Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 156-158

Chapter 156-158

Heroes of Marvel Chapter 156-158    


After receiving a punch from Tony, Norman nearly fell off the hoverboard. However, he soon recovered himself and swung the alloy knife at Tony which was still intact.    

Shout! Ignoring Norman’s attack, Tony adjusted the power output of the cannons in his hand and fired it at Norman at a close range. He wanted to take apart the suit of armor on Norman.    


Sure enough, Norman’s alloy metal knife made only a shallow mark on Tony’s Armored suit whereas Tony’s palm cannon had blasted open the armor on Norman’s right arm, and the solid metal arm had exploded into pieces. Because Tony adjusted the power output of his palm cannons, this shot disarmed Norman without causing him much damage.    

“Ah!!~” Seeing that he lost to Tony, Norman’s eyes flashed a glimpse of black shadow as he began to roar loudly and crazily.    


Ignoring the hysterical Norman, Tony raised his palm cannon and points it again at his other arm. However, just as Tony was about to fire the cannon again, a black shadow came out of Norman’s body and jumped at him.    

“What is it?! J.A.R.V.I.S, switch to the inner circulation system!” When Tony saw the black shadow coming, he responded quickly and shouted. He feared that the black shadow was a poison gas attack from Norman’s armor, but his Armored suit did not fear it.    


JARVIS’s reaction speed was very fast and the Armor was completely cut off from the outside air before the black shadow came in contact with Iron Man Armor. Whew! Then, Tony was enveloped by the shadow.    


Tony did not dare to launch an attack at random because his sight was blocked. Although it was not the main city, there were some houses nearby. When Tony was Shadowed, Norman kicked him off his hoverboard.    

Aww ~    

“J.A.R.V.I.S., why hasn’t the view been provided?” Feeling himself falling fast, Tony shouts unexpectedly. Although his vision is blocked, J.A.R.V.I.S does not look at things with the naked eye. Various high-tech detection devices enable Tony to find the target with his eyes closed.    

“Sir, infrared scanning and other detection systems can’t break through this black fog, we are flying blind.” Just after Tony asked that question, J.A.R.V.I.S gave a quick reply. The black shadow that shrouded Tony had used some unknown method to make the detection system on the Iron Man Armor become invalid.    

“Change to gravity detection! Adjust the falling position, we have to pull back!” Although this situation was beyond Tony’s expectations, he still calmly shouted. Although J.A.R.V.I.S is blind, Tony is still affected by gravity as he keeps falling down, so he can use the gravity to determine what is happening and adjust the jet system to stop himself from falling down.    

“Yes, sir.”    


J.A.R.V.I.S was quick to respond and within a second after Tony had shouted, the hand injector of the Armored Suit had been turned on in one direction. Then Tony felt his falling body stabilize in the air. However, although there was no need to worry about falling to his death, Tony was still shrouded in black fog and had no idea what was going on outside.    


Just as Tony was thinking about what the black mist was, there was a sudden sound of metal corrosion on the surface of his Iron Man Armor.    

“Sir, there are unknown substances in the black fog that are corroding the metal on the surface of the Iron Man Armor. After three minutes, the Iron Man Armor will completely lose its protection.” Before Tony can ask, J.A.R.V.I.S has informed him of the situation.    

“What the hell kind of attack is this? Fire the incendiary bomb!” Although it is not clear what was attacking him, Tony did something about it.    

Poof ~    

With Tony’s command, dozens of incendiary bombs were fired quickly from the arms and legs of the Iron Man Armor, instantly igniting the area around Tony. Shout! However, the incendiary bombs only released flames in one instant and then went out completely the next, as if the black fog had a fire-extinguishing effect.    

“JARVIS, increase the power, we’re going up!” Since the incendiary bombs did not work and the Iron Man Armor was still being corroded, Tony has to give the order. Maybe he can get rid of the weird black fog with the speed of the suit.    

“Yes, sir.”    

Boom ~    

Then the flame from the ejector at the foot of the suit explodes and pushes Tony high into the air but the black mist surrounding Tony couldn’t be shaken off.    


