The General's Little Peasant Wife

Chapter 480

Chapter 480

Chapter 480     

“It’s a boy . ” Qiao Tian Chang said softly, “I’ll check if the child is awake . If he is, I’ll carry him out and show him to you . ”    

Mu Xue thought about it, then went to see Ning Meng Yao in the room, leaving Xiao Qi Tian alone outside .     

“Yao Er, how are you? Are you okay?” Mu Xue noticed that Ning Meng Yao was looking pretty good, so she relaxed a little .     

“I’m quite fine . I just have to take care of my body well now . As for the child, Tian Chang will take care of him . ” Ning Meng Yao smiled, thinking of Qiao Tian Chang .     

The Qiao Tian Chang now was nothing like a general who was firm to kill . He was basically a super house-husband . As long as the child cried, he would become so anxious .     

Fortunately, this child was pretty obedient . He would only cry when he was hungry or when he peed . Other times, he was very well-behaved and easy to handle .     

“It is really unexpected . ” Mu Xue froze, she couldn’t help but laugh .     

Ning Meng Yao also laughed . Who knew, right? Who knew a big bold man like Qiao Tian Chang could take care of children .     

Standing outside, Xiao Qi Tian looked at the small basket in Qiao Tian Chang’s arms, he then said with envy, “Your son is so cute, I am envious . ”    

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“Be jealous all you want, I don’t mind . ” Qiao Tian Chang said very thoughtfully .     

Xiao Qi Tian’s face darkened . This man before him was basically contented with his life now that he had a son .     

The little guy was not asleep at this moment, his eyes glanced around excitedly . What did he see anyway?    

“Is he looking at me?” Xiao Qi Tian couldn’t help but ask when he saw the child staring at him .     

“You think too much . Yao Yao had said before, the child still cannot see anything at this moment . ” This was also making Qiao Tian Chang depressed, why can’t you see anything yet?    

Xiao Qi Tian was also a little disappointed, oh, so he cannot see anything…    

The news about Ning Meng Yao giving birth to a son spread throughout the village in just one day, and every family wanted to prepare gifts for her child .     

On the third day since the birth of the child, almost all the women in the village were there . When Grandmother Qin was preparing the bathing ceremony, there were a lot of silver and copper coins thrown into the basin . Naturally, Mu Xue gave gold . But this gold represented Mei Ruo Lin and the rest who could not come .     

In the end, Grandmother Qin received quite a number of things, although those things meant nothing to her .     

After the bath, Xiao Qi Tian gave the child a jade . Yang Le Le gave a pair of top-notch bracelets, and other people also gave a lot of things .     

Some people saw the contents in the basin, the basin was at least half filled, and there were a lot of gold coins, which made the visitors think that Ning Meng Yao’s son was really precious .     

It was half a month after the bath when Nangong Yan finally arrived with his butler Nangong Mo in a hurry .     

“Father-in-law, you are here . ”    

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“Yes, where is the child? Quickly, show me . ” Nangong Yan ignored the others and spoke hurriedly, his tone sounded eager .     

Qiao Tian Chang looked helplessly at Nangong Yan’s messy appearance: “Father-in-law, the child is sleeping . You should go wash up first, the child will wake up soon . ”    

“That’s right, Your Highness . Young master is still small and it is his nap time now . You can go wash up and change clothes first, then have a look at the child . ”    

Nangong Yan thought about it, he was indeed dressed a little messy, not only that, his clothes were dusty too . It would not be good if the dust fell on the child .     

So he followed the servants to the room to wash himself .     

After Nangong Yan’s arrival, Mei Ruo Lin and Yu Feng were next . They arrived in the afternoon on the same day, also looking very messy and dusty . It was obvious that they hurried here .     

“Go have some rest first, then see the child later . ” Before the two could speak, Qiao Tian Chang interrupted .     

The two exchanged glances, and went into the room to wash . At this time, Nangong Yan was holding the child dearly, not letting him go .     

The child was too cute, his eyes were exactly like Yao Er’s . He adored the child very much .     

Qiao Tian Chang stared at his father-in-law silently: “Father-in-law, it’s time to feed the child . ”    

“Alright, go on . ” Nangong Yan reluctantly returned the child into Qiao Tian Chang’s arms .     

Qiao Tian Chang went to Ning Meng Yao with the child in his arms, he murmured with dissatisfaction: “Father-in-law came and took away my child . ”    

“The child will be playing with you often in the future . ” Ning Meng Yao felt a little funny . He was fighting over the child with the child’s grandfather, oh dear .     


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