Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 562

Chapter 562

Chapter 562     

Within the pill furnace were nine six-ring Nine Revolution Dao-Heart Pills . When Mo Nian saw that, he practically didn’t believe his eyes .     

Long Chen refined a total of two furnaces of pills . The Mo family only had ten spots for this inheritance, and so his eighteen Nine-Revolution Dao-Heart Pills were enough .     

After the refinement, the two began to meditate, allowing themselves to reach their peak states . Three days later, someone came to inform the two of them to start going to the inheritance land .     

What Long Chen hadn’t expected was that the Mo family’s inheritance land was right below Mo Gate . They went through a winding channel underground .     

They went deeper and deeper . Long Chen could sense an ancient aura filling the air .     

There were a total of ten young disciples, while the person leading them was Mo Yunshan . It could be seen just how important this inheritance was .     

Long Chen was surprised that they had to travel for a full six hours before they arrived in front of a huge stone gate .     

This stone gate was three hundred meters tall, and ancient runes were carved into it . He felt extremely stifled here .     

Atop the stone gate was a sparkling crystal . A white light shone from the crystal .     

Mo Yunshan walked to the top of the stone gate and dripped a drop of his purest essence blood onto it . His essence blood formed a strange diagram on the crystal, looking similar to a rune .     

The stone gate slowly opened . A heavy aura burst out, and Long Chen felt an ocean-like pressure crash down on him . It was like a mountain had suddenly appeared on top of him, and even space seemed to freeze .     

Other than Long Chen and Mo Nian, the others all vomited a mouthful of blood . Under that terrifying pressure, they were all injured .     

Long Chen hastily looked inside to see a wide hall . It was a square mile and was also three hundred meters high .     

On the wall in front of them were ten immense statues that were as tall as the entire hall . Boundless pressure came from them .     

“Go in . I’ll close the gate . The ancestral pressure inside will be very beneficial to your cultivation . Don’t waste this chance . ” After sending them in, Mo Yunshan slowly closed the stone gate .     

When the stone gate was closed, the pressure inside the hall grew even greater . It was like they were at the bottom of a reservoir that was currently storing more and more water .     

“This is the ancestral bloodline pressure . Don’t resist it . Borrow the pressure to purify your bloodline energy,” said Mo Nian .     

These people had all been told about this before entering, and so they all sat down, allowing the pressure to wash over them .     

Long Chen knew this was the benevolence left behind by their ancestors . The Mo family’s ancestors had left behind their own bloodline qi here to help their descendants .     

Only today did Long Chen understand what was called having a strong foundation . The Mo family had once been an ancient family . Even though they had withdrawn from the ancient family alliance, their foundation was still present .     

Let alone everything else, just the ten statues here were enough to benefit their descendants greatly . These statues were incredibly ancient . It was unknown just how many years they had survived .     

Furthermore, for those ancestors to have been able to preserve their bloodline energy all the way until now, it was unknown just how strong they had to have been .     

Thinking of that, Long Chen suddenly felt himself to be extremely miniscule . The Spirit World expert, the barbarian race skeleton in the Jiuli secret realm, and these statues in front of him made him feel like he still had a long, long path in front of him . His path stretched so far that he wasn’t even able to see the destination .     

Compared to Mo Nian and the others, he had nothing to do right now . He wasn’t a disciple of the Mo family, and so he was unable to connect to their bloodline . In fact, Long Chen didn’t even know anything about his own bloodline .     

Once his Spirit Blood had been taken, his bloodline energy had been snatched away as well . Right now, there were no bloodline runes in his blood, so there was no way for him to activate his bloodline energy .     

However, he had the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art . When it was activated, he wouldn’t be suppressed by any bloodline .     

Otherwise, under a bloodline pressure and the suppression of the Heavenly Daos, he really would be stifled to death . It could be said that the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art was his strongest skill .     

Only after more than two hours did Mo Nian slowly open his eyes . A new rune had appeared on his forehead, the same rune as the one outside the stone gate .     

When that rune appeared, a light rumbling began to come from Mo Nian’s body, and a powerful bloodline pressure began to rise .     

However, Mo Nian quickly reigned it in . The rune on his forehead also disappeared .     

“Congratulations on activating your bloodline pressure . ” Long Chen smiled .     

Mo Nian smiled . “In truth, it isn’t activating but undoing a seal . My Mo family’s disciples all have their bloodline energy sealed . This is just lifting the seal . ”    

“Lifting the seal?”    

