The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2418 - Return Politeness For Politeness (4

Chapter 2418 - Return Politeness For Politeness (4

Chapter 2418: Return Politeness For Politeness (4    

“It’s precisely him I’m waiting for.” Shen Yanxiao said with a sneer.    

“…” The Dragon God’s eyes widened. Why did he feel that this tempo was Shen Yanxiao wanting to cheat    

Satan of something?    

Cheating the Devil God?    

Shen Yanxiao was denitely the rst strange ower in history to get this idea.    

“Little Xiao, you’re not planning to… kill…” The Dragon God made gestures of cutting a neck.    

“Do you have the means to kill Satan?” Shen Yanxiao raised an eyebrow. The only way to kill Satan was to    

have Xiu use the power of devouring again to swallow Satan’s soul completely. Otherwise, even if Mo    

Yuxun’s body was destroyed, with the strength of Satan’s soul, he could continue to survive that way.    

The two great gods of creation in the world were not so easy to kill.    

In fact, after nearly ten thousand years, the world had not succeeded in destroying Satan’s soul, despite    

Xiu’s power of devouring, despite being sealed in black ice.    

The Devil God and the Lord God created all races in this world. They were already beyond all existences    

and were omnipotent gods in the true sense.    

Destroying the creator was denitely not a simple thing.    

“I really wish there were ways. But unless Xiu found his body, restored his peak state, and swallowed    

Satan’s soul… I really can’t think of any other way.” The Dragon God fought with Satan and knew how    

terrible his strength truly was. Satan was not only powerful, but also frightening because he was almost    

an immortal soul.    

The emergence of the Undead Race was copied from Satan’s own devil nature. The undead’s immortality    

originally came from Satan.    

“Since I can’t kill him, I won’t waste this experience. All I want is to take something back from him.” Shen    

Yanxiao hooked up the corners of her lips. If they really wanted to kill Satan, they could only bring Xiu    

back to life completely rst. It was not yet time for him to die.    

“You’re not saying you’re leading him here just to get something back? That’s crazy!” The Dragon God    

thought Shen Yanxiao must indeed be crazy.    

Was Satan someone you could provoke casually? If you messed with him, there would surely be a river of    


“Even though Satan’s soul is almost immortal, it is not easy for him to nd a suitable body, so he should    

not want Mo Yuxun’s body to be destroyed so easily. I don’t have to nd a way to kill him for now. As long    

as there is a method to damage Mo Yuxun’s body, Satan will naturally have scruples.” Shen Yanxiao    

shrugged her shoulders. If Satan really had no scruples, he wouldn’t have waited until everyone was away    

to attack her. Although the elemental spirits were powerful, they were still younglings after all. If Satan    

wanted to ght them, it wasn’t impossible. It was just that it would also bring great damage to his new    

body and force him to continue to live in the form of a soul.    

Satan’s previous plan was to ensure that his new body was safe and sound.    

It was only when Shen Yanxiao grasped this point that she dared to do such crazy things.    

“The real decisive battle will be held on the future battleeld. Before that, I have to ‘return politeness for    

politeness’ with Satan.” Shen Yanxiao squinted her eyes. So what if he was the Devil God? A group of ants    

could kill an elephant. She was an unscrupulous little thief; naturally she also had a way to make a Devil    

God feel distress.    

The Dragon God swallowed his saliva. He found out that Shen Yanxiao’s vindictive heart was really strong.    

“War God, do you support all this?” The Dragon God looked at the silent Xiu on one side.    

No matter what, it sounded terrible to take Satan as the target of revenge.    

“Naturally.” Xiu answered lightly.    


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