Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 1747

Chapter 1747

Chapter 1747: The Patriarch Coughs up Blood     

The Netherpassage expert was flung into the distance by the Sword Spine Armor Dragon’s tail . He left a long ditch in the ground .     

After such an immense blow, the mask on his face shattered, and his hair flew away . He had been wearing a wig . Now that it flew off, it revealed that he was actually bald .     

He was an ancient elder whose face was covered in wrinkles . That face was currently filled with rage .     

However, his defensive power was shocking, as he didn’t suffer any injuries from the Sword Spine Armor Dragon’s tail attack .     

“I’m fine! Where’s Long Chen?!” The Netherpassage expert suddenly noticed that Long Chen, who had been kneeling on the Sword Spine Armor Dragon’s back, had vanished .     

“Fuck, did we end up letting him run? We have to chase after him!” The bald half-step Netherpassage expert shouted and was about to fly out .     

“Get back here! Everyone, you will only be sending yourselves to your deaths if you go . Help me handle this Sword Spine Armor Dragon . Its offensive power isn’t that great, but its defensive power is terrifying . I will be the main force, and you work with me,” ordered the Netherpassage expert .     

The only one in the ancient races capable of capturing Long Chen was himself . But if he chased after Long Chen, this furious Sword Spine Armor Dragon would destroy all the ancient races here . He no longer had the time to bother with Long Chen .     

The large tortoise shell in the Netherpassage expert’s hand grew until it was the size of a mountain . He smashed it at the Sword Spine Armor Dragon .     


The Sword Spine Armor Dragon was struck and sent flying, flipping through the air . Its huge body was badly crushed . Dust and stone shot out in every direction .     

Taking advantage of this, the other ancient race experts attacked . The light of divine items lit up like stars in the night sky . Thousands of attacks landed on the Sword Spine Armor Dragon’s body .     

All their attacks were concentrated on its abdomen, where its defense was weakest . Those attacks tore through its scales, sending blood flying .     

“How is this possible?!” The ancient race experts were stunned to find that their attacks were unable to cause any serious injuries . The attacks of their divine items could barely pierce its outer defense, barely scratching its skin . The blood splashing looked like they were doing work, but in reality, this wasn’t a fatal wound .     

The Sword Spine Armor Dragon was infuriated at being injured . It opened its mouth again, and a giant light sphere shot out .     

Anyone touched by that light sphere was instantly turned to dust . Even divine items were unable to stop it .     

In order to concentrate their power, those experts had been standing together . As a result, over half of them died to this one attack .     

This attack was different from the first one . It was faster and larger . It didn’t give them any chance to react . They despaired . This Sword Spine Armor Dragon was even more terrifying than they had thought .     

“Everyone retreat! I’ll handle it!” The Netherpassage expert roared furiously . His manifestation surged behind him, and a large tortoise appeared within it . Its body was covered in black and white runes . Life and death energy erupted .     

He had no choice but to fight all-out . He could no longer care that this was the territory of the ancient races . If he couldn’t suppress the Sword Spine Armor Dragon, this territory would be completely destroyed by it .     

He crazily smashed the giant tortoise shell in his hand on the Sword Spine Armor Dragon . Heaven-shaking explosive sounds rang out .     

The land of the ancient races, everything within millions of miles, was constantly shuddering . With the mountains collapsing, the people of the ancient races fled for their lives .     

When the Netherpassage expert used his full power, he immediately managed to suppress the Sword Spine Armor Dragon . The tortoise shell in his hand was an extremely powerful divine item . In the hands of a Netherpassage expert, it was unleashing amazing power .     

Regretfully, it was a shield and not an offensive weapon . Furthermore, the Sword Spine Armor Dragon was famed for its tough hide .     

Even if he was able to suppress it, he was unable to kill it quickly . Furthermore, as it struggled, its attacks pierced the earth and the sky . The other experts had no chance to attack, while any of its attacks could take their lives .     

The Netherpassage expert clenched his teeth . His tortoise shell smashed down repeatedly like a wild tempest, flipping the Sword Spine Armor Dragon across the ground .     

The Sword Spine Armor Dragon was only a Magical Beast, and its intelligence was very low . Since it was no Xuan Beast, it didn’t know how to fight intelligently, instead relying purely on its physical strength . Now its aura was showing signs of flagging .     

After half an incense stick’s worth of time, the Netherpassage expert let out a shout and threw the Sword Spine Armor Dragon into the sky .     

“Quick, attack its anus!”    

The Netherpassage expert also launched a quick attack, smashing the Sword Spine Armor Dragon on its head . He smashed it so hard that blood spurted out of its mouth, and it fell into a temporary dizzy state .     

Dozens of ancient race experts holding sharp blades charged over to that area that was even larger than a cave .     

The intense pain of their attacks caused the Sword Spine Armor Dragon to curl up . Suddenly, its butt was raised, and a smelly current shot out of it .     