To the outsiders, Iron Man, who was about to defeat the terrible attacker, was suddenly enveloped in a black fog and then kicked out by the attacker. Then they saw the black fog wrapped around Iron Man falling quickly towards the ground. It almost hit the ground when it was finally stabilized. Then the black fog surrounding the Iron Man slowly flew into the air again.    

After that, a spark flashed through the black mist, but it was soon extinguished. A few moments later, a faint flamethrower glow emerged from the black mist, and Iron Man flew high into the air with it.    

“Iron Man, Tony Stark, you can’t get rid of the power of the demon!” When he saw the black mist rising, Norman’s eyes rolled back and he shouted hoarsely.    


Then, without Iron Man standing in the way, Norman once again steered the hoverboard in Harry’s direction. Although his current gear has been nearly disabled by Tony, it would be easy to deal with Harry who is in a coma.    


Just as Norman hurtled toward Harry on the ground, looking increasingly grim behind the demonic mask. A translucent spider silk thread suddenly shot from behind to the bottom of the hoverboard.    

“Norman! It’s not too late to stop now!” Spiderman bellows as he tugged at the hoverboard to stop Norman from flying toward Harry. Peter always thought Norman could be saved, if only by awakening his normal personality.    

“Spiderman! I won’t let you stop me twice!! Ah-ha! Roar! “Norman yelled back at Peter as he tugged at the hoverboard as it floated in the air.    


Then, stepping on the flying hoverboard, Norman suddenly kicked off. He jumped out of the flying hoverboard directly and went straight towards Peter in front of him. While flying in the air, Norman’s body began to change slightly. Muscles all over his body are rapidly growing and thickening and his skin color is becoming slightly green, long shimmering green nails are quickly growing out of his fingers. At this moment, Norman seemed to merge with his armor. The demon mask he had been wearing on his face seemed to merge with Norman’s face and his eyes were completely covered by a black mist.    


Throwing aside the useless hoverboard, Peter shot spider silk at a pair of telephone poles by the side of the road, then took two steps back and bounced himself straight out, aiming for Norman, who was hurrying through the air.    

“Die, you insect!” Norman, who was physically distorted, waved his right hand and grabbed Peter, who was rushing toward him. The sharp tips of his fingers look chilling.    

However, in the face of Norman’s deadly attack, Peter just quickly shot two strands of spider silk threads and stuck them onto Norman’s hands. Then Peter jerked, and the force of the blow brought Norman down in a swift dive.    


Pulling Norman down from above, Peter kicked Norman on his chest. With the force of the kick on Norman’s chest, Peter flipped over in the air and fell to the ground. As for Norman, his previous attack was defused, his hands were tied in spider silk, and he fell feebly to the ground. But with his current physical condition, even a fall like this would not harm him.    


Norman, who had been kicked by Peter, fell to the ground awkwardly. The grass was not strong enough and neither was the ground he fell on as it created a small crater. But, as Peter had judged, Norman, in his mutated form, soon got up from the pit, his bones crackling, his tattered armor torn apart and thrown aside as he had no use for it at all.    

The next moment, the lightly dressed Norman disappeared and reappeared behind Peter, his bony fist slamming at him. By Peter’s danger sense alerted him just in time to avoid this head-on dangerous attack and seeing that he couldn’t avoid it completely, he let the attack hit his right shoulder where it wouldn’t do much damage.    

Peter evaded Norman’s follow-up attack, his face turned ugly and he turned towards the guy who was not his uncle Norman anymore. Then, Norman disappeared again, and Peter, who was prepared, used the spider-sense to determine Norman’s position and the next moment he directly slammed his fist to the side. Just as Peter’s fist slammed out, Norman suddenly appeared there, ready to deliver a punch on Peter. Then, the fists of the two men slammed together in an unbiased manner.    

Puff! ~~    

Just as Spiderman and Green Goblin were struggling in front of him, Harry, who had fainted on the grass in the back, gradually woke up. The moment he wakes up, he sees the fight between the father he no longer knows, and the Vigilante Spiderman, who has hidden the identity of his best friend.    

