Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 447

Chapter 447

Chapter 447     

The instant that red light appeared, each and every person felt their hearts shiver, and a dread that came from the depths of their souls filled them .     

As for Long Chen, he felt as if a monster was staring at him, and he felt a chill in his bones . A strong sensation of death filled his heart . He instinctively dodged to the side .     

Due to dodging even before that red light shot out, he just managed to dodge, the light brushing past his shoulder .     


The ground exploded as that ray of light pierced straight through . A bottomless ditch appeared wherever that light reached, spreading all the way into the distance, beyond the horizon .     

Everyone sucked in a cold breath of air . Such an attack had already surpassed their understanding .     

In front of that attack, even peak experts would be crushed to bits . There was no way they could block it .     

Looking at the mountain-sized crystal bone floating in the air, as well as the arrogant Han Tianyu, all their hearts shook .     

Han Tianyu was too monstrous . He had such immense power and an unending stream of trump cards, each more shocking than the last . Just who could block this crystal bone?    

“Han Tianyu really is undefeatable . He has already refined the crystal bone and can use its power . That level of attack has the ability to one-shot Meridian Opening experts . Long Chen will definitely die . How regretful . ” Many people sighed .     

Long Chen and Han Tianyu were truly the pinnacle members of the Righteous path . Unfortunately, these peerless heavenly geniuses had now become like water and fire, and they were unable to work together against the Corrupt path . Otherwise, the Corrupt path might very likely be completely annihilated today .     

Quite a few people were looking at the distant Yin Wushuang who was grinding her teeth . They were filled with disdain for her .     

They were clearly all Righteous disciples, and their powerful enemies were right in front of them . And yet, she didn’t want to face that enemy, instead scheming against those on the same side . Such a person was truly the horse that brings trouble to the whole herd .     

That previous battle had truly been a fierce clash of giants, their incredible imposingness shaking the heavens . However, now that this crystal bone had appeared, everything had ended . That was what most people were thinking .     

There was no need to doubt Long Chen’s strength, but in front of this absolute power, there was no possible chance . Han Tianyu’s luck really had been heaven-defying to have obtained a Xiantian Magical Beast’s crystal bone . That had decided the conclusion .     

“Let’s attack together to kill Han Tianyu . We won’t let him activate the crystal bone again . That’s the only way to save Long Chen,” suggested Zheng Wenlong gravely .     

“It’s useless . He’s too far, and before we would get close, he would have enough time to activate it . ” Mo Nian shook his head . With a slightly pained voice, he said, “Looks like it’s up to me, Mo Nian, to save the day . Well, it’s fine . The saviour often does come at the most critical time . ”    

An arrow appeared in Mo Nian’s hand . However, this arrow was pitch-black, and people were shocked to see that it was an arrow made of bone .     

This bone arrow was covered with black lines . However, since the arrow was completely black, these lines weren’t very visible, so it wouldn’t be possible to see them without close examination .     

The arrow lit up, and Zheng Wenlong and the others immediately felt that they were unable to breathe . An indistinct pressure seemed to come from the bone arrow . On the surface, they didn’t seem to be able to sense anything . But their sharp spiritual perceptions told them this arrow was incredibly terrifying .     

Just as Mo Nian was preparing to stealthily take action, Long Chen, looking at the crystal bone, smiled .     

“This is your final trump card? The treasure you obtained within the secret realm? Not bad, really not bad .     

“I really am not able to understand the Heavenly Daos . Could it be the heavens are blind? To let a shameless and contemptible person like you obtain such a treasure…”    

Long Chen’s words caused everyone’s expressions to change . Cultivators all relied on the spiritual qi of heaven and earth . Their goal was to comprehend the Heavenly Daos, and they had to comply with the will of the heavens . For Long Chen to dare say such rebellious words, he was publically in defiance of the heavens .     

The stronger a cultivator became, the more they would revere the Heavenly Daos . In this world, perhaps he was the first person who dared openly curse the Heavenly Daos .     

“Hahaha, have you despaired? Knowing that you’re definitely going to die today, you want to say some bold and heroic words to play to the crowd? Long Chen, I really do have to feel sorrow for you . ” Han Tianyu couldn’t help laughing . To be able to force Long Chen to the point of despair was the greatest delight to him right now .     

“Despair? It seems I’m still not at that point, right? Perhaps I might feel such a thing in the future, but a contemptible idiot like you wouldn’t be able to make me feel such a thing even if you cultivated for another thousand years . ” Long Chen shook his head, smiling coldly .     

Mo Nian and the others were startled . Even at this time, Long Chen’s expression was still indifferent . There was not the slightest fear in his eyes .     

“Guo Ran, does Long Chen still have trump cards?” asked Zheng Wenlong .     

“It seems… maybe… I think… he might… probably . . . not have any more . ” Guo Ran was unsure .     

“Fuck, why are you still wasting so many words at this time?! Can you please be more precise? I only have this one treasure . If Long Chen can handle it himself, I really am unwilling to waste it,” said Mo Nian .     