A few of the experts had just charged in before they were forced out . That immense power tore through their bodies, and they screamed .     

A twelfth rank Magical Beast was so terrifying that even the force of its fart wasn’t something an ordinary expert could endure .     

Fortunately, several experts had charged far enough into its body that it didn’t manage to expel them . The Sword Spine Armor Dragon began to furiously roar and struggle .     

Those experts within its body were crazily slashing its body with sharp blades . No matter how strong the Magical Beast, it wouldn’t be able to handle such a thing .     

The Sword Spine Armor Dragon crazily twisted and turned on the ground . It was now powerless to fight the Netherpassage expert .     

The Netherpassage expert raised his tortoise shell that began to rapidly spin . He slashed it at the Sword Spine Armor Dragon’s neck .     

Blood splashed . However, the Sword Spine Armor Dragon was twisting wildly, causing the attack to hit its tough skull instead . The tortoise shell was stuck in its skull and unable to be retrieved .     

Being struck in its vitals, the Sword Spine Armor Dragon suddenly opened its mouth, unleashing a light sphere that struck the Netherpassage expert that was still trying to pull out the tortoise shell .     

The Netherpassage expert was surprised that it could still attack at this time . He summoned an instinctive light barrier around him, but when he was struck by the sphere, he still coughed up blood . Blood and flesh flew from his body .     

That had been the final bit of energy that the Sword Spine Armor Dragon had possessed . It collapsed . It was dead .     

The Netherpassage expert was covered in blood and infuriated . If he wasn’t so skilled in defense, that attack could have taken his life .     

He pulled the shield out of its head . At this time, it was already dead, and the people that had charged into its body flew out . They were also covered in blood, coming out from the place they had entered .     

They were all stunned . The Sword Spine Armor Dragon’s defensive powers were so great that even while it was dead and they were in its abdomen, they were unable to pierce their way out .     

“Not good, Long Chen is killing our people in the eastern mountain range! Patriarch, please save our people!”    

Just at this moment, a young disciple wearing the robes of the ancient races flew over, sobbing .     

“What?! Long Chen, how dare you?!”    

The Netherpassage expert’s fury soared, and ignoring everything else, he charged toward the east . The other experts also roared angrily and followed .     

In the blink of an eye, most of the experts left . Only a small number of people were left to clean up the battlefield . One of the elders looked at the young disciple . That disciple was actually walking over to the Sword Spine Armor Dragon, causing the elder to coldly shout, “There’s nothing for you here! Go stand to the side . ”    

“Hehe, that’s not right, how is there nothing here for me? I was the one who started this, and I’m not going to let things finish on such a weak note . ” That disciple laughed . When everyone saw his face, startled cries rang out .     

“Long Chen!”    

That person wearing the robes of a disciple was actually Long Chen . However, he had had his head lowered and was wearing a hat, making it so that they hadn’t noticed .     


Blood splattered . The remaining experts on the battlefield were just Life Star experts . They weren’t a match for Long Chen, and he slaughtered them in an instant .     

“Although I know it’s rude to take back a gift, I just don’t like to waste anything, hehe . ”    

Long Chen waved his hand, gathering the Sword Spine Armor Dragon’s corpse . He then vanished like a wisp of smoke, completely disappearing from the ancient races’ territory .     

“Long Chen!”    

Long Chen had just been gone for a few breaths’ time when a furious roar rang out . The Netherpassage expert returned with a group of experts .     

They had rushed over to the east to see that all their disciples were safe and sound . That had immediately told them that something was up .     

When they rushed back, they saw that the battlefield was still in ruins . The only thing missing was the Sword Spine Armor Dragon’s corpse .     

The Netherpassage expert directly coughed up a mouthful of blood . He began to totter and the world was spinning around him . Things were going dark .     

“Patriarch?” The other experts were startled and immediately went to support him .     


Just at this moment, space tore open . A majestic tower appeared, tearing through the void and bringing with it endless divine power and killing intent .     

When they saw the tower, the ancient races were horrified . They recognized it as the Xuantian Dao Sect’s core divine item, the Xuantian Tower . It had actually descended upon the ancient races at such a time . Was it going to completely destroy them?    

Li Tianxuan and the patriarch walked out from atop the Xuantian Tower . Both their expressions were frosty, and they were both surging with killing intent .     

However, when they saw this chaotic battlefield, the tattered ancient races, and especially the Netherpassage expert who was still covered in blood and looked almost dead, their expressions became odd .     

“Ah, it’s nothing, we were just passing by . You don’t need to send us off, goodbye . ” Li Tianxuan reacted quickly, pulling the patriarch back into the Xuantian Tower before the other side could say anything . They instantly vanished from the territory of the ancient races .     

They left behind the stunned ancient races, as well as a pile of ruins that stretched into the distance .     


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