“Cough!” As he struggles to get up from the ground, Harry seeks help from the frightened civilians next to him.    

Harry no longer expected himself to wake up and see his father again. Perhaps as Norman Osborn has said before, the original Norman is dead and now he is a new person. But Harry still had a deep affection for Norman, he is his father after all, though he looks more like a monster right now. So, since Spiderman has appeared, he will let Spiderman subdue his crazy father, at least Harry no longer has to worry about being chased by his father.    

Wū wū ~ wū wū ~    

Harry was barely able to take two steps when the sound of sirens came from the distant street and the New York police arrived. However, in the face of a battle between two non-human beings, even if the police came early they would be of little help but they would at least be able to protect nearby civilians and reduce the possibility of accidental injury.    

And behind the New York police, a cool red sports car drove through several traffic lights before finally coming through Queens. Along the way, Lin Rui keeps in touch with Spiderman, knowing that he and Norman are fighting. And the black fog that showed up yesterday had appeared once again and this time it was used to deal with Iron Man. Tony had rushed towards the sky with the black fog and has not come down yet.    

“Then the magical attack that gives me the feeling of being evil must be limited to the black fog and not controlled by Norman, otherwise Norman could have summoned another black fog against Peter.” As he hurries toward the battlefield, Lin Rui analyzes the evil magic that he was beginning to fear.    

If things go as Lin Rui suspects, it’s not too bad. Since Norman could not control the evil magic, it was likely that something behind the action was controlling Norman in the dark, which may be one of the reasons why his cruel personality could completely suppress his good personality. Moreover, if Norman is controlled by some mysterious evil magic, perhaps there is still hope for him, he just needs to remove the evil magic that controls Norman.    

However, Lin Rui only has a few Reward points left and he cannot exchange for anything that can eliminate evil magic. With some solution in mind, Lin Rui has quickly approached the battlefield. The police car in front has set up roadblocks at the intersection, blocking the traffic on this road to prevent more people from entering the battlefield and being affected.    


Before the intersection at the front, he made a sharp turn and turned to the side of the road. Now he is close enough to the battlefield, and Mirage Knight should also be on the scene. Rushing out of the car, Lin Rui rushes to the front battlefield. After dashing through the shadows of a building, Lin Rui Has disappeared and Mirage Knight has emerged.    


“Captain George, what should we do now?” The police officer standing next to Police Captain George whispered as he looked at the battlefield.    

In the open space not far from the front, Spiderman is fighting a robust man about two meters tall. Although the robust man is tall and seemed heavy, his speed wasn’t affected by his mass and he is so fast that the police officers can barely see his actions with naked eyes, let alone shoot at him. And they couldn’t use a powerful firearm, which would have wounded Spiderman, who was dealing with Norman.    

“Is that really Norman Osborn?” Without answering the question from the police officers around him, George frowned and asked.    

“Well, we don’t know for sure. After all, the monster is completely different in size compared to Norman Osborn. However, the devil mask he wore on his face and some of the special armor he retained were consistent with those found in the backroom of Norman Osborn. He is probably Norman Osborn.” The officer questioned by the Police Captain George replied, somewhat uncertainly as Norman Osborn looked completely different now.    

“How is Harry? Is his life in any danger?” Hearing the response from the police officer around him, Police Captain George asked another question.    

After Captain George rushed over and saw a bloody Harry moving to the side, Captain  George quickly called the medical team to treat Harry. However, due to his identity and the relationship between Gwen and Harry, Captain George did not personally look at Harry’s injury.    

“Well, Mr. Harry’s injuries are serious, but not life-threatening. His injuries consist of three broken ribs, a couple of large gashes on his head and various muscle and soft tissue injuries in the arms and legs and he had lost a lot of blood.” When Captain George asked about Harry, the officer answered truthfully. He obviously doesn’t know the relationship between Harry and Gwen, and thinks that George just wanted to ask about Harry’s situation.    

His brows unconsciously jumped twice, and Police Captain George resisted the twitching of his mouth: “Well, there is no danger to his life. Let the medical team take good care of Mr. Harry Osborn.”    

