Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 152-155

Chapter 152-155

Heroes of Marvel Chapter 152-155    

The three people who had evaded the police officers, had been looking for Norman everywhere in New York City, but they couldn’t find him and it was already midnight. Harry couldn’t help but wonder if his father might not be hiding in the properties owned by his family.    

“That church is the only place in the city where my father might go. After my mother died, my father always came here when he remembered her.” As they walked down the street, Harry pointed to an old church. The church, in the middle of New York’s not-so-remote downtown, would have been demolished if Norman Osborn hadn’t bought it a few years ago, along with the land nearby.    

“If Norman Osborn is here, it shows that he still has a normal personality in him, which might actually persuade him to give up his destructive work. Still, the black shadow in his body is a serious problem.” Hearing Harry’s words, Lin Rui thought silently.    

However, when the three of them searched the church very carefully, they could not find any traces of Norman. It seems that he did not come here.    

“Looks like my father isn’t here. Maybe he’s hiding someplace else.” Harry whispered as he sat down on the old wooden bench in the church, looking at the statue of the virgin in front of him.    

Peter and Lin Rui also sat down next to Harry. What Harry needed right now was not a word of comfort, but a friend’s most sincere companionship.    

In this way, Harry sat in the church until the sky began to light up, and Lin Rui and Peter accompanied him until the sunrise. When the first light of the morning fell on Harry’s face from the church window, he finally made a move.    


The old wooden stool creaked as Harry got up from it and Harry’s legs went limp after sitting there all night. But he had two good friends who had been watching him. As Harry’s legs collapsed, one hand after another reached out to catch him.    

“Come on, let’s go back. Maybe the police have a new lead.” Standing still for a while and waiting for his body to adapt to the old familiar feeling, Harry said faintly.    

“Well, let’s go.” With a quiet promise, Lin Rui and Peter accompanied Harry back again.    


The police have nothing special to say about Harry and his friends who have been missing all night. They seem to know that Harry didn’t find Norman. But despite extensive monitoring, there was no sign of either Green Goblin or Norman. The guy in armor was fleeing so quickly on his hoverboard that there weren’t enough surveillance images of him to figure out where he might be hiding.    

“Harry, have a good rest today. Leave the search for your father to professionals, and I’m sure we’ll hear from your father soon.” Accompanying the exhausted Harry back to the house, Lin Rui and Peter help him to the sofa and tried to talk him out.    

“I know, but I may not be able to take a good rest right now. The police outside treat my father like some super-evil criminal, and although I knew it could be true, I feel powerless and unable to do anything.” Sitting on the sofa, Harry felt helpless.    

“Harry, even if uncle Norman did do something wrong, it’s not your responsibility. You can count on me to help you find uncle Norman! I’ll stop him from going wrong!” Seeing Harry’s face, Peter said seriously.    

Looking at Peter’s assurance to Harry, Lin Rui is already feeling that something bad might happen. But he couldn’t say much, and Lin Rui couldn’t have predicted what would happen between Peter and Green Goblin.    

Then Lin Rui and Peter persuade Harry to rest. They also left Harry’s house after some time as they had spent the whole night with nothing to gain, but neither Lin Rui nor Peter felt they were wasting their time. Being with Harry was more important to them than finding Norman.    

After leaving Harry’s house, Peter and Lin Rui separated again. Peter is eager to find Mirage Knight to discuss countermeasures, and Lin Rui needs someone’s help.    

No sooner had Lin Rui entered the subway station that his mobile phone, the one he uses for his Mirage Knight identity, rang. When he gets through, Lin Rui tells Peter at the other end of the line that he is looking for help, telling him not to worry for the moment and hangs up. Lin Rui has not been home since he came out yesterday. Although he had contacted his parents, he still needs to go home now. Moreover, Lin Rui plans to use his real identity to seek help from Iron Man.    

“Asking for help? Mirage Knight is going to tell Daredevil and Jack about this?” At the other end, Peter, who had hung up the phone, was puzzled.    

