Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 232-234

Chapter 232-234

Heroes of Marvel Chapter 232-234    

“Director Harry, do you really want to do this? Although the experiment was theoretically successful, more clinical trials are needed to determine its stability.” In Oscorp’s secret underground laboratory, the researcher who had been studying Dr. Connors’s mutant gene serum stood solemnly beside Harry.    

“Don’t you already have successful cases? Don’t worry, even if there are still some problems, I have the complete gene Recovery serum. If there are any problems, just inject it directly.” Hearing the reminder of the experiment leader, Harry waved his hand indifferently while speaking.    

After such a long period of research, Osborn’s experimental team has finally made progress. This serum was the serum that Dr. Connors used to mutate himself into a super-powerful lizard. Research team had eliminated most of the side effects in their follow-up studies leaving the effect of enhancing the human body. They are not working in the same direction as Dr. Connors. One worked on it to save lives; they worked on it to create superhuman beings.    

However, without sufficient clinical trials, they cannot guarantee that the serum will be 100% safe. However, at this time, Harry was filled with hatred towards Spiderman who had killed his father and he couldn’t wait any longer. In fact, even if Peter hadn’t been affected by Venom’s sudden temperament, Harry might not have been able to wait any longer.    

“Director Harry …” The experiment leader wanted to persuade him with a few more words but he was interrupted by Harry before he could finish.    

“No need to say anything, give me the Titan One Serum. Don’t you want more clinical trials? I’ll give you this test.” Preventing the person in charge from saying anything next, Harry has already lifted his foot to the front lab, where he will receive an injection of gene serum, named Titan One.    

“Ah! Yes, Director Harry.” As a researcher working for money, the person in charge had no choice but to agree.    

A few minutes later, dressed in a white lab suit, Harry lay peacefully on a surgical bed, surrounded by high-tech biological instruments. Other doctors and scientists are quickly attaching vital signs and other data responders to Harry’s body to make sure that he is being monitored every second of the Titan One injection so that they can respond to anything in the process.    

After a few more minutes, Harry was covered with tubes, and the instruments around him showed that everything was normal. The doctor examining Harry’s condition nodded to the person in charge behind him, indicating that everything was ready.    

“Okay, Director Harry, we’re about to start injecting Titan One.”    

“Well, let’s get started, I’ve been prepared for a long time,” Harry said quietly, still lying in bed.    


After receiving a reply from Harry, the person in charge no longer hesitated and he reached out and tapped on the screen of an instrument in front of him.    

Hum ~ hum ~    

As the person in charge turned on the instrument, a robotic arm near Harry’s bed suddenly moved and slowly leaned towards Harry on the bed. A few seconds later, the robot arm was close to Harry, and then a transparent thin needle protruded from the foremost end of the robot arm, facing Harry’s arm lying flat on the bed.    

After the robot arm moved to the exact position, the person in charge standing behind clicked a few more times on the screen.    

“Director Harry, it’s time to start the injection.”    

Harry in bed didn’t respond as he just stared at the white ceiling above him indifferently.    

Card! Buzz ~    

The person in charge knew that this was the default attitude of Harry, so he directly controlled the robotic arm and started the last step. The slim needle pointed at Harry’s arm slowly moved towards a vein in his arm.    

Hoo ~” Harry felt a coolness coming from the skin of his arm and even if he was prepared psychologically, he still exhaled silently.    

Moving forward silently, the slender transparent needle pierced Harry’s skin without any hindrance and penetrated precisely into the vein.    

“Starting the injection procedure!”    

As the person in charge spoke, a pale green liquid was quickly injected into Harry’s body from the slender needle tube. Two seconds later, the complete gene serum was injected and the slender needle was quickly pulled out of Harry’s arm and the robotic arm was removed under the control of the person in charge. Although the person in charge was worried about Harry making himself as a test product, he was still looking forward to the results of the complete experiment they had been working on for so long.    