“As for now, we don’t have to intervene in this battle for the time being.” His gaze turned to the battlefield ahead, and Police Captain George planned to let Spiderman, the Vigilante of New York City, deal with this monster. As for the final result not being in their favor, Police Captain George naturally has his own arrangements.    


“Spiderman! You can’t stop me! Can’t stop the arrival of the devil!” After a long battle, Norman could not defeat Peter and he suddenly roared again.    

“What Devil?! Do you think I’ll be afraid of you and your psychotic cult?!” In his heart, Peter no longer thinks of this guy as his uncle Norman. He is a crazy monster.    

However, just as Peter was throwing back his words, he suddenly saw Norman’s eyes covered with black mist. In a trance, Peter seems to see through Norman’s eyes and saw a huge figure in the black mist. For an instant, Peter felt something burst out of his body, and his concentration was broken. And the spider silk thread he shot to a nearby telegraph pole suddenly changed its direction and missed because of Peter’s sudden broken concentration and Peter fell on the ground.    


“Ah! What’s going on? !” Peter fell to the ground in a daze, not knowing what was wrong with him.    

Although he fell from the air, he was not hurt because of the small height of his fall and his strong physique. But Peter was not in the best of circumstances. Norman’s first glance seems to have caused something to burst out of him, not only to distract his mind but to leave his whole body in indescribable agony.    

“Hahaha! Surrender to the feet of the devil!” Seeing Peter on his knees in pain, Norman rushed over, laughing. On his way, he also picked up his discarded half alloy knife from the ground.    


Boom boom boom!    

Facing Spiderman’s sudden change into a dangerous situation, on the side, Police Captain George decisively gave out his orders. But Norman who is greatly improved moved quickly and avoided most of the bullets, some only narrowly missing him, but not enough to subject enough damage. Norman still rushed forward towards the fallen Spiderman step by Step, with the half alloy knife in his hand shining with cold light.    


But just as Norman laughs wildly to finish off Spiderman. Peter, who had been on his knees and trembling, suddenly raised his head. If anyone could see Peter’s eyes through Spiderman’s head, he would find that Peter’s eyes, which had been clear and clear, were now covered with red blood. It is a bit similar to Norman’s eyes except for the color.    


The next moment Norman looked down, Peter was already gone. A red shadow running in front of Norman. Then Peter, who appeared in front of Norman reached out and grabbed the alloy knife that Norman was about to cut him with,  instead of using his customary spider silk thread.    

“You?!…” As if he sensed something was wrong with Peter, the dark mist in Norman’s eyes suddenly rose.    


The two men were competing for control of the alloy knife, but it was clear that Peter’s power was greater, and the alloy knife that had been cut to him slowly moved toward Norman’s neck.    

“No!! This is impossible!” The dark fog in Norman’s eyes became more and more unstable, and Norman felt that his life was about to be threatened deadly.    


Just after Norman said that, Peter’s strength suddenly increased by several times, and the alloy knife that was about three inches away from Norman’s neck plunged into it. The force applied to the blade is so great that a skin that can withstand a normal bullet was not able to stop it. The cut in the alloy knife went right through Norman’s neck and then through the aorta.    


After Peter plunged the alloy knife into Norman’s neck, a thick black mist burst from his body. This black fog is very similar to the previous black fog, but the color is more intense and changes more violently. In the astonished eyes of the police around them, the black mist attached to Norman’s body constantly twisted and changed, and finally formed the shape of a humanoid creature with the irregular two-horned head above him.    

Poof ~ ~    

“Impossible ~~…” Norman’s two hands were covering his neck and he reluctantly shouted a sentence and fell to the ground. And the black fog that was attached to him disappeared when he fell, as if it were one with Norman.    

“No!!!!! Father!!!!! … After Norman fell, Harry screamed hysterically from the edge of the field.    


After hearing Harry’s voice, Peter, who had been in some internal trouble for a while, suddenly shivered and recovered. This time, however, Peter seems to know what he had done. He did not dare to look back at Harry. He shot the spider’s silk thread toward the house next to him, and he left quickly at the next moment.    


