The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2405 - Are You Swines? (1)

Chapter 2405 - Are You Swines? (1)

Chapter 2405: Are You Swines? (1)     

“Vermillion Bird?” Tang Nazhi held a sh that had just been caught from the sea and wandered in front of    

Vermillion Bird, reaching out and poking at the stupeed beast.    

Life on the island was very hard. Their daily life was nothing but staring blankly, training, sleeping, and    

eating. Due to his active character, staying in such a remote island left Tang Nazhi stied. The Dragon    

God, who was just as restless, was also on the verge of collapse all day long. These two living creatures    

could only seek something that would relieve their boredom. As a result, the schools of sh near the    

island had become their recreational target.    

The two idiots, who were bored to the point of growing mushrooms, would go shing together on the    

island every day. At rst, the others were lled with joy, thinking that there were roasted sh for them to    

eat, but after eating it for several months in a row, they had already reached the point where they felt    

nauseous when they saw sh.    

“This kid hasn’t suocated, has he? Why is he just standing foolishly like this?” The Dragon God carried a    

bigger sh and came over shakily.    

“Satan…” It took Vermillion Bird a while to utter this one word.    

The Dragon God immediately felt a quiver in his heart, dropped the sh on his shoulder, and looked    

nervously nearby.    

The sky was clear and there was not even a ghost in the sea.    

“Vermillion Bird, can you not frighten me? How can Satan come here!?” The Dragon God breathed a sigh    

of relief. The last time he died tragically in Satan’s hands had made him have a conditioned response to    

this name.    

Vermillion Bird’s expression changed slightly, and then two blazing ames erupted from his palms and    

headed toward Tang Nazhi and the Dragon God.    

Tang Nazhi and the Dragon God were extremely agile and immediately dodged.    

“Vermillion Bird, you’ve gone mad!!!” The Dragon God stared at Vermillion Bird. He had no clue why this    

little magical beast suddenly wanted to attack him. He seemed to… not have said anything wrong, okay.    

Vermillion Bird completely ignored the Dragon God’s query. He began to attack Tang Nazhi and the    

Dragon God madly, chasing after them like a demon.    

Tang Nazhi and the Dragon God could only evade his attacks. They really had not the slightest idea what    

was wrong with Vermillion Bird.    

Taotie, who was being trained by Bian on one side, suddenly heard the noise. The two brothers    

immediately rushed over and saw the picture of Vermillion Bird bombarding two unlucky people with    


“Vermillion Bird! What on earth is going on with you? Don’t think that I dare not beat you!” The Dragon    

God narrowly avoided a ame ball and glared at Vermillion Bird gloomily. Everything was still all right just    

now, why on earth had he suddenly attacked them?    

In terms of strength, Vermillion Bird was no match for the Dragon God, but did the Dragon God really    

dare to attack Vermillion Bird?    

The answer was denitely no!    

Apart from the fact that Vermillion Bird was Shen Yanxiao’s contractual magical beast, according to Shen    

Yanxiao’s protective mentality over the people she cared about, if the Dragon God dared to harm    

Vermillion Bird, Shen Yanxiao would surely let War God cut him into pieces.    

Tang Nazhi’s idea was the same as the Dragon God’s, thus Black Tortoise just stood to the side holding    

two big sh. He could only watch his master being hunted down and mourn for him.    

“Vermillion Bird, what’s the matter?” Bian looked at Vermillion Bird doubtfully. His behavior looked a bit    

erce, and it did not seem like he was just comparing notes with them.    

Taotie blinked his eyes and then suddenly heard Shen Yanxiao’s voice appear in his mind. Moments later,    

Taotie’s little face turned pale; he rolled up his sleeves and also roared into the battleeld.    

Tang Nazhi and the Dragon God, who had been beaten by Vermillion Bird, saw Taotie coming over and    

thought that someone had nally come to stop Vermillion Bird’s madness. Before they could actually    

experience any relief, Taotie had crashed into Tang Nazhi, so that Tang Nazhi directly ew away and fell    

into the sea.    


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