“Huh!” As the gene serum rushes into Harry’s body, Harry, who has not made a sound, suddenly lets out a muffled groan, as if trying to suppress something.    

Although Harry had also seen some subjects collapse and struggle after being injected with an incomplete gene serum before, he still could not bear it when he experienced it himself. It was an intolerable pain coming from deep inside his body.    

Huh ~    

Visible to the naked eye, the serum quickly spread throughout Harry’s body as the veins in his arms bulged slightly, the serum eventually merged into all parts of the body, dipping into deep cells, and then into the genes! Then, the serum begin to perform its main function quickly which is completely altering Harry’s body at the genetic level doing a complete biological mutation.    


As the gene serum started to function, Harry’s originally closed eyes slammed open and his dark brown pupil contracted into a small spot instantly and then zoomed in quickly, but the pupil that was enlarged again was stained with a light layer of green light which looks amazing.    

“Uh! … Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, at last Harry couldn’t hold back his screams as he felt the pain in his body, Harry snarled in pain while his whole body was moving violently.    

Had it not been for the fact that he had been tied to the bed well before the experiment, he would have already stood up. However, even when tied to the bed, Harry’s struggles have caused many of the pipes that had been attached to him to fall off.    

“Ahhh!! In the worried eyes of the experimenters outside, Harry’s screams continued and his struggles grew more intense.    

“Is he okay?” A researcher standing beside the person in charge whispered, watching Harry writhes in pain in the laboratory.    

The people that they had been experimenting with before either couldn’t stand the process and passed out or couldn’t stand the Titan one and it didn’t work out for them, and Harry’s persistence so far has surprised them. However, Harry injected the most complete serum now, and it was expected that such a result would be obtained.    

“It should be okay and physical examination shows that everything is normal.” Glancing at the screen in front of him, the person in charge replied solemnly.    

Although Harry’s physical fitness displayed on the screen is soaring at a high speed, this is originally the effect of Titan One and the overall situation is still under control. However, the person in charge’s calm expression only lasted for a few seconds, and then his face changed greatly.    

“Not good!” He was only able to speak these words when swift sirens sounded in the laboratory.    

Woo Woo Woo Woo! ~~    

“This! This! The power is growing! …” Ignoring the alarm sound that filled his ears, the person in charge stared at the screen in front of him and mumbled.    

At this point, the screen that was detecting Harry’s physical changes had begun to indicate that an accident had occurred, but the person in charge ignored it because Harry’s physical qualities at this time were more than twice the highest value of their previous experiments, which was more than their original estimated value. It was exactly this that caused the machine to sound an alarm, but the data from Harry’s vital signs didn’t show that Harry was in any danger, which shows that Harry could survive such a large physical variation.    

Siiii! ~~    

With the sound of a rope being ripped off in the lab, the alarms that rang through the lab came to an abrupt end, as the alarm function had lost its detection target.    

The alarm was lifted and everyone looked into the laboratory. There, a man with naked upper half of his body was slowly coming out, it was Harry who had broken free from his bonds. Looking at Harry’s state at this point, the experiment seemed to be completely successful.    

“Is that it? It should be enough to defeat that Spiderman!” Standing on the cold ground, Harry clenched his fist and whispered in silence.    

“Spiderman, it’s time you pay for my father’s murder!” A flash of coldness flashed in his eyes as Harry swept outside and sighed secretly.    

It has been more than a day since Peter disappeared, and Lin Rui and the League of Defender and Tony did not find Peter’s whereabouts, it seems as if he evaporated in New York. However, this is obviously impossible, so Peter must be hiding in a hidden place that cannot be reached by their surveillance.    

Lin Rui also had to continue to lie to Aunt May, saying that he and Peter will be working on a project, so Peter would stay in his home for a few days. Although Aunt May expressed some concern about this, Lin Rui was also a trustworthy person, so she didn’t worry about it anymore.    