But Peter also felt that the situation needed more help. Maybe Jack could use the influence of the Frankenstein Family to look for Norman. Sometimes the police can’t match these Mafia families. Peter hasn’t thought of asking Tony for help. After all, the last time Tony came to his house, he exposed his identity and said that they were a group. But Peter didn’t really think Tony was a group of his own.    

“Forget it, I’ll just continue to look for him!” Not knowing what to expect from Mirage Knight, Peter kept wandering around New York, hoping to find Norman Osborn.    


Not long after Lin Rui returned home, he was not ready to call Tony when Tony called.    

“Hey, magic boy! You didn’t call me the other day when you ran away? Is that what you do to your rescuer?” On the line, Tony’s voice comes quickly.    

Lin Rui hurried home that day after hearing about the Green Goblin problem, dragging his recovered body. Later, he had been paying attention to Norman Osborn, but he did not contact Tony. Meanwhile, Tony’s luxury car is still parked outside Lin Rui’s house. Every day these days, children come to play with it. This kind of real luxury car is much more shinner than their toy car.    

“Mr. Stark, I am so sorry, I have some things going on these days.” Lin Rui apologizes, but he didn’t feel sorry at all.    

“You don’t mean to avoid me, do you? After all, that day you were flying out of the door in a hurry, that is a very wrong thing to do. I was worried that your body was not recovering, but now your tone is completely ok.” Tony’s voice was teasing, but Lin Rui could hear his concern.    

“Thank you, Tony, for your concern. Actually, I just wanted to call you, but you just called first.” The corner of the mouth was slightly upturned, Lin Rui continued.    

“Well? What did you want to call me for?” Tony knew that this guy wouldn’t call him to see if he was okay, so it must be something else.    

“Well, did you watch the news yesterday? With regard to Mr. Norman Osborn, I would like to ask your help to find Mr. Norman. If you could, I would like an Iron Man Armor to be on the lookout, because Mr. Norman can be a dangerous Man right now.” Without beating around the bush, Lin Rui made his request directly.    

“Oh, you mean that guy in the green devil mask is really Norman Osborn?” From Lin Rui’s words, Tony can easily judge such a situation.    

“So, can you help me in this?” Without affirmation or denial, Lin Rui just asked again.    

“Help, why wouldn’t I help, I will let JARVIS keep a close watch on him. Once I find him, I will let Iron Man take him. Rest assured, the armor on Norman is no match for the Iron Man Armor. But…” Tony promised. Down, but when it comes to the back, it seems that there are still any requirements.    

“But what?” Lin Rui asked quickly.    

“I have a visitor who wants me to show him around in his old age. You know I’m tired of old people, so I’ll help you this time, and then you’ll show the old man around.” Upon hearing Lin Rui’s worried tone, Tony soon made his request.    

“No problem, I am very patient with old people and your choice is right!” Lin Rui quickly agreed after hearing Tony’s request. Lin Rui will take care of even the most difficult old man.    

“That’s it then, I will help you find Norman Osborn as soon as possible.” The deal between Lin Rui and Tony was stuck and Tony hangs up with a smile.    

“Old man? Is there any close elders in the Stark family?” Although he agreed to Tony’s request, Lin Rui was very curious about the old man. “No matter, anyway, it is just such a small request, As long as I can solve Norman’s problem, I will agree to any request that is not excessive.”    

After hanging up the phone, Lin Rui mumbled to himself and soon didn’t think anything about the old man. Now what matters most is…. Norman Osborn.    


After contacting Tony, Lin Rui relaxed for a while after he got the promise to help find Norman. With New York’s police and Tony’s search, unless Norman has been hiding in a dark corner of the world, he will certainly be found. Lin Rui, however, would not waste his energy to look for him, although he knows that Peter must be wandering outside now.    

“Norman’s mutated and enhanced body is within the range of acceptance, he’s a little less than Dr. Lizard, because his body is not that of a lizard, and he doesn’t have that horrible defense body, and it’s not a very dangerous physics even if it’s heavily armed. But what was that black shadow inside him? It wasn’t in the movie! And why do I feel a wave of evil magic from it?” Sitting at his desk with his chin propped up, Lin Rui ruminated about Norman Osborn.    

