Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 1353

Chapter 1353

Chapter 1353     

In the outer regions of Pill Valley, there was a plaza near a river . This was a place where outer disciples would gather .     

These outer disciples that were geniuses in the outside world were only ordinary here .     

In the rest of the world, outer disciples weren’t very useful . They mostly just used up resources, and when there were too many of them, the sects would kick out a few who had no potential .     

However, in Pill Valley, even outer disciples could bring them profit . That was because their cultivation relied on refining a large number of medicinal pills . Their profit made up for their consumption .     

So Pill Valley didn’t kick out these outer disciples . Even if their talent was lacking compared to others, they were still alchemists . In fact, anyone who could enter Pill Valley was monstrously talented . But your status depended on just how much of a monster you were .     

These disciples had to refine pills to exchange for cultivation resources, and Pill Valley had many cultivation rooms with powerful formations that could assist them . However, those rooms weren’t free for outer disciples .     

Outer disciples didn’t even get a tenth of the benefits that inner disciples were blessed with . In fact, there were essentially no benefits . Everything they had was gained through them working hard on their alchemy .     

Some outer disciples would come to the outer regions of Pill Valley to gather medicinal ingredients .     

The outskirts of Pill Valley were mostly wild land . But this wild land was actually Pill Valley’s medicinal garden . Other than a few special regions with people guarding them though, the rest was just wilderness .     

That was because some medicinal ingredients could only grow in the wild . If they were planted in a medicinal field, they might be affected by other ingredients, or their growth would be stunted, or they might simply outright die .     

So the outskirts of Pill Valley had quite a few precious medicines growing . Some were high tier, and some were low tier . Disciples could gather them based on their own requirements .     

The majority of the medicinal ingredients that disciples practiced their alchemy with were obtained through trading merit points with Pill Valley . Once they refined those medicinal ingredients into pills, they could exchange the pills for more merit points . It was the same as farmers working for landlords .     

The earth, seeds, and fertilizer, all came from the landlord . If you worked hard and managed to grow the crops, then once the various costs were subtracted, you could still make some money .     

However, this money was based on your own success . Some people who failed too many refinements would even end up owing money .     

So there would always be a few disciples out gathering medicine . As long as they could gather some rare ones or ones that Pill Valley was currently lacking, they would make a bit of money . They could keep these medicinal ingredients or exchange them . It was very beneficial to everyone .     

As for this large plaza, it had become a place for outer disciples to trade their excess medicinal ingredients . There were all kinds of medicines displayed .     

Long Chen and the Pill Fairy were currently strolling through this plaza . But both of them had disguised their faces so others wouldn’t be able to recognize them . If they didn’t, it would cause a huge disturbance .     

“Thank you, Long San . It’s my first time being able to come out and have such a relaxed stroll . ” At this time, the Pill Fairy had made her face look ordinary and was wearing the robes of an outer disciple . However, her eyes were as enchanting as ever .     

Long Chen couldn’t help but sigh emotionally inside . He had once said that different people had different hardships .     

Someone like the Pill Fairy, with a majestic status within Pill Valley, wasn’t even able to go for a simple stroll . Just what was with this world?    

Everyone was envious of what others had while not caring about what they possessed themselves . They didn’t realize that as they envied others, others also envied them .     

Through their chatting, Long Chen felt that the Pill Fairy was actually a very pitiable person . She lived under a spotlight, and under it, she had to live according to specific standards . She was unable to walk out of this spotlight or even learn what the outside world was like .     

“As long as you want to, I’ll accompany you at any time . ”    

Long Chen walked alongside the Pill Fairy . Smelling her specific fragrance, he felt a peaceful feeling in his heart . As they were walking, he suddenly paused because he saw a square melon .     

“Hey, little fellow, is this melon of yours sweet?”    

As soon as Long Chen said this, he regretted it . But it was too late .     

“Scram!” The disciple holding the melon immediately exploded in fury and walked off .     

“Why was that person so rude? If you wanted to buy his melon, why would he get mad if you asked him if it is sweet?” wondered the Pill Fairy .     

“It was my fault . That’s a bitter melon . ” Long Chen looked at the Pill Fairy awkwardly . Only after speaking had he realized that this was a sixth tier medicinal ingredient, the Earthen Bitter Melon, something used to expel the accumulated internal heat that was stored up within alchemists . For him to ask if it was sweet or not was definitely asking to be cursed .     