“The main thing is that I don’t know either! Boss never reveals his full strength . No one knows just how strong he is . But there is one thing I’m sure of: whether or not boss has more trump cards, Han Tianyu is unable to kill him . That’s something he personally said . ”    

“What did he say?”    

“Boss said that he had a ninety percent chance of at least drawing, fifty percent chance of defeating him, and twenty percent chance of killing him . In other words, the chance of Han Tianyu killing him is: zero . My boss is an unrivaled hero, and he never says any empty talk . So don’t worry, my boss will definitely have some method,” said Guo Ran confidently .     

His words caused Meng Qi and the others to be much more at ease . Meng Qi was the one who knew the least of Long Chen’s strength . From the start of the battle to now, she had always been on edge . It was Tang Wan-er and Chu Yao who constantly comforted her .     

As for Mo Nian, when he thought about it, it seemed Long Chen really was always a dependable person . Furthermore, a person like him with so many wicked tricks definitely wouldn’t be easy to kill . In the end, he decided to put down his bow . Treasures couldn’t be exposed for nothing; that was a principle that had held true for millenia .     

Zheng Wenlong smiled bitterly . Long Chen was practically a monster . This time, he really had to admit his eyesight had been wrong . Long Chen was much, much stronger than he had predicted .     

But of course, he was celebrating inside . The stronger Long Chen was, then the more profit would come from being his friend .     

They all set aside their worry and continued watching the battle .     

Han Tianyu looked disdainfully at Long Chen . “Perhaps you don’t know, but I purposely let you dodge that attack .     

“I didn’t use the crystal bone’s attack to lock you down, giving you a slight hope . Killing you just like that would have been too regretful .     

“After all, you are someone capable of fighting against me, Han Tianyu . You have the right to some final moments before your death . I will give you some time . You can say goodbye to your friends . After that, you will be dying without a corpse . ”    

After he finished speaking, he saw that Long Chen was just indifferently looking at him . It was completely different from the enraged image of him full of despair he was expecting .     

“This is your last chance . This is a great grace from me, so cherish it properly,” said Han Tianyu .     

Long Chen icily looked back at him . “I’ve had enough of your unchanging posturing . You really don’t have any quality content . It seems you haven’t heard of a certain phrase: if your posturing arts aren’t up to par, then you’ll just posture yourself into being an idiot . ”    

Their words caused everyone to become lifeless . These two were peak experts? How come there words were so vulgar?    

“What is posturing? I don’t get it,” asked Meng Qi . She and the other women didn’t understand . They looked at Guo Ran, hoping for him to explain .     

“Cough, uhh… it seems this term is a descriptive adverb . When it comes to writing and literature, my academics were never that good . Big brother Mo Nian, you come from a noble family . I’m sure you must know what it means!” Guo Ran directly threw this burden to Mo Nian .     

Mo Nian’s face instantly darkened . Guo Ran really was worthy of being Long Chen’s subordinate . Even Long Chen’s wickedness had been passed down to him .     

He, a grand expert, the junior gate master of Mo Gate, could not possibly explain such a vulgar term .     

Looking at Meng Qi and the others innocently looking at him, he had an urge to throttle Guo Ran . He had seen scammers before, but he had never seen such a scammer .     

“Brother Guo has really overpraised this junior brother . This junior brother has spent his life cultivating, and other than being in seclusion, all I did was slaughter . This is my first time hearing this kind of term, and although I don’t understand it, you all don’t need to be dejected .     

When he reached this point, Mo Nian glanced at Zheng Wenlong . Zheng Wenlong immediately had a bad feeling, and as expected, Mo Nian continued, “Brother Zheng is a businessman, and he has traveled all around the world . He is worldly and wise, possessing knowledge of all things . I’m sure he definitely knows what that word means . ”    

Those Mo Gate disciples behind Mo Nian all looked at them oddly . There truly were some of them who didn’t know what that word meant .     

As for the Huayun Sect disciples, they were all much more learned, coming into contact with people from all kinds of schools and religions . Bai Ling couldn’t help turning red .     

Zheng Wenlong couldn’t help cursing these two inside . At this time, he didn’t have anyone else to push this trouble onto . It wasn’t as if he could toss it to Hua Biluo .     

In fact, Hua Biluo also had a bewildered expression on, and it was obvious she also didn’t understand what it meant . This was a vulgar word circulated around in the secular world . Although he was a businessman, he really couldn’t thicken his face enough to push this onto her .     

Just as he didn’t know what to say, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he exclaimed, “Long Chen’s starting to counterattack!”    

They all turned to look at Long Chen . He extended his right hand, and a palm-sized green scale floated out of his hand .     

This action immediately drew everyone’s attention . That green scale didn’t release the slightest bit of pressure . It looked just like an ordinary fish scale . The only difference was that this scale had a white crescent moon design on it .     

Seeing that scale, Han Tianyu’s heart tightened . For some unknown reason, he had an extremely bad feeling .     


Another drop of blood flew out of his forehead to land on his crystal bone . A terrifying pressure locked Long Chen tightly in place . A red ray once more shot out at him .     

Long Chen smiled coldly, and the scale in his hand suddenly blossomed with light . It was like the sun as it smashed into that red light .     


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