“If the system was still there, I could’ve asked it. Now I can only rely on myself, hehe!” Not knowing what happened to Norman, Lin Rui naturally remembered the system that used to give him short and usefull advice, but his sea of ​​consciousness was empty now and the system would no longer respond to his call.    

“If it’s a kind of evil magic, then it will be troublesome. The general attack methods are useless against the magic class. If that black shadow is parasitic on Norman Osborn, then I would have to hurt Norman to eliminate it completely. This is not going to the plan at all ” Kneading his brows, Lin Rui can only analyze so much for now, and there is no good way to deal with the shadow. If Norman’s mutation was due to the shadow, the genetic antidote would be useless on him.    

“Fortunately, the power of thunder in the thunder blade seems to suppress that black shadow. When Norman is found, I will try to see if I can use the power of thunder to force the shadow out of his body.” When Lin Rui was surrounded by the black shadow, the thunder power on his thunder blade restrained the black shadow and protected him, so Lin Rui now has only one way to try.    

Sitting at the table for a long time, Lin Rui could only sigh at the hundreds of Reward points in his sea of ​​consciousness. If Lin Rui still has tens of thousands of Reward points, he could have redeemed some items against evil magic, at least the success probability would be stronger then it is now.    

Lin Rui is currently working on two quests, a mainline quest related to Tony which has reached a 97% completion rate, but it will take a while for it to reach 100%. As for the hidden quest related to Mjölnir, Lin Rui wouldn’t dare to touch the hammer that made him fall into such a situation in the first place.    

“Hopefully this will end well.”    


When Lin Rui asks Tony for help and Peter flies around the streets of New York alone looking for Norman, Harry has already rested. Harry got out of bed after less than two hours of sleep, he is thinking too much that he couldn’t sleep well.    

There was still no news from the police side, which was exactly what Harry had expected. So, without telling anyone, Harry left New York City in a car. Two hours later, Harry came alone to a manor on the outskirts of New York City, a manor of the Osborn family. No one usually came here and Norman Osborn was here during the time of his illness. However, after he recovered, he did not come back here. There should be no one here now.    

Harry took a deep breath and stepped inside. The wooden door closed slowly behind Harry, shutting everything out.    

Though it was still noon, there was little light inside the castle-like building, and Harry walked alone on the polished wooden floor. It was a long corridor that ended in the room where Norman Osborn was kept when he had been ill.    

Da ~    

At the end of the hallway, Harry stood in front of his father’s room. After standing quietly outside the closed door for a few minutes, Harry finally looked up, a determined look in his eyes. Then he put his hand on the door handle.    


With a slight effort, the closed wooden door had been pushed open slowly by Harry. without further hesitation, Harry strode into the room the next moment.    


After Harry entered the room, the door closed again. The room looked darker than the hallway, with the large floor-to-ceiling windows closed, the room was getting a little sunlight. Harry could see the figure sitting on the sofa with his back to him.    


“Harry, my son, are you here?” Seeming to sense someone coming up from behind him, the man sitting on the sofa moved, and then a voice came out. It was Norman Osborn, who went straight out of New York City, but Harry obviously knew he was here.    

“Although I don’t know what happened? But I know that my father won’t do anything that would hurt others. So if you are still my father, then please surrender.” Looking at the person sitting on the sofa. Harry said calmly.    

Call ~    

“Harry, of course I didn’t hurt anyone. If you want me to turn myself in, I will. I’m your father, Harry.” Norman whispered as he turned.    

But Harry took a silent step back and put his right hand behind his waist as Norman offered to surrender.    

“No, you are not my father. I felt that something was wrong when my father suddenly recovered from his illness. Although I know that my father’s consciousness must still in there somewhere but right now you are not him. You won’t really surrender, you will only continue to cause more death.” Faced with Norman slowly approaching figure, Harry suddenly said.    