But this was only a temporary excuse, and if Peter did not appear, it would sooner or later be known to all and bring disaster. After all, the destructive power of an out-of-control Spiderman is impossible to gauge.    

Lin Rui, who is so worried about Peter, has no idea that something more than he had expected is happening on Harry’s side, and the whole thing is going in a very bad direction. When these different storylines come together, it will cause a big explosion and Lin Rui will be right in the middle of it.    

“Huh! I’m so tired!” Lin Rui shouted helplessly as he searched for Peter without any success and he was exhausted. He had just scoured New York’s remote surveillance areas, but there was still no sign of Peter. The physical exhaustion is not serious, but the constant worry about Peter makes Lin Rui tired.    

“Peter, where are you hiding?” Lin Rui, lying on the bed, looked up at the ceiling and muttered.    

Buzz ~    

Just then, Mirage Knight’s phone vibrated. Lin Rui picked it up quickly as it may contain some news about Peter.    

“Hey, Mirage Knight, a bank robbery is happening over Central Avenue, are you nearby?” Sky’s Eye’s voice came quickly from the other side of the phone and it wasn’t about Spiderman, but a bank robbery. This kind of things are something that Lin Rui and others usually do.    

“Uh … I’m not nearby, let Deadpool go. Hasn’t he been trying to boost his popularity lately? I’m sure he’d like to help in that.” Hearing what Sky’s Eye says, Lin Rui thinks and answers.    

Sky’s Eye set up Deadpool’s fans website the day after he joined the League of Defender, but the number of fans that joined his site were few, so now is the time for Deadpool to earn more fans. Deadpool won’t let go of this chance to show himself up as a hero in public.    

“Well, I see. Deadpool has been notified.” After receiving a reply from Mirage Knight, Sky’s Eye quickly notified Deadpool.    

“No word from Spiderman yet?” Lin Rui asks again, despite the “irrelevant” matter of the bank robbery.    

“Well, not yet. But we’ve got the whole of New York under surveillance, and if Spiderman comes out, he’ll be found.” Hearing Lin Rui’s words, Sky’s Eye answers earnestly, apparently aware that there seems to be something wrong with Spiderman.    

“Okay, Sky’s Eye, you did a good job, you worked hard.”    

“Haha! This is what I should do!”    

Lin Rui hangs up after encouraging Sky’s Eye. He really needs a break now. Jerry, who is flattered by Lin Rui’s casual compliment, is very happy and continues to stare at the computer monitor carefully.    

When Lin Rui hung up on the phone to take a break, Deadpool was rushing towards the bank in Central Avenue under the direction of Sky’s Eye. As Lin Rui puts it, he really does need a popularity boost right now, and he’ll take his chance on bank robbers. What’s more, there are a lot of people on the central avenue, and the Deadpool can place a few cool poss, which will be posted on the website of fans, he will definitely become an extremely popular Vigilante!    


Zizi ~    

“There is a bank robbery on central avenue. Police officers in the vicinity please rush to support as soon as possible.”    

“Roger 135, on its way to the scene.”    

Just as Deadpool was making his way towards the Central avenue, a police channel blared from a church attic in a remote downtown neighborhood of New York City. A closer look reveals a scattered backpack on the floor of the church attic and it looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in a long time. A modified radio is lying there.    


Just as the radio started to sound, a hand suddenly grabbed the radio from a dark corner. There was hardly any light, and the only thing one could see was the shape of a figure.    

“Robbery? It seems like something I should do.” Holding the modified radio, the shadow said in a slightly hoarse tone.    

Then the figure came out of the corner. If Lin Rui or anyone else were here, they’d recognize him as Spiderman, who’s been missing for more than a day. But the Spiderman suit he was wearing had gone completely dark, and it looked as if Venom had swallowed the Spiderman suit Tony had made for Peter.    


Picking up the backpack on the ground, Peter glanced up at the moonlight outside, then jumped out of the attic directly from the window of his attic, his spider’s silk was shot and he disappeared into the distance.    



