The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1579 - Let The Extortion Get A Bit Fiercer (2)

Chapter 1579 - Let The Extortion Get A Bit Fiercer (2)

Chapter 1579 – Let The Extortion Get A Bit Fiercer (2)    

Shortly afterwards, the storage ring containing eight hundred thousand gold coins was sent to Shen Yanxiao’s hands,    

who then threw it directly to Lan Fengli, giving it as Lan Fengli’s private money.    

The king was still carrying a smiling face. He had no idea what Shen Yanxiao’s purpose in this trip was and he    

could not open his mouth to drive people away, either. God knew that he really felt as if he were sitting on pins and    


“Is this the first time that Lord Shen has come to the Lan Yue Dynasty? How about I let the few lords take Lord    

Shen for a tour?” The king said.    

Shen Yanxiao smiled and looked at the king, “That’s not necessary. I still have to talk to Your Majesty about the    

previous war.”    

It was that great war again!    

Shen Yanxiao’s words made the hearts of all the people in the hall jump.    

“If Lord Shen has something to say, please don’t hesitate to speak. This time is really our fault.” The king’s heart    

was full of anguish.    

“About this war, I also know that all four countries were instigated by the Broken Star Palace to attack my Barren    

Land. I am not an unreasonable person. Naturally, I will not vent my resentment on the four countries. But after all,    

this war was caused by you, and my Barren Land suffered heavy losses as a result….” Shen Yanxiao did not finish    

her words and just stared at the king.    

The king immediately responded!    

“This matter, of course, is our fault. The losses of the Barren Land will be compensated for by the Lan Yue    

Dynasty.” The king hurriedly said.    

“Well, here’s a bill. I will trouble His Majesty to see if there is anything wrong with it ” Shen Yanxiao smiled and    

took out a bill. The contents of this bill were exactly the same as the one she had given to the Long Xuan Empire    

emperor. One of the princes trembled as he took the bill to the king.    

When the king looked at the dense list, his heart almost stopped beating!    

The compensation listed on the bill was nigh innumerable: from the amount needed for the reconstruction of several    

destroyed cities, to the compensation payment for the casualties, then to Shen Yanxiao’s economic compensation for    

each city during this period…    

The king of the Lan Yue Dynasty felt the urge to die, just like the emperor of the Long Xuan Empire!    

Obviously, Shen Yanxiao was ready for this early on.    

All the compensation added up was an astronomical number. The king swore that even if he were to empty out their    

treasury, he would not be able to pay enough.    

“How is it?” Shen Yanxiao smilingly looked at the pale-faced king.    

The king opened his mouth, but saw Lan Fengli, next to Shen Yanxiao, suddenly release a powerful, murderous    

aura. He immediately kept his twisted expression from showing and changed it into a smiling expression.    

“It’s reasonable. It’s reasonable. I’ll let it be ready.”    

Money was valuable, but the value of life was even higher!    

As long as he could keep his life, he would tighten his belt!    


“Then I will trouble His Majesty.” Shen Yanxiao nodded her head with satisfaction.    

“Not at all.” The voice of the king was full of laughter; his tears had been blown by the wind. Who would know the    

pain in his heart right now?    

“Lord Shen can rest assured that the Lan Yue Dynasty, from top to bottom, will prepare it all at once. We will    

certainly pay back all the money.” The king swallowed his saliva and handed the bill to the princes. Then, from the    

princes of the first rank, it had been passed all the way down, making every lord’s face turn blue.    

This time, the king was really unable to find a way out and could only drag all these lords, who lived their lives    

steeped in wine and were surrounded by women all day long, to jump into the pit of fire.    

This fault was not his alone. Everyone should pay together; no one could escape from their debts.    

The king’s words had been spoken, and the lords could only let themselves be hit hard. They did not dare to oppose    

in the face of Shen Yanxiao. They could only let their teeth be knocked off as they swallowed the blood in their    

mouths; the important thing was, everything should be reconciled.    

People would be served right for doing something stupid. They had now deeply realized just how stupid they were,    

and they would certainly pay for it    


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