Then, while Norman was still trying to get closer to him, Harry immediately raised the pistol behind his waist and aimed it at Norman.    

“Oh, haha~ I didn’t expect you to be so smart? It seems that you must’ve been very confused these days, watching your familiar father slowly become a person you don’t even know?” Norman wasn’t nervous at all when Harry pointed a pistol at him as he laughed.    

“No matter what happened, I will save my father again. You are just a false personality.”  Harry’s hand tightened around the gun as he watched his father mutter strange words.    

In fact, after discovering something unusual happened to his father, Harry made a series of investigations in secret and he also found that Norman was suddenly recovered because he injected a secret research gene into himself. After an in-depth investigation, Harry discovered some secrets that were hidden. For example, the big lizard that suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared in New York was the result of the study of Dr. Connors, and some unreported human experiments in the biological genetics department. When Harry linked them together, a rough result appeared before him.    

His father had apparently been injected with a gene serum that had tremendous side effects, and one of the great side effects of that gene serum was the development of a cruel personality, which was what is happening with Norman Osborn and this is the result that Harry got after taking full control of Oscorp Industries. Some human tests were performed in dark. Although Norman Osborn has injected with a relatively safe gene serum, he does not know why his sub-personality completely suppresses the main personality and completely turned him into another person.    

After discovering this situation, Harry was also secretly looking for a solution. Then he remembered when the big lizard appeared before and Peter woke him up in the middle of the night to borrow Osborn’s biological laboratory. Although Harry didn’t care about why Peter borrowed the biological laboratory at the time, Peter’s record of making the antidote was still in the computer.    

So, Harry easily discovered the formula of the antidote that Peter made and made some of his own. Since his father became like this with a modified version of the gene serum that could turn people into big lizards, Harry would use the same antidote to make his father become normal again, although this would make his father’s illness return again. That’s why Harry is pointing a pistol at Norman Osborn.    

“Can you really shoot me? Although you are right and I am another personality, but I am still your father in essence, I don’t think you will shoot at me.” Looking at Harry, Norman said Casually. With that, Norman moved closer to Harry. He seems sure Harry wouldn’t shoot.    


Suddenly a gunshot sounded in the quiet mansion, alarming the birds that were resting around the manor.    



Bang! Bang!    

The first shot was followed by another three shots in succession in the room and then there was a pause.    

In the dark room, Harry was lying awkwardly in the corner, his gun lying on the floor three meters away from him. Norman stood in front of him, his eyes cold.    

Harry’s idea and plan was good, but it didn’t turn out so well. He didn’t really want to kill his father, so he had aimed the gun at Norman’s calf, just to make him lose his mobility. But even without any equipment, Norman is physically fit enough to dodge Harry’s bullet. So, after dodging four of Harry’s bullets, Norman ran up to him and kicked him into a corner.    

“Little Harry, you really did surprise me a little. But you made a mistake in coming here.” Crouching slowly in front of Harry, Norman’s eyes glinted pale green.    


Although he had just been kicked by Norman, Harry still resisted, and when Norman approached, he suddenly punched him in the head.    

Poof ~    

With a simple raise of his hand, Norman clenched Harry’s fist. Crack!Crack!Crack!    

A huge force in Norman’s hand crunched Harry’s bones, causing him endless pain, but Harry gritted his teeth and didn’t scream.    


Just as Norman was about to crush Harry’s fist, the green glow in his eyes suddenly dimmed for a moment, and the hand holding Harry’s fist relaxed at the same time. Harry, who was freed, quickly climbed up from the ground and quickly rushed toward the pistol not far from him.    

“Harry! Run! You are no match for him!” Releasing Harry’s, Norman suddenly stopped. His whole body was shaking violently, and he was shouting at Harry to run away. Norman’s original personality was finally released when his son was hurt, but it was obviously impossible for him to regain control of his body, he could only fight against the brutal personality for some time.    

“Ha! It seems that I still have some feelings for my son!” After Norman’s words, the voice as bizarre as the one before sounded, the brutal personality had reappeared. “But now that you’ve made your choice, don’t mess up again!”    