“Don’t move! Lie down!”    

“Hurry up! Hurry up! We’re running out of time! F ~ ~ k! Are you trying to get us arrested?! ”    

“I got it! Give me another ten seconds!”    

In the lobby of the national bank on central avenue, several masked robbers were working in an orderly fashion. Some kept watch on doorways, others kept watch on unrelated people and hostages, and the rest of the robbers quickly filled bags with cash. As long as they leave within a minute, it will be difficult for the police to catch them.    

“Good! Go!” The ten seconds were over quickly, and the two men in charge of this little operation did not hesitate a moment. They held the bag filled with cash tightly, shouted, and then ran out.    

“Pack up!    

“All right! Don’t move!”    

The robbers’ plan went so smoothly that they could escape before the police arrived. However, their luck today isn’t really that good. No one knew when but the two gang members responsible for keeping watch fell silently to the ground.    

“Jess! What’s wrong with you?” The robbers who had run to the door shouted in astonishment, but the two people on the ground still did not respond.    

“Hey! Of course, they were knocked unconscious by the famous Deadpool!” As the robbers rushed up to the fallen gang member for a closer look, a voice came from their side    


Hearing that voice, several robbers turned quickly and nervously, and their guns had been pointed there and they could fire at any time.    

“Oh! This is not a good baby!” Deadpool leaning lazily next to the bank door and said softly, then he moved towards them.    


Da da da!    

Facing the sudden attacks from Deadpool, the robbers fired without hesitation. While firing, they also moved towards the car parked on the side of the road. As for the two gang members who had fainted, no one was going to help them out at this time.    

However, despite their decisive shooting, how can they hit Deadpool? Wade simply squirmed a few times before dodging the bullets and hurtling toward them.    

“Deadpool strikes!”    







While Deadpool was trying to defeat the bank robbers with poss as cool as possible, Sky’s Eye, who was watching Deadpool’s situation, suddenly found something.    

“Deadpool, I found Spiderman! He’s rushing towards you!” Just as Wade played around with the robbers like childrens, Sky’s Eye’s voice suddenly came to him from the headset.    

“What? The Spiderman guy appeared? Did he came here to grab my limelight?” After hearing Sky’s Eye’s information, Wade didn’t immediately think of why the missing Spiderman suddenly appeared here, but he was worried that his limelight would be stolen by him. No one knows how his brain circuit had turned out like that.    

“I won’t let him get away with it!” After that, Deadpool doesn’t want to take more photos with the crowd around him. He needs to get rid of these guys quickly so that Spiderman can see his Deadpool’s proud face when he arrives.    

“Uh …” After hearing Deadpool’s response, Sky’s Eye at the Base Camp was a little speechless.    

Sky’s Eye had originally planned to tell Deadpool that this Spiderman was a little different. The color of the Spiderman suit on his body had changed, but Deadpool’s attitude made him not plan to say anything later. So after contacting Deadpool, Sky’s Eye went on to contact Mirage Knight and other members of the League of Defender.    

At the same time, J.A.R.V.I.S., who has also been monitoring the entire New York, also discovered the sudden appearance of a black Spiderman.    

“Sir, Spiderman has been found, and he is on his way to Central Avenue.” After confirming that the guy in the black spider suit was Spiderman, J.A.R.V.I.S notified Tony.    

“Found? How is he doing? What’s wrong with him?” Tony heard J.A.R.V.I.S’s report and quickly put down his hand and asked quickly.    

“It is still impossible to contact him through the Spiderman suit, and it is impossible to judge Spiderman’s current situation. However, I don’t know if this could be counted as an abnormal situation as it could be a communication error.” J.A.R.V.I.S first responded, and then directly displayed the live video in front of Tony’s eyes.    

In the picture shown by J.A.R.V.I.S, Spiderman, wearing a black Spiderman suit, is quickly flying between high-rise buildings, and Tony can’t see if he had suffered any injuries at all. In the eyes of others, Spiderman just changed the color of his hero suit, but, in Tony’s point of view, this is very wrong.    

