Martial God Asura

Chapter 2054 – Such An End

Chapter 2054 – Such An End

Chapter 2054 - Such An End    

“I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!! Ahhh!!!”    

“You damned bastard! If I survive today, I will definitely make everyone related to you meet a miserable death by my hands!!!”    


from pain that was growing more and more intolerable, the World     

Devastator Immortal started to rain more and more curses upon Chu Feng.     

He felt that he would definitely die today. However, he did not wish to     

be tormented to death. Since it would be death anyways, he’d rather     

anger Chu Feng so that Chu Feng would kill him and end his suffering.    

“You wish to make me kill you?”    


“Rest assured, I will definitely kill you. However, I will definitely not kill you now.”    


Feng had seen through the World Devastator Immortal’s thoughts. As he     

spoke, he put away the world spirit sword, and then began to form hand     

seals with one hand. At that moment, dazzling light began to shine from     

the places pierced by Chu Feng’s world spirit sword.    

“Woosh, woosh, woosh, woosh~~~”    


the light, the Blazing Poison Heart Insects that were biting the World     

Devastator Immortal’s body soon entered the light. They reached the     

insides of the World Devastator Immortal’s body, as well as his bones     

and organs, and began to continue to bite him.    



“You damned animal!!!”    

“No! You’re a demon!!”    

“You damned demon!!!”    

The World Devastator Immortal who had finally realized Chu Feng’s intentions let out screams of despair.    



at that moment, the ground started to tremble violently, as if an     

earthquake had struck the region. Even the frost and ice that covered     

the ground started to shatter.    

Seeing this scene, Chu Feng     

immediately started to frown. He subconsciously turned his gaze to the     

snowy valley where the Dark Hall’s headquarters was located. He was able     

to tell that the trembling had originated from the Dark Hall’s     


However, they were truly too far away. As such, Chu     

Feng was unable to see what was happening over there, and ended up     

having to use his Heaven’s Eyes.    

“Oh no,” After using his Heaven’s Eyes, Chu Feng’s expression changed enormously. An uneasy gaze involuntarily appeared.    

His Heaven’s Eyes were fixed onto the summit of the snowy valley, on the Dark Hall’s Hall Master.    


enormous change had actually occurred to the Dark Hall’s Hall Master.     

At that moment, dark black organisms covered his entire body. They were     

actually fusing with his body. As the dark black organisms fused with     

his body, his power began to rapidly increase.    

Most frighteningly,     

from the depths of the snowy valley, countless such black organisms     

were flying out and fusing with the Dark Hall’s Hall Master.    


with that situation, not to mention the Alliance Army, even the Elf     

King was unable to stop the Dark Hall’s Hall Master. They could only     

watch as that scene continued to unfold.    

At that moment, everyone from the Alliance Army that saw this scene revealed alarmed expressions.    


reason for that was because the Dark Hall’s Hall Master’s aura had     

already surpassed that of the Elf King. Furthermore, it was still     

increasing. If this were to continue, he would likely reach the     

legendary Half Martial Ancestor realm. At that time, there would likely     

not be anyone capable of stopping him in the entire Holy Land of     


“Why is this happening?”    

“Could it be that that guy trained in some demonic technique?”    


that moment, Chu Feng also felt extremely uneasy. The reason for that     

was because it was not only the Elf King and the others that were     

powerless to do anything to stop this, even Chu Feng was powerless. He     

did not know how he could change the current situation.    



the Dark Hall’s Hall Master uttered a demon-like snarl. That voice was     

most definitely not the voice of a human, nor should it be emitted from     

the mouth of a human.    

However, the Dark Hall’s Hall Master had clearly uttered that sort of roar.    


importantly, after that snarl was heard, the black organisms coming     

from the depths of the snowy valley grew more and more numerous. In     

merely the blink of an eye, the Dark Hall’s Hall Master had turned into a     

several hundred meter-tall giant monster.    

Monster. He was most     

definitely a monster now. His entire body was black. He possessed     

countless hands, countless legs and even countless enormous eyes.    


original body was long gone. It had been buried deeply by the monster     

that now covered him. In other words, the Dark Hall’s Hall Master was     

simply a monster now.    

“You shall all die!!!”    

Suddenly, the     

Dark Hall’s Hall Master let out a hoarse voice. Even his voice had     

changed. It had become more frightening than the voices of monstrous     

beasts. Not only was it hoarse, it was also emitting dense killing     


After his voice sounded, a powerful oppressive might swept     

forth. Not to mention the Alliance Army that was close to him, even Chu     

Feng who was far away from him was enveloped by that oppressive might.    

“This oppressive might, could it be that he….”    


being enveloped by that oppressive might, even Chu Feng started to     

panic. The reason for that was because his body was actually unable to     

move. Furthermore, his cultivation had been bound. In fact, for Chu Feng     

and the others, they all felt as if they were suffocating.    


fact, it was not only Chu Feng and the others. Even the Elf King, a peak     

Martial Emperor, was restricted by that oppressive might.    


frighteningly, it was only the people from the Alliance Army that were     

bound by that oppressive might. All the people from the Dark Hall were     

completely fine.    

In other words, they who had held superiority in     

this battle were powerless to fight back now. They were like fishes atop     

the chopping block, waiting to be trampled upon by the people from the     

Dark Hall.    

Such powerful oppressive might most definitely could     

not have been unleashed by a Martial Emperor. This meant that the Dark     

Hall’s Hall Master’s current cultivation had reached the level of Half     

Martial Ancestor.    

At that moment, Chu Feng’s reaction was     

relatively better when compared to the others. The reason for that was     

because the other people possessed dejected expressions. They all felt     

that they were going to undoubtedly be killed.    

“A bunch of trash dared to come and fight against me? Do you all finally realize what it means to strike a stone with an egg?”    


good. This is precisely the expression I wanted to see. Go ahead and     

despair. To dare become my opponent, you all are destined to despair.”    


the expressions of panic and despair on the faces of the Alliance Army,     

the Dark Hall’s Hall Master uttered a complacent laugh. His laugh     

resounded through heaven and earth, seeping into the hearts of the     



However, suddenly, the Dark Hall’s Hall     

Master’s expression changed. He actually uttered an anguished wail.     

Then, enormous hands began to grab his ugly head as he continued to let     

out painful snarls.    

Even though he had obtained a power comparable     

to that of Half Martial Emperor after being covered with the black     

organisms, he didn’t seem to have absolute control over that power. That     

was the reason why he was suffering a backlash right now.    

In that     

sort of situation, the oppressive might that he emitted started to     

fluctuate in strength repeatedly. However, even with that being the     

case, Chu Feng and the others were still unable to move.    

“Chu Feng, you must’ve never expected this sort of ending, right?”    

Right at that moment, a cold and gloomy voice sounded. Chu Feng knew that it was most definitely the World Devastator Immortal.    


Feng put forth great effort to turn his head around. He discovered that     

the World Devastator Immortal was actually managing to endure the pain     

from the Blazing Heart Poisoning Insects, and was walking toward him one     

step at a time. Furthermore, he held an Imperial Armament in his hand.    


it!” At that moment, Chu Feng started to frown. Even though he was able     

to turn his body around, he was simply unable to unleash any of his     

strength. If this were to continue, he would only be waiting for death.    


for the World Devastator Immortal, it seemed that he feared that     

something unexpected would happen. As he endured the pain, his footsteps     

grew faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, he had arrived at a     

distance only ten meters away from Chu Feng.    


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