With a low cry, the cruel personality once again suppressed Norman’s surviving good personality and he quickly climbed up from the ground and ran toward Harry.    

Bang! Bang!    

However, Norman’s kind personality lingered just long enough for Harry to pick up his pistol and aim it again. Without hesitation, Harry fired two shots directly on his father’s two calves. This time Norman didn’t escape. The two bullets hit his two calves directly, and he just fell back and fell to the ground again.    

“Father, I know you are still inside! You must fight him!” Harry had just heard his father’s voice, so he shouted at Norman with his pistol in his hand which only have two bullets in it.    

“Hahaha, your father is gone, don’t expect him to come out to save you again!” Both of his calves were shot, but Norman’s sturdy body made his wounds recover quickly, and he would be able to recover soon.    

“Damn it!” As he watched the two wounds on his father’s leg stopped bleeding and slowly healing, Harry let out a curse and ran outside. An injury like this won’t keep Norman down for long and Harry has no other way to stop him.    

“Ha-ha-ha! Run!!!! Little Harry! I’ll catch you!” Norman hissed loudly on the floor as Harry rushed out the door.    

Bang ~    

Quickly rushing out of the manor, Harry rushed towards his sports car. Without hesitation, Harry had already started the car and rushed out.    


Not long after Harry drove out of the car, a green shadow burst through the window of Norman’s room on the estate. On a flying hoverboard, Norman is fully armed again as he runs after Harry in the direction he fled. Looking at Norman’s equipment, it is clear that there is also a weapon chamber hidden by Norman Osborn on this estate.    

With his foot on the bottom of the gas pedal, Harry was going as fast as the car could go. Fortunately, this is a suburban area with few buildings in it and Harry can use the speed of his sports car on a straight line to temporarily keep Norman from catching up to him. However, once he reached into the city, Harry and the civilians in the city would not be in a good situation. So, Harry called the phone directly with the car’s smart system.    

“I’m Harry Osborn, and I found my father! He’s flying downtown from green avenue outside Manhattan! That’s right! Flying! My father was the attacker!” It’s hard to admit, but Harry can’t implicate other innocent people for his father’s sake.    

It was still a long way from the city, and if the police will arrive in time, Norman would not be able to make it into the city when he caught up with him. But if Norman did catch up, Harry would have to change his direction and not take Norman into the city.    


A strong wind blew from the racing car on the main road, followed by a green figure in midair a few hundred meters behind.    


“Sir, I just learned from the police that Norman Osborn is flying over green avenue toward the center of Manhattan.” The moment Harry called the police, JARVIS, who had been monitoring the police channel, reported the situation to Tony.    

“Ok, it’s time for Iron Man.” After agreeing with Lin Rui, Tony quickly walks to the next room and quickly puts on his Armor. This time, Tony is going to take the lead himself. After all, that Man is Norman Osborn. Tony worries that sending out an Iron Man Drone may be out of line.    

Boom ~    

After a dozen seconds, a red-hot figure emerged from another direction in New York City, heading for Manhattan.    

Not long after Tony’s departure, Peter, who had been looking for Norman in New York, heard the news from the police. Without any hesitation, Spiderman had swiftly flown over Green Avenue. Behind Peter, more than a dozen police cars raced towards the Green Avenue. However, due to the conditions of the car and the building in New York, the police are much slower than the Spiderman.    

“Mirage Knight! The police have found Mr. Osborn! He’s on the green avenue!” As he zooms between the tall buildings, Peter contacts Lin Rui.    

“I’ve got it. I’m on my way.” Lin Rui on the other end of the phone quickly replied as JARVIS had just told Lin Rui about this situation.    

Although Tony had said that he could handle the current situation, Lin Rui was obviously not reassured. He’s glad that he didn’t return Tony’s sports car back to him seeing as he is currently driving it down the road. But it’s still a long way from Queens to Manhattan, and Lin Rui Is worried that he won’t make it there in time, which makes him envy Tony or Peter’s ability to fly.    