Chapter 157 Norman’s Death    

After Spiderman leaves, Harry rushes to Norman Osborn, who has fallen to the ground and is still dying, despite the doctor’s efforts to stop his bleeding. Holding Norman Osborn, who was covered in blood and had recovered to his normal size, Harry repressed his voice and cried out, tears mixed with the blood from Harry’s wound dripping onto Norman’s face.    


Just then, Norman Osborn, who should have died, suddenly trembled, and Harry jerked his head.    

“Father! Father!” Calling out for Norman, Harry wiped the blurred tears from his face.    

As Harry shouts, Norman slowly opens his eyes. At this time, his eyes were neither black nor green and they have recovered to a very normal color. Struggling to move his gaze, Norman finally saw his son. Slowly he raised his hand. Norman wanted To touch Harry’s injured face.    

“Father! Don’t move! I’ll call the doctor! Doctor! Doctor!” Harry shouted as he took Norman’s raised hand.    

“Harry… no, I can’t be saved. I’m sorry… It’s going to be like this.” But just as Harry called for a doctor, Norman slowly made a noise that stopped him.    

“Father, no! You won’t die! You made a mistake. Let us both make-up for it! I have an antidote to the gene serum, it can cure the side effects of you!” Holding Norman tightly, Harry shouted loudly.    

“Some things can’t be made up for… I deserve to end up like this… cough!” Slowly Norman Osborn shook his head and Norman completely recovered to his normal personality.    

“Father, stop talking, we can save you! Quickly! Doctor!” Holding Norman in his arms, Harry did not want him to speak anymore, and he turned to yell at the doctor behind him.    

“I’m sorry… Harry” The doctor was coming, but Norman’s eyes closed slowly.” Harry, remember, don’t be fooled by hate and shadows!” Just before Norman closed his eyes completely, he suddenly stared at Harry Again.    


With that, Norman collapsed into Harry’s arms and lost all hope of life. As for the rushing doctors, they were no longer needed. Even if Peter had not struck Norman, his genetic chain would have collapsed after this fight and he would not have survived.    


Harry, surrounded by a crowd of medics, clutched Norman’s body and shouted in the battle-ravaged grass.    

Surrounded by police, Lin Rui is standing in the shadows, looking ahead with complicated eyes. He is still late, although the plot has been severely changed but Norman Osborn died at Peter’s hands, and Lin Rui could do nothing to hide his face from Harry’s    

Huh ~ Hey! Huh~    

Just as Lin Rui was about to leave the crime scene to look for Peter, a broken sound came from the surrounding area. It wasn’t long before the crowd below saw a battered Iron Man falling quickly from the sky. The ejector at Iron Man’s feet starts to slow down at every drop as if the steel Armor is severely damaged.    

Whoosh! Bang!    

In the end, JARVIS did his best to calculate and Tony narrowly missed hitting the grass the hard way. He was dizzy, but at least he didn’t fall badly.    

Three minutes ago, Tony decided to rush to the sky in order to get rid of the black fog attack. However, the black fog did not seem to be afraid of high altitude and low temperature and low oxygen and continued to corrode his steel Armor when Tony flew above 10,000 meters. Just when Tony thought he was going to die, the black mist suddenly disappeared. At this time, Tony’s Iron Man Armor has been damaged in many places, and he was forced to use this method to save himself.    


Sitting on the ground, Tony’s helmet automatically bounced off, revealing Tony’s face which was still not fully recovered from the shock. However, when Tony saw Harry and Norman being held by him in the distance, Tony’s face became even worse. It’s not clear how Norman died, but he couldn’t help much.    

“JARVIS, why haven’t the spare Iron Man Armor arrived yet?” Not wanting to stay long, Tony asks JARVIS in a cool voice.    


Just after Tony asked, a new Iron Man Armor rushed to the front of Tony from a distance.    

Boom! Then, Tony put on his new Iron Man Armor with a calm face and rushed to the sky with the half-destroyed Iron Man Armor in his hand. Nearby police and onlookers could only watch Tony leave, and no one could stop him.    

