My Crazy Housemate

Are you learning?

Are you learning?

"You are crazy." Leo stood up and said in horror after he found his voice. "What has gotten into you? How can you ask that of me?" He asked her. Obviously petrified.      

Mia frowned. Even though she had asked him to help her with something so improper, she hadn't expected him to reject her so outrightly. Didn't every guy liked it when ladies presented them with such offers?     

"You are the only guy I know. James isn't around and even if he was, I wouldn't ask him for such since we have been friends for a really long time. But it's different with you. Besides, it's not like we like each other that way and I'll be leaving here soon anyway. So I really–"      

"Stop.. stop.." Leo said and raised his hands to interrupt her before she could finish talking.     

"Do you really know what you are asking of me?" He looked at her in bafflement before sitting down again.      

"Of course I do." Mia nodded. "A kiss."     

"So... you want me to teach you how to kiss so you can become a pro and go ahead to kiss the boy you like?" He asked with a frown. What was she thinking? Was she trying to use him? Did he look that cheap to her?     

Mia nodded. "You seemed fine kissing that lady I saw you with inside my room." She said with a pout before looking down.     

Leo remembered the day she was talking about and sighed. "That's a different issue. You are a little girl. You shouldn't be thinking about getting a boy's attention with a kiss. You should study hard and make good results." He advised her like the 'big brother' he was.     

"My result is good already. And I am not a little girl. I told you I'm 23. Plus my mates are already doing these things so why can't I?" She retorted.      

Leo opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.     

"You don't have to do it if you're uncomfortable. There are a whole lot of people I can ask for help." She said to him.     

"You won't even dare." He said out before he could stop himself.      

He didn't want to imagine it. Guys were never to be trusted.      

"I won't dare?" She looked at him in confusion.      

"Look Mia..." He inched closer and held her hand but quickly pulled away when he realised what he had just done.     

It was their first physical contact with her sober and in her right mind.     

Mia on the other hand looked like nothing had just happened.     

Hw wondered how she always managed to stay calm despite everything.     

Didn't he have any effect on her?     

"You can't just go meet any random guy. Some guys are dogs. They won't want to stop with just kissing you trust me. And if you're not careful, you may fall into their hands" He lectured her.     

"That's why I asked you for help instead. I know it's shameless for me to ask this since you've helped me a lot already but I figured guys derived pleasure in... you know.. mouth-to-mouth action" She said with a naughty smile.      

Leo was stunned. He couldn't tell whether she was innocent or naughty. Or maybe she was a mixture of both, but he was sure she didn't know what she was doing. Everything came naturally to her.     

"You are someone I can trust even though I'm just getting to know you. It's the reason I'm asking you to teach me..... please?"      

She trusted him? Leo thought that was funny so he laughed.     

"You trust me?" He shook his head. "I can't promise you I won't want to go further." He confessed.      

"So you're saying you're a dog then?" She raised a brow at him.     

"Jesus! No! I do have... self con-trol" He said with uncertainty. He really wasn't sure he could be able to handle all of it.      

"Then help me. Don't worry, we don't have to do it directly. You could just tell me what to do while I practice with a pillow or something."     

"So I seriously have to do this? Why can't you just watch some YouTube videos?" He complained.      

"My phone doesn't enable YouTube."     

She had planned to get a better phone when she went shopping but had been really surprised to learn how much a mobile phone cost. She couldn't bring herself to spend such amount and had only gotten herself a few clothes and undies instead.     

"I'll get you a new phone then. But please don't make me do this." He tried to run away from it.     

"I don't want you to do that." She said with a frown before getting up to leave the kitchen but Leo quickly called her back. He was slightly worried she may go meet some other guy outside.      

"Alright alright. Since we're already done eating, let's see a movie. You may learn a thing or two from it." He said to her and began to walk towards the sitting room.     

Mia smiled brightly and followed him out.     

Truthfully, she didn't know what she was doing.  But she just wanted to live freely from now on. Everything girls her age did, she wanted to try it. Too bad she didn't have enough money. She would have to take up some part time jobs again to get by.     

"It's already pretty late. Aren't you going to school tomorrow?" He asked as he selected a movie before switching off the light in the sitting room.     

"Class is by 10am. So I'm good." She answered and sat down on the sofa.      


Leo turned to look at Mia who was sitting beside him and noticed her cheeks were flushed but she was still staring intently at the couple making out on screen.     

'She's really determined to learn' He said to himself before turning to look at the TV once more and tried to focus but it wasn't working.     

The only sounds they both heard were the moans of the couple on screen. Leo quickly picked up one of the small pillow on the couch and placed it on his lap for reason best known to him.     

Mia turned to look at him briefly before turning to look at the TV again. By now, the lady was fully naked with her butt on the man's office desk and her arms around his neck.     

Leo shifted uncomfortably. He wasn't really one to get aroused by mere movies but lately, his hormones had been jeopardized.     

He shook out whatever thought that was trying to form on his head and turned to ask Mia..     

"Are you learning?"     

Mia looked at him and blinked twice before standing up.     

"Good night." She said to him and quickly ran to her room, leaving him bemused.     

He picked up his phone and dialed Richard's number. He probably should go play around outside to relieve himself.     

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