Worried about the evil magic energy in Norman’s body, Lin Rui’s increased the speed of the car again. He now regrets that he did not continue to search for Norman in Manhattan with Peter. The key is that he did not expect Norman to appear so soon.    

In fact, Lin Rui judged it correctly. Norman was already injured in the house fight against him and Spiderman. Although his body is capable of quick recovery, it would have obviously taken a while for him to completely recover. Moreover, the black shadow in his body was consumed by Lin Rui in order to help him escape. At this time, he should be quietly hiding someplace and recover. But Harry found Norman, which made Norman’s cruel personality unable to suppress the temper in his heart, and he chased after Harry.    

In this way, Norman chased Harry towards the center of Manhattan on his flying hoverboard, and Tony drove the Iron Man to approach at a high speed in the other direction. Spiderman is also on his way, followed by a large number of police officers and Lin Rui is also rushing in from Queens. One Green Goblin has caused mayhem throughout New York, and several factions are racing to get there first.    


As the black sports car sped down the broad street, Harry was almost on the verge of breaking into Manhattan, but apparently, the New York police had not arrived yet. Frowning, Harry could already see Norman approaching in the rearview mirror. Then, with a certain determination in his heart, Harry jerked the steering wheel to the right, and the black sports car that had been zooming down the road drifted off onto a side path. Norman has already caught up with him and Harry can’t keep charging into Manhattan and risk the lives of many civilians. He will distract Norman until helps arrives.    


After the flexible turn of the front black sports car, Norman, who had been behind him also turned around. However, Norman, who was flying in mid-air, approached the front of the sports car again as he was faster compared to the sports car with terrain restrictions on the ground.    


It wasn’t long before Harry made a sharp turn again and Norman, who had caught up from behind, was close enough to him now. The lower part of the hoverboard opened and a small nest of rockets pocked out of it.    

Howls whew!    

Norman, who has been completely occupied by the brutal personality, has not hesitated to launch rockets towards the sports car that is galloping ahead of him.    

“Shit!” The tail flame of the rocket was reflected in the rearview mirror, and Harry could feel the cold sweat running down on his body.    

At this moment, Harry’s body is rapidly secreting adrenaline and his body and mind are highly unified. In a flash, he judges what he should do next. With his eyes staring at the rearview mirror, Harry had already predicted the target position of the rockets, then his hands slammed on the steering wheel and he kept his foot on the accelerator.    

Boom! Boom! Boom!    

The galloping black sports car created a few snakes patterns on the wide road, and successfully escaped the three rockets that were shot from the rear. However, although he had escaped, the power of the close-range explosion of the three rockets made Harry’s control of the car loose. When the fourth rocket was shot, Harry could not completely escape.    


The fourth rocket crashed into the rear end of the car and exploded. The huge power of the explosion directly knocked Harry’s car over. Rumble~ Harry’s sports car rolled down the middle of the road into the side of the road in a blaze of fire with Harry still trapped inside it.    


Finally, after several rolls, the battered car came to a full stop. The entire rear end of the car was blown out and was still burning from the point of the explosion. Harry was protected from explosions, but he’ll suffocate in it. What’s more, Norman has come after him on the flying hoverboard.    

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!!!    

Harry kicked the door open after it had been turned upside down. Harry probably wouldn’t have been able to kick the door out if the explosion hadn’t blown the whole structure apart.    


Awkwardly, Harry climbed out of the car. His face was covered with blood. But this was no time to worry about getting hurt. Norman had already reached Harry on the flying hoverboard.    

“Cough, cough, cough!” Harry managed to crawl out of the grass a few meters away from the burning sports car behind him, then lay flat on the ground coughing.    

Harry’s face was cut several times by some broken glass, and he suffered numerous injuries, including broken ribs. His ability to climb out of the car had been at the height of his survival instinct and adrenaline rush, and now he had no strength at all, and the exhaustion and pain that comes from all over his body is slowly swallowing him.    

