The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1654 - Little Guy, Look How I Toy You To Death (1)

Chapter 1654 - Little Guy, Look How I Toy You To Death (1)

Chapter 1654 – Little Guy, Look How I Toy You To Death (1)    

Aeternatrix: Due to reasons, chapters didn’t exist yesterday; they have since been captured, skinned, and cooked, all    

for your pleasure of course!    

The news that Vermillion Bird brought over made Shen Yanxiao’s eyes distant. She could almost imagine how The    

Rising Sun City was now… crowded.    

“Well, I’ll go back once we dealt with the Broken Star Palace.” Shen Yanxiao cleared her throat. The news was truly    

shocking, but she had not forgotten the purpose of her trip.    

“Anyway, what pleasant surprise are you going to give to the Broken Star Palace?” Vermillion Bird raised his    

eyebrows. He was almost accustomed to Shen Yanxiao’s character of playing her cards irrationally all day.    

Even if Shen Yanxiao now said that she was going to strip all the people in the Broken Star Palace, he would not be    

a little surprised.    

The thoughts of Vermillion Bird were becoming more and more impure. How could Shen Yanxiao, a pure and good    

girl who had just experienced Great Master Xiu’s political education, do such a morally corrupt thing?    

“You’ll know when you come with me.” Shen Yanxiao acted mysterious and tempted Vermillion Bird to come by    

motioning at him with her fingers.    

Vermillion Bird frowned slightly and reminded her, “Broken Star Palace has a special strategy against us magical    

beasts. If you want to do a big job, I advise you not to put your hopes on me.” Although he did not want to admit    

that he had his hands tied in front of the Broken Star Palace, Vermillion Bird did not want Shen Yanxiao to be in    

danger because of her wrong judgment.    

“I’m not that stupid. Go back to my body first; wait for me to let you take action later before you come out again.”    

As Shen Yanxiao said this to Vermillion Bird, she directly forced him back into her body.    

Putting on the black cloak with the sign of Broken Star Palace, Shen Yanxiao walked towards the underground    

laboratory in the palace with a bellyful of evil tricks.    

Inside the laboratory, Sage Lin was still extracting the dou qi and magic from the two experts who had been sent in    

the past few days, and Shen Yanxiao’s arrival did not attract his attention at all.    

In the eyes of others in the Broken Star Palace, this Ah-Qi, who was only a hair away from being a dreg, was simply    

an optional existence. Many of them believed that Ah-Qi would soon become a test product in case the palace    

master wanted to have a high-intensity extraction of the medicine pill during this period.    

Shen Yanxiao, who was completely ignored, walked calmly in the laboratory. She looked at the huge smelting    

furnace, which was almost as big as a large and tall magical beast. From the upper area near the ceiling down to the    

floor, more than dozen men stood hand in hand in a circle.    

In the smelting furnace, there was a demonic blue flame burning, which was key in the Broken Star Palace    

tempering the dou qi and magic of people. The extracted magic and dou qi would be fused with other medicines and    

placed in the smelting furnace to make the medicinal pill.    

According to Luo Ke’s “friendship information”, Shen Yanxiao learned that the blue flames were not afraid of wind    

or water. As long as there was air, they could burn indefinitely. And the only thing that could control the spread of    

these flames was the heng iron used to build the furnace.    

However, this heng iron was extremely rare; even the Broken Star Palace could not find much of it. Aside from the    

heng iron used to build the furnaces in the laboratories under the seven palaces, no more could be found.    

“Vermillion Bird, can your flame smash the smelting furnace made of heng iron?” Shen Yanxiao hid herself in the    

dark, and her eyes shone with bad light.    

“Heng iron? It should be all right. My flame and that blue flame are different in nature. What it fears, my flames    

will not.” Vermillion Bird answered through his spiritual connection.    


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