The Pill Fairy looked at his embarrassed expression and couldn’t help but laugh . It was a lovely sound, but it just made Long Chen even more embarrassed . That Earthen Bitter Melon was strange . Some kind of mutation had to have occurred in it . Normally, they would be a light green color, but this one was dark green .     

Originally, Long Chen had been thinking about buying some snacks for Wan Qing, but instead he ended up in such an awkward position .     

“Are your Violet Jade Cherries sweet?” Long Chen pointed to a pile of cherries on a vendor’s booth .     

“They are . ”    

“Can I taste one?”    

“No . ” That vendor’s reply was extremely direct .     

“Hey, if I don’t try one, how will I know if it’s sweet or not?”    

“These Violet Jade Cherries are very precious . I’ll taste one and you can use my expression to judge whether they’re sweet or not,” replied the vendor coldly .     

So, this fellow thought he could compete with him? This was Long Chen’s first time running into such an opponent . The Pill Fairy stood to the side as Long Chen began to stubbornly argue with the vendor until they were both red in the face .     

She found it funny, but she also felt that this way of living was more authentic; no one had misgivings about her due to her status . She felt an unprecedented relaxed feeling .     

Then as Long Chen began to argue with the vendor over whether the Violet Jade Cherries were sweet or not for an incense stick’s worth of time, she became speechless . One side had to have a taste of one, while the other refused .     

“Hmph, you won’t let me taste one? Fine! I just won’t buy any! What’s so amazing about them? I have plenty of money, and I’ll just spend it on even better stuff!” raged Long Chen . He hadn’t even managed to swindle away a single cherry . Could it be that his conning divine ability had declined by so much?    

“Hmph, is having money amazing? I have plenty of good stuff here . If you won’t buy them, someone else will!”    

“Oh, you have White Eye Lotuses? Those aren’t bad . How much for one pound?” Long Chen suddenly turned toward another one of the other vendor’s wares .     

“Thirty for one pound . ” The thirty he mentioned was merit points .     

“Thirty? That’s too expensive . Can it be cheaper?” Long Chen directly began to bargain .     

The Pill Fairy was startled . These lotuses weren’t actually expensive . They could be easily gained from Pill Valley, and their quality would be greater than what was sold here . She didn’t know what he was doing .     

“One pound for thirty, two pounds for fifty . The more you want, the greater the discount . ” It seemed this vendor wasn’t so easily angered . He still conducted his business properly .     

“Alright, pack some more… more… more… come on, I don’t want to keep asking . ”    

“How much do you want? The bag’s full . ”    

“Keep packing until the discount’s 100% . ”    

“Bastard, you’re just wasting my time!”    

Finally, the disciple snapped . He charged out at Long Chen while picking up a cane from the ground .     

Long Chen pulled the Pill Fairy away with him as he fled . He didn’t know how far he ran, but the plaza had long since vanished behind them . The enraged disciple was easily thrown off .     

Long Chen and the Pill Fairy arrived at a secluded forest path, and the Pill Fairy was shaking with laughter . This Long San was truly evil .     

However, she didn’t feel any loathing for this . While Long San was domineering on the surface, he didn’t use his power to bully the weak .     

Even when he had been cursed and chased away by a Xiantian realm disciple, he had just laughed and fled . The Pill Fairy had never seen such a person in Pill Valley .     

The Pill Fairy’s face suddenly reddened and she pulled her hand out of Long Chen’s grasp . Just now, it had been Long Chen who had pulled her away . She hadn’t noticed before, but now that she did, her heart pounded .     

However, she found that Long San didn’t react to this . There wasn’t the slightest malice in his eyes . They were completely calm . It was as if they had held hands like two children playing around .     


Long Chen and the Pill Fairy suddenly noticed a group of people walking in the distance . Seeing one of those figures, Long Chen’s eyes narrowed .     

“It’s Xuan Jizi!” said the Pill Fairy .     

Long Chen was startled . “You know him?”     

A faint disgust appeared in the Pill Fairy’s eyes . “This person is extremely evil . He has harmed countless geniuses, and his sins are irredeemable . Now he’s running from the rest of the world like a mouse . I heard he was chased down until he vanished without a trace, but I didn’t expect Protector Zhuo to find him . Since he is someone from Heavenly Fate Island, his ability to read the heavens is extremely powerful…”    

A determined expression suddenly wiped away her worry . “Long San, can I trust you?”    

“Well, I suppose . I’m quite reliable,” said Long Chen vaguely, not quite sure what she was planning .     

“I want to kill Xuan Jizi . Can you help?”    



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