Aww ~    

The air from the skateboard raised and lowered the grass on which Harry lay, casting a shadow over him. However, Harry doesn’t know what to do with his father, who has become completely psychotic. Perhaps the best thing that could have happened was for him to have died peacefully Harry thought as he lay prone on the ground.    

“I caught up with you, little Harry!” Ignoring that Harry on the ground was in a semi-coma, Norman, who had completely lost his humanity, shouted at Harry on the ground through the green devil mask.    

“Why don’t you talk? Aren’t you trying to save me? What happened?” When Harry did not respond, Norman moved closer and shouted, “Looks like he passed out, but if that’s the case then it will save you some pain.”    

When he saw Harry lying on the ground and passing out, Norman was ready to kill him. After all, Harry is Norman’s only son and the only concern of his remaining personality. He needs to cut off this concern completely before he can fully control this body. While suppressing the violent reaction of another personality in his body, Norman had slowly extended the metal knife’s mechanical arm to Harry on the ground.    

Om ~    


Just as Norman’s alloy knife was about to reach Harry’s body, a strong laser beam was suddenly shot from his side, directly knocking Norman’s alloy knife off. Then, a bright red figure rushed to the front of Norman, and Iron Man Tony Stark has finally arrived!    


He raised his arm to Norman in front of him. Tony’s face was covered by a steel mask. “You are going to stay away from this child!”    

After getting on Norman’s trail, Tony didn’t know he was chasing after Harry, because Harry didn’t mention the situation when he called the police. Therefore, after seeing that Norman intended to kill his son, Tony was extremely angry. Tony has no idea how much humanity is left in a man who can kill his own son.    

“Iron Man? Tony Stark! I didn’t expect you to appear here.” Retracting the half of the alloy knife that had been shot off, Norman said calmly as he looked across at Tony.    

Tony’s appearance was indeed beyond Norman’s expectation. With his strength and semi-armored armor at this time, he could not defeat Iron Man. But he also had an ace in the hole, an ace in the hole that was completely superior to technology, and it was that ace in the hole that made Norman’s murderous personality so powerful and utterly dehumanized him.    

“I didn’t expect a father to do such a thing to his own son. Are you really Norman Osborn?” acing Norman’s confidence, Tony asked.    

Tony had met Norman Osborn before, and though they didn’t make a very good impression on each other but he didn’t think that he would turn out this way. Tony was surprised. It’s hard to believe, but J.A.R.V.I.S scans clearly show that this is Norman Osborn, Harry’s father.    

“The old Norman Osborn is dead, I am the new Norman Osborn, and I will lead this city into the hands of the great god!” Faced with Tony’s query, Norman suddenly shouted out with excitement.    

“You’re crazy. It seems like I can only incapacitate you.” Tony frowned at Norman Osborn’s inscrutable cry, and he raised his armored hand and prepared to fire his palm cannon.    


Aiming at Norman’s right side, Tony fires his palm cannon. However, Norman, who had been preparing for the event, managed to avoid the shot with his flying hoverboard and sped back. Apparently, knowing that he was no match for Iron Man, Norman planned to run away.    


How can the speed of the flying hoverboard compare with the Iron Man’s? The flame of the ejector at Tony’s feet suddenly explodes and he catches up with the fleeing Norman. Meanwhile, two rows of rapid-fire shots were already visible over the shoulder of the Iron Man Armor and they were aimed at Norman in front. J.A.R.V.I.S had already assessed Norman’s armor durability and weaknesses, and Tony’s rapid-fire bullets weren’t enough to kill him but enough to seriously injure him.    

However, just as Tony fired his bullets, Norman suddenly threw three small metal balls behind him. Boom! Boom! Boom! Explosions happened three times in a row, Tony’s bullets were blown away by the violent explosions, and Norman was able to pull away again under the cover of the explosion behind him.    

“I am not letting you run away!” Nimbly dodging the blast, Tony accelerates towards Norman.    


Two laser beams directly blocked Norman’s path, and the next second, Tony landed on the hoverboard and punched Norman on the face with his armored fist. Tony wants to teach this crazy guy a lesson!    


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