The General's Little Peasant Wife

Chapter 766

Chapter 766

Chapter 766     

Yang Su Yun had not told Boss Lin about the Song family’s matter . She was still waiting, she was not sure whether the woman would cooperate with them . If they were willing to cooperate, then everyone would win . If not, then it would be disappointing .     

After leaving work today, Yang Yi did not go home directly, but went to Ning Meng Yao’s house .     

“Meng Yao, did something happen in the workshop?”    

“Brother Yang, why do you ask?” Ning Meng Yao asked Yang Yi, somewhat surprised .     

Yang Yi frowned: “There are many more people now, and the atmosphere is different . ”    

Ning Meng Yao could not help laughing: “Brother Yang, don’t worry, I just want to catch some troublemakers, the workshop will not be in this state for long . ”    

As soon as Yang Yi heard it, he immediately felt relieved, as long as everything was fine, but he still frowned and said, “Meng Yao, be careful of Chen Qi . ”    

Chen Qi? Wasn’t he one of those being monitored?    


“I saw him talking to a stranger some time ago, and his expression was a bit strange . Not only that, he also handed over some things from the workshop to that person . I was busy so I forgot about it . But I remember about it after seeing Chen Qi today . “Yang Yi felt a little annoyed . How could he forget something so important? He was indeed useless .     

Ning Meng Yao smiled coldly, and narrowed her eyes, what else did she fail to notice?    

“Brother Yang, don’t worry . I will ask people to keep an eye on him . ”    

“Okay . Meng Yao, I’ll let you do your work, I shall go back first . ”    

“Okay . ”    

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As she watched Yang Yi leave, Ning Meng Yao called Qing Xuan and asked her to investigate Chen Qi . Everything must be investigated .     

She had not had their background investigated last time . Now it seemed that they had done some shameful things in the workshop .     

The next day Qing Xuan came with what Ning Meng Yao asked for . Reading the documents, Ning Meng Yao smiled, but her smile made Qing Xuan subconsciously take a few steps back .     

Ning Meng Yao held the pieces of paper in her hand, her expression was calm, but the anger hidden in her eyes showed that she was very furious .     

This was just great . As one of the finance people in the workshop, that man actually laundered more than a thousand silvers . Ning Meng Yao would have just given this person a lesson if this amount was missing during other times . But not only did this person laundered her money, he even cooperated with others to steal more from her . The thought of this made her very angry .     


“I’m okay, help me keep an eye on that person . ” She wanted to see how Chen Qi had the courage to do such a daring thing .     

“Yes . ”    

Chen Qi came to Ning Meng Yao’s study room, trembling in fear: “Boss, you called me? Is there anything?”    

Ning Meng Yao looked at this once very honest man, who was reassuring in his work . He had actually become like this now .     

“Chen Qi, when did you start to work in the workshop?”    

Chen Qi looked at Ning Meng Yao, somewhat stunned, he did not quite understand what she meant: “Miss, I…”    

“Answer my question . ”    

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Chen Qi’s body trembled and quickly replied: “Ever since this workshop was opened, I have been working ever since . ”    

“Really? Has it already been so long? Chen Qi, what do you think about the wage?”    

The feeling Chen Qi felt became more and more wrong . His instinct told him that something was wrong, otherwise she would not have talked about this with him . He was just a small finance clerk after all .     

“Very unique . ” The wage here was based on a money per piece method, the more they worked, the more they earned . Other than the management and so on, who earned a monthly salary, the others were paid according to how much work they did . They might earn one or two silvers a day, and on days when they don’t earn much, it was at least eight or nine hundred wen .     

Ning Meng Yao looked at Chen Qi and suddenly said: “I don’t understand why someone with such a high wage would still betray the workshop and help others secretly?”    

Chen Qi’s expression changed . Although Ning Meng Yao did not point out a name, he was sure that Ning Meng Yao was talking about him .     

“Why do you say that, Boss?” Chen Qi laughed dryly and stammered .     

Ning Meng Yao sneered: “Chen Qi, you’re still not going to admit your doing?”    


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