After Tony also left, Lin Rui, hiding in the dark, finally shook his head, he turned and disappeared into the shadows.    


Call ~ call ~    

Peter, departing from the battlefield on the green avenue, keeps throwing spider silk thread and hurtling towards downtown Manhattan. Spiderman flies through the bustling traffic, causing many passers-by to take photos.    

At this time, Peter’s mind and his emotions were in a mess. He didn’t want to think about anything. He just wanted to keep pushing forward and escape from the place behind him. It’s not like Peter didn’t kill anyone. When he dealt with some wicked guys, Peter wouldn’t be merciful. But that was Norman Osborn! He was Peter’s best friend Harry’s father!    

Moreover, Peter is also confused in his mind. He does not remember how he “missed” and killed Norman. Yes, it is a miss. Peter didn’t want to kill Norman at all, he just wanted him to put no more resistance. At the same time, Peter’s mental condition at that time was a bit abnormal, which seemed to affect his body and allowed him to do things he did not want to do.    

So, now Peter just wants to escape from Harry. The farther he escapes, the better. Peter doesn’t know how to face his good friend anymore. Puff! Raising his hand to launch another spider silk thread towards the front of a building, but this time the transmitter at the wrist did not move, his powerful spider silk threads were exhausted!    


Peter had fallen into the street between the two buildings as the web he was holding loosened in his left hand. Peter, who is in a free-falling movement, has no plans to save himself. Perhaps, even if he dies, what troubles are there? As he quickly fell down, Peter thought in a random way.    

Peter did not know that his mental state at this time had not fully recovered to normal conditions, and he was in a very dangerous situation. If he falls from this height, he will die no questions asked, he will die even with the enhancement he received from the spider bite.    


Falling from the sky, Spiderman slowly relaxes, as if he really wants to accept death. If anyone could have seen Peter through his Spiderman mask, they would have seen that Peter had closed his eyes and really looked like he was going to die. But just as Peter was Falling fast, a cry came from a distance.    

“Peter! Peter!” It was Lin Rui who finally arrived, but even he couldn’t save Peter from such a distance. In a hurry, Lin Rui doesn’t care about Shouting Peter’s name in broad daylight. Compared with revealing Spiderman’s identity, Lin Rui has to save Peter’s life.    


At the foot of the road, Lin Rui has fully run the internal energy to make all the light work. Instantly, he jumped for more than three meters in the air and then stepped on the wall on the second floor of the store on the street and quickly flew toward Peter. Lin Rui now regrets why he didn’t redeem an Advanced light flying method when he had enough Reward Points. Now although his speed can save Peter completely. Still, Lin Rui’s speed and ability to climb the walls have horrified many passersby.    

“Spiderman!” Rushing forward with all his strength, Lin Rui shouted again, this time he directly applied internal energy into the Shouting, hoping to make Peter hear and react.    

Hum ~    

Lin Rui’s voice, which contained the internal energy caused the glasses in the nearby building to tremble. Soon, Lin Rui’s voice reached Peter’s ear. This time, Peter, who closed his eyes, finally reacted. He was stunned a little, and then he suddenly opened his eyes.    

“What happened to me?!” Peter, who opened his eyes, did not seem to understand why he was planning to committed suicide. He was surprised. However, now is not the time to reflect upon himself, he must find ways to save himself from this situation.    

The confusion and red light in his eyes disappeared. Peter calmed down quickly. He saw that he was very close to the ground. Peter quickly pointed his hand at his wrist. Then, Spiderman stretched his arms directly at the high speed.    


The figure that had been hurtling down suddenly slowed as if it had been pulled down by something, and then flew like a kite into the shadow of the building. Although the people on the ground may not have seen how Spiderman did it, Lin Rui, Who had been keeping an eye on Peter, did. Just as he thought Peter was about to fall to the ground in this way, a pair of transparent wing membranes appeared under his outstretched arms, just enough for Peter to glide out of the sky.    

“Call! It’s scared me! When did Tony secretly give the new Spiderman costume to Peter, They both hid it from me!” Murmuring, Lin Rui had chased Spiderman into the shadows behind the building.    



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