Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 1959

Chapter 1959

Chapter 1959: 1959     

The Heaven Flipping Seal’s divine light erupted . After accumulating energy for such a long time, its power was shocking .     

Long Chen could tell that there was no way he was escaping alive . If he could at least bring down Xie Luo with him, today wouldn’t be a total failure .     

The Heaven Flipping Seal smashed toward Xie Luo . It didn’t hold back at all .     

When Xie Wentian saw the Heaven Flipping Seal, his expression changed . He shouted, “Go help!”    

If it was a normal time, perhaps Xie Luo wouldn’t need to fear this attack . But his power had already dropped from his peak . Although it looked like he had seventy percent of his power on the surface, he was still filled with internal injuries and couldn’t bear such a powerful attack .     


The surrounding Netherpassage experts immediately launched their attacks to stop the Heaven Flipping Seal . Over ten rays of divine light struck it and shattered upon contact .     

The Heaven Flipping Seal had been accumulating energy for a long time, and Long Chen had advanced to the twelfth Heavenstage of Soul Transformation, meaning his Spiritual Strength was stronger and able to provide better nourishment for it .     

Xie Luo’s expression changed . With a furious roar, he slammed his palms into the Heaven Flipping Seal .     

After a powerful explosion, his body had been flattened into a meatloaf . Long Chen was about to direct the Heaven Flipping Seal to kill him in this state when the Netherpassage experts shot over, sending it flying .     

Long Chen couldn’t bother with that . He once more pierced the bronze fragment in his hand at the barrier . This time, he created a giant cut .     

This piece of bronze was a fragment of the Eastern Wasteland Bell . He had just been testing it, but it really had worked . It was able to tear through this barrier of divine energy .     

Cracks covered the entire barrier, and it crumbled . Even Xie Wentian wasn’t able to stop it .     

Divine energy raged as fragments of the barrier shot out in every direction . As the person at the front, Long Chen was struck first . But the Heaven Flipping seal came flying over, blocking it for him . Despite that, Long Chen sensed his bones shatter .     

The Corrupt path’s experts were alarmed and hastily defended . However, this divine power was horrific, and some of the Life Star experts were slain .     

Long Chen felt like he might collapse at any time . Even the sounds of the outside world were growing distant . However, he couldn’t faint yet . Fainting was a kind of escape, giving up .     

With his immense willpower, he kept his eyes open . His vision was murky . With his last bit of Spiritual Strength, he examined his surroundings . This world had been ruined .     

Other than the altar and the statue of the Corrupt God, everything else had been destroyed . That was the power of a god .     

Leng Yueyan was still bound at the center of the altar . Her head was lowered, and Long Chen couldn't tell if she was alive or dead .     

Tottering on his last legs, Long Chen stumbled toward Leng Yueyan . Dust filled the air, and the remnants of that divine energy lingered, terrifying people . It was like a god had been enraged .     

One figure after another popped out of the ground . One of the Netherpassage experts pulled out a piece of meatloaf . Yes, it was the Corrupt path’s genius, Xie Luo .     

Xie Luo was unconscious . If it hadn’t been for that Netherpassage expert’s protection, he would have died .     

Even with his body in this state, it could be restored in the future . This physical body was still the best one for Xie Luo .     

One expert popped out after another, pale with terror . Was this the wrath of the Corrupt God?    

Only a single lonely figure continued to walk toward the altar .     

The sound of blood dripping echoed . Fresh drops continued to bloom on the ground .     

That scene was similar to when he had first come . However, at that time, Long Chen had appeared mighty and domineering . The blood dripping had belonged to the Corrupt path’s experts .     

Now, Long Chen’s robes were in tatters, his body was on the verge of collapse, and it looked like he might crumble at any moment . The blood dripping down was his . Each drop represented another step closer to death .     

However, Long Chen’s gaze was still calm . It hadn’t changed from when he had first come .     

The sounds of his footsteps and dripping blood were the only things that could be heard . Despite Long Chen being the Corrupt path’s greatest enemy, their greatest threat, this sight of him shook them to their core . They knew that he was exhausted, and that any ordinary disciple would probably be able to kill him . But they didn’t move . They couldn’t .     

Xie Wentian was gloomy as he floated in the sky . The altar’s barrier had actually failed . That was a blasphemy to the Corrupt God .     

His gaze was sharp as he looked at Long Chen . He was currently thinking about how he could appease the Corrupt God . Should he keep Long Chen here or should he offer Long Chen up as a sacrifice as well? If he did, it would have to be a complete sacrifice, including his weapons, his souls, and his memories .     

If that happened, his secrets would belong to the altar . What infuriated him the most was that even if he made that sacrifice, he wouldn’t receive any reward . If anything, just appeasing the Corrupt God’s anger would be not bad .     

A vein bulged on Xie Wentian’s forehead . Glancing at the meatloaf in the distance, he was even angrier .     

Xie Luo’s Dao-heart was doomed, and a good sacrificial altar had been turned into this state . On top of that, they wouldn’t obtain anything good either .     

Leng Yueyan’s eyes were closed, and her face was pale white . There wasn’t the slightest aura around her . However, the fluctuations of life around her proved that she was still living .     

When Long Chen finally staggered over to her, Leng Yueyan’s eyes slowly opened . There was a faint tender emotion in them .     

“Was it worth it for you to do this?” Leng Yueyan looked at Long Chen with a complicated expression . She knew that he cared deeply about relationships, but it was also because of this that he had to cherish his own life . He always said that his life didn’t just belong to him but to all who loved him .     

Now, just for her, he had clearly sent himself to his death, fighting for a chance that never existed .     

“Who knows? In any case, I’m not going to just watch as someone kills you, unless they’re stepping over my corpse…”    

“You really are a fool . ” Leng Yueyan shook her head, but she had a sweet smile, one beautiful enough to topple all lives .     

“Reactivate the altar and sacrifice the two of them to appease the Corrupt God!” barked Xie Wentian .     

Xie Wentian had made his choice . He didn’t want Long Chen’s secrets anymore as appeasing the Corrupt God was more important . If they offended their god, they would receive a terrifying punishment .     

The Corrupt experts began to chant solemnly once more . The runes on the altar slowly lit up .     

“Fuck, after courting death for a lifetime, I’ve finally succeeded . ” Long Chen took a deep breath .     

“Do you regret it?” asked Leng Yueyan .     

“I’ve done many foolish things, but not one thing that I regret . ”    

“Thank you…”    

Leng Yueyan suddenly reached out and hugged Long Chen, kissing him on the lips .     


Long Chen couldn’t speak with Leng Yueyan’s mouth blocking his .     

Everyone’s expressions changed, including Xie Wentian’s . Leng Yueyan had clearly been bound by the Corrupt God’s altar . Just how was she free to move?    

“Starting today, you are my man . ”    

Leng Yueyan smiled and the paleness on her face vanished . In fact, she looked healthier than ever and didn’t look injured at all . She extended a hand, and her bone sword appeared . She slashed it behind him .     


Divine light exploded . Leng Yueyan had actually sliced apart the wooden pillar .     

The portion of the pillar she had sliced off was actually taken by her . Long Chen was staring at her in shock, not understanding .     

That pillar contained the faith energy of the Corrupt path . Just how was it possible to break it with mortal power? The two were not on the same level .     

Everyone was stunned, not daring to believe their eyes .     

Suddenly, Xie Wentian slammed his palm at Leng Yueyan, his expression grave . He seemed to have noticed something .     


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