The General's Little Peasant Wife

Chapter 770

Chapter 770

Chapter 770     

Ning Meng Yao raised her head and smiled at Qiao Tian Chang, the smile on her face was bright: “I know, I’m thinking too much about this . ”    

“Oh, you, haven’t you noticed, you’ve changed a lot after having Shang’er?” Qiao Tian Chang reached out and pinched Ning Meng Yao’s face, his eyes full of helplessness .     

Ning Meng Yao was stunned . It was clear that she did not think of it before and she stared at Qiao Tian Chang blankly: “Really?”    

“Yes, Yao Yao, you lock Chen Qi up, will his family come here to make trouble?” After all, Chen Qi had to go back every day, and he had a wife at home .     

Ning Meng Yao frowned . She thought for a while, and then said: “Let Qing Huai go and tell them that there are many things to do in the workshop, so he won’t be going back for the time being . ”    

“This will do . ”    

The two talked while walking outside .     

Chen Qi, who was locked up, looked at everything around him, and there was some fear in his heart . Would he never be able to leave this place?    

“Let me go, you can’t abuse your authority . ” Chen Qi kept banging on the door and shouting loudly .     

The person guarding outside knocked on the door impatiently when he heard his words: “What are you being noisy about? Abuse of authority? Have we done something to you?”    

They were just locking him up . Was this abusing authority?    

Chen Qi fell to the ground . He was right . They did not beat him, and neither did they do anything cruel to him . They were only locking him up . How could it be regarded as an abuse of authority?    

Covering his face with his hand, Chen Qi forced himself to calm down . He thought about the whole thing, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn’t find a way to let him leave this place .     

And he couldn’t communicate with the outside now, even if there was a way to send messages out, he didn’t know if his family would worry about him .     

Qing Huai went to Chen Qi’s house according to Ning Meng Yao’s instructions .     

After going to Chen Qi’s house, Qing Huai suddenly understood why Chen Qi turned out the way he was .     

Having such an indifferent old lady, a wife who was only interested in money, and some narrow-minded people who only knew how to take advantage of others .     

Even if Chen Qi was a good person, he would eventually be corrupted by these people .     

This time, when Qing Huai went to Chen Qi’s house, they demanded money from him .     

Taking the money was not enough . Some even asked why nothing from the workshop was brought back this time . And Chen Qi’s mother actually called him a waste for giving so little .     

This kind of treatment made Qing Huai not interested in staying . He only said a little and turned away without returning .     

Chen Qi’s wife chased from behind, but failed to catch up . All Qing Huai could hear was her scolding Chen Qi for being useless .     

Chen Qi didn’t bother to listen further and he quickly left Chen family’s village and returned to White Mountain Village . Qing Huai found Ning Meng Yao and told Ning Meng Yao about the Chen Qi’s family .     

Ning Meng Yao’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: “Is that so? Let Chen Qi know and see what he thinks . ”    

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His family, who he had been filial and loyal to all the time, said that about him . Who knew what expression Chen Qi would have after listening .     

Or was he already numb from it .     

“Miss, what do you want to do?”    

“I just want Chen Qi to see clearly what his family thinks of him . ” Ning Meng Yao smiled coldly .     

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Aside from Chen Qi’s greed for her money, Chen Qi was actually a very responsible and talented person . It was a pity to discard him just like that .     

If Chen Qi could sever ties with his family, it was not impossible for him to stay with them .     

“I understand, Miss . I will do so immediately . ” Qing Huai turned and left .     

Coming to the place where Chen Qi was held, Qing Huai looked at the person on the edge: “How is he doing?”    

“He was noisy at the beginning, but he’s gone quiet now . ”    

Chen Qi had probably given up and didn’t continue to make trouble .     


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