The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1573 - Being Brainless Is An Illness (1)

Chapter 1573 - Being Brainless Is An Illness (1)

Chapter 1573 – Being Brainless Is An Illness (1)    

In the Royal Palace of the Lan Yue Dynasty, the Lan Yue Dynasty’s king had a frown on his face.    

In the main hall, below the throne, Qu Rui was grieving with snot and tears on his face.    

It had been seven days since the soldiers of the Lan Yue Dynasty returned. Qu Rui had been reporting to the palace    

every day since seven days ago and cried as if his liver and guts were cut to pieces.    

At first, the king had also comforted him many times, but after seven days, the Lan Yue Dynasty’s king only wanted    

to strangle this worthless member of the second generation to death!    

“Your Majesty, you have to take action for my father, ah! That Shen Yanxiao didn’t think of my father’s life and    

death, threw him out from The Rising Sun City and left him alone to be eaten by the demon beasts. It’s simply    

insane; you must give my father justice, ah!” Qu Rui cried at the top of his voice in the hall. Crying for seven days    

in a row, his eyes were now swollen into walnuts, and his throat was already hoarse, yet he still didn’t give up.    

He learned that his father had lost his life in the Barren Land from the mouths of the soldiers that returned. For Qu    

Rui, who had always relied on his father’s prestige, this was simply a bolt from the blue!    

Without his father, who was he going to rely on in the future?    

The king stared at Qu Rui silently; he wanted to get up and beat him up.    

What did he mean, Shen Yanxiao didn’t think of Qu Xun’s life and death? Did Qu Rui in the end not know what his    

father was supposed to do in the Barren Land!    

He took the soldiers to attack Shen Yanxiao. Forget that Shen Yanxiao would not save him; even if Shen Yanxiao    

wanted to kill him herself, that also would be a matter of course.    

When the soldiers came back from war this time, the Lan Yue Dynasty, from top to bottom, felt miserable.    

No to mention that the damage their military strength had suffered was disastrous, among the commanders of the    

four countries, only the commander of the Lan Yue Dynasty had died. Now, Qu Rui was crying all day long in the    

main hall, and the Dukes and Marquises at the side had been wagging their tongues nonstop.    

“Qu Rui, your father died for his country. Lan Yue dynasty will definitely not forget your father’s sacrifice. You go    

back to rest now.” Looking at the emperor’s face, which was about to explode, a first rank prince[1] hurriedly    

opened his mouth to persuade Qu Rui.    

[1] Qinwang (亲王): Prince of the first rank. Usually the sons of the emperor. More info here. Will be discussed    

more down below.    

However, Qu Rui, this idiot, did not realize that he had already provoked the anger of the crowd and was not willing    

to accept others’ words. He said, “My father died so terribly! Everyone had entered The Rising Sun City, why is it    

that he was left alone? That Shen Yanxiao clearly has a vicious heart! She hates me, hates my father, and left him    

alone to die!”    

Qu Rui could not understand. There were so many soldiers sent out by the Lan Yue Dynasty, and there were tens of    

thousands of people that came back, but why was his father, who was the commander, the only one that died?    

In his opinion, if there were only one man from the Lan Yue Dynasty to survive, that should be his father.    

“Those soldiers, they actually deserted their posts! They dared to commit treason! Your Majesty, you can’t let them    

off lightly, ah! Otherwise, who will dare to lead the troops after this day.” Qu Rui resented Shen Yanxiao, resented    

the soldiers who came back alive. As soldiers of the Lan Yue Dynasty, how could they leave their commander alone    

in a dangerous place!    

If Qu Xun did not enter the city, those people should also not have entered the city at all!    

If there were soldiers to act as shields, perhaps his father could have survived.    

Like his father, Qu Rui never looked at the soldiers as human beings. In his view, the soldiers should fight to protect    

his father’s safety. So what if they died? How could their lowly lives be compared his father’s life?    

Qu Rui hated that he was unable to make the king kill all those soldiers immediately.    

The king’s expression was very unsightly. They had investigated the things that happened in The Rising Sun City    

very clearly. The fact that Shen Yanxiao could put aside her former hatred and take in the soldiers of the four    

countries surprised the upper echelon of the Lan Yue Dynasty. This degree of magnanimity, even he could not show    


Note: Regarding the Qinwang or First Rank Prince. In this case (the story) they are not sons of the emperor but a    

noble title that is carried on from their first generation, who helped in founding the Lan Yue Dynasty. Since we call    

their highest leader as “king”, we’ll try our best to keep translating the noble/official titles in Lan Yue into their    

western counterparts.    


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