“Yes . This seal is something we placed on ourselves . There are two reasons to do this . One is that our Mo family’s bloodline is no longer pure, so doing this can minimize the amount of bloodline energy that dissipates over time . That way, we can keep our bloodline going for more generations without the quality dropping .     

“The other reason is that my Mo family is trying to be low-key . There are enemies watching us . We’re just waiting for a chance to soar .     

“Even though we’ve unsealed our bloodline, we’ll still keep it hidden, and we won’t reveal it easily . This is to mislead our opponents,” said Mo Nian .     

“Won’t doing this cause the opposite of what you want? If you let your opponents consider you as prey, they’ll just devour you in one gulp . ” Long Chen shook his head .     

“Hehe, did you think those jumping clowns out there are our match? They’re far too lacking . Let’s not talk about that right now . It seems like everyone’s done . Let’s go look at the statues . ”    

Just like that, Mo Nian brought everyone over to the first huge statue .     

Once he got closer, Long Chen realized that these weren’t stone statues but wooden statues .     

This wood was harder than iron, and countless lines covered it . Those natural lines seemed like a marvelous formation that was sending some kind of mysterious energy into the statue .     

“This is the inheritance statue . According to father, we used to have many, but now we only have these ten .     

“These wooden statues each have a Heavenly Dao seed of an almighty expert from our family . They sealed their own Dao seeds for their descendants .     

“Each one of them was once an amazing figure . They were world-shaking Celestials . But after so many generations, us, their descendants, have been unable to even obtain the treasures that our ancestors left behind for us . Just thinking about it is depressing . ” Mo Nian couldn’t help sighing regretfully .     

The Mo family’s disciples were also ashamed . They were unable to even take the treasures that their ancestors had left for them . That was truly enough to make a person too ashamed to show their face .     

“Junior gate master, you’ll definitely succeed!” said one of them . They were all confident in Mo Nian .     

“You guys shouldn’t slack off either . This kind of thing doesn’t just rely on talent and strength, but it also requires a certain destiny . Do your best,” said Mo Nian .     

Everyone hastily selected a statue for themselves . They were all extremely nervous, as well as excited and uneasy .     

Buzz .     

One disciple placed their hand on a statue’s foot . The statue lit up, and a powerful force came from it . The disciple immediately vomited blood and flew back .     

After that, the statue returned to normal, the light fading .     

Mo Nian couldn’t help sighing . Failure signified that this statue could not be activated again for the next decade . The statue would enter a sealed state that did not allow its Heavenly Dao seed to be touched .     

That disciple crawled up, ashamed . “Junior gate master, I…”    

“Don’t be discouraged . You’ve already done your best . Everyone, you don’t need to force it . Like I said, this doesn’t rely just on strength but also destiny . All you can do is try,” said Mo Nian .     

Continuous bangs rang out one after another, as those disciples were blown back by a powerful force .     

Mo Nian’s expression became a bit ugly . Mo Yunshan had told them that this group was the strongest one with the best talent within the last century . However, the results were merciless .     

Another disciple vomited blood and actually directly fainted . Because he hadn’t been willing to just give up, he had gone all-out, resulting in him taking heavy injuries .     

Now, other than Long Chen and Mo Nian, the other eight had failed . The two of them were their last hopes . But Long Chen wasn’t a member of the Mo family . Mo Nian immediately felt an immense pressure himself .     

“The Heavenly Dao seed inside the statue will flood into your body like an open dam when you touch it . That terrifying impact is something the others were unable to bear, so they failed . But with your strength, you should be able to handle it,” said Long Chen .     

“You can feel the energy?” asked Mo Nian . Many of them had been blown back by some force, but they were unable to even tell what that force was from . However, Long Chen was able to sense it slightly .     

Isn’t that just a waste of breath? These things contain the will of the Heavenly Daos . How could I not sense them? These are the things I hate the most .     

“Go on . Relax . It won’t be any problem for you . At worst, you’ll just spit out some saliva,” joked Long Chen .     

“Don’t joke . Those statues have my ancestors’ energy within them . How could I spit on them? But no matter what, I have to try it . ”    

Mo Nian clenched his teeth . Taking a deep breath, he placed his hand on the statue’s foot .     

What alarmed everyone was that Mo Nian immediately vomited a mouthful of blood!    


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