7 Path of the Lilies

Secret Manual: Disguising

Secret Manual: Disguising

Ye Jiao caused these people to fight against one another in a swift manner. As she used her skill to make her presence lessened, they were unable to pinpoint that she was the real culprit. In addition, most of them were Eon Energy Master rank 2 or rank 1. With their current power, they wouldn't be able to guess that they were being played by a little girl.     

When she saw Zheng walking upstairs, Ye Jiao turned her attention to the door. She sneaked out as the people were starting to fight against one another.     

"You! Did you hit me?"     

"What are you doing?"     


These people were normally assassins who worked alone, so they were not used to the crowd. Some of them have lesser temper than the others, making Ye Jiao's work extremely easy. She walked out of the hall when she noticed a man standing near the door. From his prowess that Ye Jiao detected, he looked like Eon Energy Master rank 3.     

As she bypassed the man, she utilized her Eon Energy and stole the man's storage bracelet.     

In that instant, the man moved to attack Ye Jiao.     


Ye Jiao threw the storage bracelet into the hall and slipped into the crowd. Her rapid footstep quickly brought her away from the man.     


The man plunged into the fight as he searched for his storage bracelet while Ye Jiao got out of the hall and headed to the nearby alley. She leaned on the wall quietly, waiting for Zheng to finish his work.     

'It seems like I have a talent to do covert things.'     

Thinking of the mess she had created, Ye Jiao didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Apparently, she had picked up quite an interesting skill. Hopefully, she wouldn't need to use it too much because it seemed to be quite a troublesome skill. Though, it was quite hilarious.     

While Ye Jiao was busy to make trouble in the hall, Zheng made his way up the stairs. He was familiar with the way because he had seen the map. It took him a short time to arrive by the top floor.     


"As I thought, you also specialize in secret weapons," Zheng's voice sounded calm.     

A large man was standing in front of him. From the aura around him, one could easily guess that he was far stronger than the majority of people around them. His eyes were looking at Zheng with killing intent. He truly wished to kill this young man before him who had disrupted the balance in the other branches.     

"You're quite brave to come here too knowing that I'm waiting for you, Qin Zheng."     

Qin Zheng smiled. "I'm flattered that you remember me."     

The man drew his sword. His aura intensified as he was prepared for a battle. "I won't let you take our secret manual."     

"Your little tricks won't work on me again," Qin Zheng also drew his sword. It was different from the ordinary sword that he usually used as it was coated in blue light. Those who see it wouldn't be able to stand calm.     

"We shall see."     


'He's late,' Ye Jiao thought to herself as she watched the ruckus in the hall continue. Several men were flown outside due to the impact of the battle, but she paid no heed to them. They would be fine after resting for some time. Besides, it was not really her business whether they survived or not.     


Ye Jiao's heartbeat increased when she sensed someone got close to her. Instantly, she summoned out her dagger to attack that particular person.     


"It looks like I'm not the only one who greets other people with their blade," Qin Zheng said calmly. His gaze looked calm as he looked at Ye Jiao in approval. She truly did her job well as he was not disturbed in the battle at all.     

Ye Jiao retraced her curved dagger. She pursed her lips. "It's your fault for sneaking to me."     

"I did hide my presence," Qin Zheng admitted. "But it seems that your detection skill is lacking compared to your concealment skill."     


Ye Jiao truly wished to knock this young man's forehead. He was truly irking her to no end day after day. It was not like her skill was lacking, but it was hard to detect someone stronger than her, especially if that particular person has much more Eon Energy and great concealment ability like this man.     

"Let's go."     

The two of them didn't dwell any longer and dashed out of the headquarter. As soon as they got out, Qin Zheng threw the badge to the side because he knew that they might try to detect him through that badge. It would be safer for him to just throw it away right after he got out.     

Ye Jiao looked at Qin Zheng with questions. "Where will we go?"     

If they headed back to the East, to the location of Chen Kingdom, they would have to travel in the grassland for two to three days before they entered a forest. It was a long journey because of the sheer distance. As for the other direction, she was not totally sure because she was not familiar with Chi Kingdom.     

If anything, this was the first time she traveled this far from Chen Kingdom.     

"We'll head west. There's city in a couple of hours' distance away if we're hurrying."     

"Got it."     

The two of them dashed in the grassland into the location Qin Zheng mentioned. As he had said, they arrived in a town after a couple of hours travelling.     

"Two rooms please," Qin Zheng threw a gold coin to the counter the moment they entered the inn.     

"Over here."     

Seeing how nonchalant this young man acted, Ye Jiao was speechless once again. She had the feeling that everyone she met so far was all filthy rich. Lu Wan is the young master of a large family, Qi Huan is the first prince of a big kingdom, and now Zheng is also someone extremely rich.     

Oh well, she herself was also quite rich after selling those fruits.     

"Here we are. These two are the best room in this inn," the servant humbly told them the location of the room.     

"Ok. You can go."     

"Excuse me."     

After the servant had left, Ye Jiao followed Qin Zheng to his room. The decoration in the room seemed milder compared to the inn in Chen Kingdom. The wall was painted in light blue color with a hint of green hue. There was a bed, table, cupboard, shelf, and several chairs placed neatly inside the room.     

"Here's the other part," Qin Zheng handed her the secret manual as he sat down on a chair.     

Ye Jiao took it and read the title.     

Secret manual: Disguising.     

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