“Sir, should I send out an Iron Man?” J.A.R.V.I.S asked very humanly without further instructions from Tony.    

“Don’t, tell Mirage Knight the news, let him take care of this first. If Spiderman is fine then all the better and if not than it would not be too late to have Iron Man dispatched if there are other accidents.” Tony heard a question from JARVIS and thought a little before he refused and then issued new orders.    

“Yes, sir, Mirage Knight has been contacted. He is rushing towards Central Avenue, it seems that he already knows the news.” Soon, J.A.R.V.I.S reported again.    

“Well, I see. You keep an eye on the situation over there and let me know if anything unexpected happens. No, Forget it, I’ll stay here and watch.” Tony had planned to have JARVIS monitor the situation until he got further information, but with Peter and Mirage Knight in mind, he finally felt the need to focus more.    

“Yes, sir,” J.A.R.V.I.S called up cameras from all angles that could be moved to show the situation over to Tony’s eyes so that he could watch a live broadcast in downtown New York at home.    

While Tony was sitting securely on the luxury sofa at home watching the live broadcast, Lin Rui was rushing towards Central Avenue. At this time he was not calm as he was in the past, and there was a nervous look on his face under the mask.    

“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! It turned out to be Venom! No wonder Peter has been acting weird lately! I should have discovered it right away!” Lin Rui cursed in his heart as he tried his best to rush as fast as possible.    

The Spiderman movies that Lin Rui had watched in his previous lives and Spiderman in this world are quite different, and there is more than one version of the movie. Of course, he will not easily connect the changes in Peter to Venom. This time it was Sky’s Eye that told him Spiderman’s current situation and when he found out the changes in Peter, he suddenly thought about what happened to the black Spiderman suit. Before, when he was with Peter, he accidentally encountered the tingling sensation in the palm of his hand when he touched Peter’s hand and he was almost sure that Peter was infected by alien Venom.    

Venom doesn’t seem strong in the movies of Lin Rui’s previous worlds. It must parasite on someone to survive and it has many weaknesses. But Lin Rui isn’t sure that real-world Venom is that easy to deal with. If Peter can’t get rid of the Venom’s influence and lose his control, Lin Rui doesn’t know what to do next.    

Black Spiderman? Venom Spiderman? !! Lin Rui got scared as he continue to think of the possibilities of this. So, while rushing towards Central Avenue, Lin Rui was thinking about how to rescue Peter from Venom. At least, Peter with a protagonist halo should still have a good chance of getting rid of Venom.    


Running a little faster on the top of a building, Lin Rui rushed forward, not too far from Central Avenue.    


Just when Spiderman reappearance attracted the attention of the League of Defender and Tony, another person in downtown New York noticed the situation. Oscorp, in Harry’s office on the top floor.    

“Spiderman, you finally appeared again!” Watching the video of Spiderman appearing again on his computer, Harry whispered.    

Then Harry quickly left his seat and walked to the bookshelf behind him. Reaching out and pressing on the bookshelf, the wall in front of Harry separated from the middle the next second and the whole wall quickly moved to the sides, there was a secret room here! Then Harry had walked into the secret room.    


Thirty seconds later, a dark green flying skateboard rushed out of the back room. On this new type of flying skateboard, the heavily armed Harry stood with a dark green half-section mask on his face.    

A closer look at Harry’s equipment and the flying skateboard under his feet showed that it is quite different from the equipment used previously by Norman Osborn. It is obvious that Harry’s equipment is more advanced, and the armor on Harry is not so bloated and ironier. It fits his body, it seems to rely more on the strength of the driver himself.    


As Harry drove out on his flying skateboard, the huge floor-to-ceiling window in his office opened up and down quickly. The next moment, Harry drove the flying skateboard and disappeared on top of Oscorp’s building. Looking at the direction of his flight, he is going towards Central Avenue.    


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