The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2444 - The Rising Sun City (3)

Chapter 2444 - The Rising Sun City (3)

Chapter 2444: The Rising Sun City (3)    

However persistent Su Feihuan might be, it was futile.    

Gu Qingming let out a sigh and responded, “What can I do? No matter how unhappy we are with his    

stubbornness, even ten cows can’t drag him back. It’s not like you don’t know that my brother and I didn’t    

whip him any less these past few years. But did it have any use?”    

Su Feihuan’s attachment to Lan Fengli was as strong as Lan Fengli’s attachment to Shen Yanxiao. Both of    

them were very stubborn about this point.    

“Forget it. Forget about them, just let them be. What is the situation with your Silver Hands?” Vicious Wolf    

looked at Gu Qingming and asked. Before leaving, Shen Yanxiao had instructed Qin Ge to use as many    

members of Silver Hands as possible to nd the whereabouts of the Warlocks who used forbidden    

techniques. In the past two years or so, Qin Ge had led the Silver Hands to search everywhere and found    

several bases. After these places were found, Lan Fengli led the team to clean them all up.    

“No new discoveries have been made for the time being. It seems that the things the Lord asked us to nd    

are not so easily found. After our last two attacks on them, that group of people seemed to have learned    

to be smart. Several places we found later were abandoned. Everything inside was destroyed and no    

useful clues could be found.” Gu Qingming felt somewhat helpless. They had never found what Shen    

Yanxiao was looking for. In the past six months, the Warlocks, seemingly already prepared, always vacated    

the place before they arrived, leaving them empty buildings several times.    

“Take your time, there’s no hurry. Your safety is the most important thing. The Lord wants all of you to be    

well.” Vicious Wolf patted Gu Qingming on the shoulder.    

As two major organizations that joined The Rising Sun City, the relationship between the Silver Hands and    

Cave Wolves Mercenary Corps grew better and better. Members from both sides often got together to    

drink and chat.    

“There is no need to worry about this. Although our members are not as good as those experts in the    

second stage profession, ordinary folk still need to put some eort to nd out our whereabouts.” Gu    

Qingming was still very condent about the strength of the Silver Hands members.    

“That’s good. I’m going to the Pharmacist Union to get some potions. Do you want to come?” Vicious Wolf    

said with a smile.    

“Let’s go together. I just heard that Master Ye Qing has prepared another potion that can completely hide    

one’s breath. This stu is very important to us in the Silver Hands.” Gu Qingming replied.    

Shen Yanxiao had set up a Pharmacist Union in The Rising Sun City. The president of the union was none    

other than Ye Qing. Ye Qing trained a large number of outstanding pharmacist talents for The Rising Sun    

City with his own accomplishments in pharmaceutics. Even though there were also Pharmacist Unions in    

other cities, everyone knew that the Pharmacist Union in The Rising Sun City was the truly desirable    

temple for pharmacists.    

At present, the Pharmacist Union of The Rising Sun City had ten pharmacists besides Ye Qing. Yin Jiuchen,    

a disciple of Ye Qing, had the fastest growth among all the pharmacists. just a few days ago, under the    

examination of Ye Qing, she became the tenth pharmacist of The Rising Sun City’s Pharmacist Union.    

As far as pharmaceutical talent was concerned, she could almost match Shen Yanxiao.    

All the potions prepared by The Rising Sun City’s Pharmacist Union were not for sale. All the potions there    

would be supplied to the managers of the cities in the Barren Land, who would then distribute them to    

the main members of the cities. The Cave Wolves Mercenary Corps and Silver Hands, because they    

belonged directly to the two major organizations of Shen Yanxiao, had priority for these potions.    


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