's just... talk.." He said with a forced smile as he placed a glass of juice in front of her and a can of beer in front of him.      

Mia really appreciated that. She had promised herself she was never going to drink beer again after everything it had made her do.      

"I... will be traveling soon." He said to her as they locked eyes.     

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