Chasing After My Wife



Back at the hospital, half an hour after Travis and his company left, the three ladies stayed inside the hospital room.     

There were four other security men outside Jillyanna's room, so they didn't worry that much but Jillyanna was more than prepared than anyone else.     

She sat on the swivel chair behind the work desk that Travis usually use. She took out all the pens available from the drawer. There were scissors and other materials too.     

Savannah and Riley didn't know what she was trying to do by placing all of them on top of the table but, they didn't say anything either.     

Riley was talking to Shein who was currently on his way to the hospital with Jackie. They wanted to bring in more people to make sure that nothing will happen to Jillyanna.     

Sadly, before Shein and Jackie could arrive, a group of men came inside. They were all wearing a doctor's lab gown with stethoscope as their sole accessories.     

What was more shocking was the three men who were the security men that Travis left. They were standing behind the fake doctors with wicked smiles hanging on their lips.     

Jillyanna didn't know what was given to them for them to betray their employer and she didn't care for the reason either.     

Before anyone else can react, a ball pen flew towards the first person who was standing in front of the group. It stuck on the center of his forehead, killing him on the spot.     

"You bitch!" one of the men cursed and pulled out a knife which was hidden under his lab gown and started attacking Jillyanna.     

Riley came forward to rescue her and fought with the man. There were a total of seven men and the other was taken down by Jillyanna.     

Savannah was also fighting with the other two men who rushed towards their death in front of her.     

"I can't believe they betrayed you!" Riley stated angrily while giving her enemy a roundhouse kick, hitting the chest and making him fall on the ground.     

"I don't know why either and I don't care." Jillyanna lazily responded as she picked a metal pencil case that she used to store her pencils and ballpoint pens.     

With one strike, she threw the case and hit the back of someone's head. She threw what she can with right amount of force.     

As they continued to fight, Savannah was able to knock out two of the enemies and the same went for Riley.     

The remaining to men were fearless and kept attacking them. They thought it would not escalate to something worse.     

While they were busy fighting off the remaining two standing enemies, one of the men who was lying on the cold floor took out his gun.     


The sound of the gun shot stunned everyone, including the two enemies. It was so sudden and the didn't know someone would shoot. They were tasked to bring Jillyanna alive, not dead.     

Taking advantage of their surprise, Riley gave the man an uppercut and a strong jab on his stomach. Savannah kicked the man again and again until he fainted and fell.     

Jillyanna was still sitting on the table. Her right shoulder was bleeding and her shirt was soaked with blood.     

The man who shoot her was still lying on the floor but his eyes was already lifeless, a pencil was stuck on his forehead and two other pencils were stuck on his chest, deeply buried.     

Doctors, nurses, patients and the security group who heard about the loud gun shut came in, one after the other.     

They were crowding outside Jillyanna's room and found one unconscious man who was part of Travis' security personnel, sitting on the bench like nothing happened.     

"This man is still alive." one of the doctors declared and asked someone to lift the man and brought him to another room to make sure that he was really fine.     

"This is a huge mess." another doctor mentioned while looking at the men lying on the floor. Some were dead and some were just unconscious.     

They all wanted to come inside and check what happened but they knew that no one can come in if Travis or Jillyanna won't give the permission to do so.     

Even when her shoulder was bleeding, she didn't care about anyone. She didn't ask the doctors to come in since she didn't know if she could trust any of them.     

"I'm calling Eli." Jillyanna informed Riley and Savannah. She picked up her phone and called her friend to come over.     

Eli didn't know why he was called to come to her room and so, when he got inside, his eyes widened in shock and worry.     

"You were under attack?!" Eli exclaimed while looking at her from head to toe and stopped on her shoulders. "Call Dr. Alison while I clean up your wounds."     

Jillyanna obediently followed his instruction. The hospital's security group managed the crowd and asked everyone to go back to their room to make sure that the evidence of intrusion won't be damaged.     

Dr. Alison was currently conducting a surgery so she didn't know about the incident until two hours later.     

Lucian came with Nik as soon as he received the news from Riley. He checked them first to make sure that they were all fine before he started his investigation.     

"Where's Travis?" Lucian asked while putting on his gloves.     

"Apparently, we were being played. He went out to deal with someone. We didn't know that there was more than one enemy in our own turf." Jillyanna answered calmly.     

"Does he know?" Elizier asked her, too.     

"Nope. I didn't give him a call since he was also dealing with a crucial matter."     

Savannah and Riley were being questioned by Nik and they answered thoroughly. Not long after the short preliminary interrogation, Shein and Jackie came.     

"What the f*ck?! What the hell happened here?!" Shein exclaimed with wide eyes. He tiptoed around the room to make sure that he won't touch any of the men on the floor.     

"Did someone come to rob you?" Jackie questioned while looking around the messy room.     

Savanna and Riley could only sigh and let Lucian explain the matter to him.     

"We will need the cctv footage inside the room." Lucian spoke to Shein. "Can you give me a copy?"     

"Sure sure." Shein answered happily. He was a little relieved that he can be useful at this moment.     

Eli finished cleaning and dressing the wound on Jillyanna's left shoulders. He put his apparatus inside his bag and spoke calmly. "Rest your body and mind. Your husband will be home soon and I know you'd be able to figure out a solution to this matter. I don't know who is your enemy this time but I know they won't have a happy ending."     

"Thanks Eli." Jillyanna murmured her response.     

Since Eli had so many works at hand, he left her as soon as he finished dressing up her wounds.     

In the small house at the suburb, Hans was beaten black and blue. They were asking him for information about the other men who were colluding with Lyla to cause harm to Jillyanna.     

Despite the pain inflicted on him, Hans refused to give the name of Lyla's partner. He was not willing to cooperate with them.     

Only Hawk, Top and Brown stayed to deal with Hans. Travis was speeding up his way back to the hospital with lingering fear. His heart was shaking like crazy and he was gripping the stirring wheel so hard.     

He was definitely afraid for her. He would never forgive himself if some thing happens to her.     

He dialed her phone number and Jillyanna's voice echoed from the other line. "Jill, are you alright?"     

"Uh..Uhmm Hn. I am fine." Jillyanna softly uttered her reply. "I miss you hubby. Can you come back soon?"     

Travis smiled after hearing her words. His heart was warming up so much that it spread to his face. "I am on my way back."     

"That's great. I'll wait for you." she cheerfully added. "Drive safely."     

Travis didn't notice anything from her words but as soon as the call ended, he got a message from Shein, informing him about the messy event. There were even pictures to support his story.     

Blue veins popped on the back of his hands as Travis held onto the stirring wheel with so much force.     

"I will make all of you pay." Travis mumbled angrily. His eyes wast on the road but his mind was wandering back to Jillyanna's safely.     

He would never let anyone escape unscathed after what happened to his wife. 'How dare they point a gun towards her?!' He noted mentally to himself.     

His anger didn't decrease at all until he arrived in her room back in the hospital. "Jill." The soft whisper of her name made Jillyanna turned around hesitantly. She saw Travis standing there, drench in sweat and looking so troubled.     

"Welcome back, my dear husband." Jillyanna stood up, walked towards him slowly with a simple greeting.     

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