Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 10535

Chapter 10535

10535 Chapter 10524-     

Lin Yi’s talent in the way of the sword was already shocking, and now that he was a Sword Saint, with the entire rule of the sword supporting him from behind, it was only natural that he would surpass the old sword venerable like the sinister swordsman.    

One had to know that the son of the sword was in the New World.    

Its existence was like a huge catalyst-even an idiot could become a Sword Master if they stayed by its side long enough, let alone Lin Yi.    

It wasn’t an overstatement to say that Lin Yi’s mastery of the way of the sword naturally increased with every second that passed.    

In time, with the help of the world’s will, Lin Yi might even be able to completely digest jianzi.    

At that time, he would be able to completely control the entire rule of sword!    

“I’m not dead yet!”    

The buzz-cut man took this opportunity to close the distance between him and Lin Yi to three meters. He opened his mouth and swallowed Lin Yi.    

The sudden turn of events stunned everyone.    

However, before anyone could react, Lin Yi, who had been swallowed whole, burst out of his body in the next second, unscathed.    

On the other hand, the man with the buzz cut was lying in a pool of blood. It was a terrible sight.    


Everyone looked at each other. Was this a free gift?    

At this moment, a skeleton suddenly shouted from the stands, “”You guys, quickly look!”    

Everyone turned to look at the source of the voice, and their eyes twitched.    

He didn’t know when, but a wretched-looking old man had sneaked up to Lin Yi’s side. His presence was so thin that it made one’s hair stand on end. If it weren’t for the shout from the stands, no one would have noticed his presence at all.    

As for Lin Yi, who was the closest to him, he didn’t seem to notice it at all.    

Then, everyone saw the extremely perverted old man Pat Lin Yi’s back with one hand, opening his mouth to reveal his yellow teeth. His tone was extremely strange.    


Everyone’s heart skipped a beat at the same time.    

But nothing happened. Lin Yi turned to the old man,”Uncle, what’s the matter?”    

The wretched old man was stunned.    

Not only him, but the other people who were familiar with the wretched old man’s ability were also stunned.    

“Your treasure can even defend against my transformation-type laws?”    

The wretched old man was instantly shocked.    

With his Jianghu experience, he had seen all kinds of strange people and strange things. He had also encountered abilities and treasures that were said to be able to ignore all rule power.    

But the result was, without exception, in front of his rules of transformation, everything was just empty talk.    

With his current control of the rules of transformation, anything, including cultivators, would change according to his will as long as he touched it with his hand.    

At least in his past experience, nothing could defend against this ability of his.    

The only way was to not let him touch it.    

If Lin Yi had noticed his presence and kept his distance, it would’ve been acceptable.    

After all, even though his stealth ability had reached the Grandmaster level under his deliberate training, it was still not to the point of being invincible.    

But his stealth was perfect, and he’d already touched Lin Yi, yet his transformation wasn’t working-how could he accept this?    

What he didn’t know was that his godly body not only had almost maxed out physical defense, but it also had a strong resistance to all kinds of debuffs.    

Although the vulgar old man’s transformation law was quite domineering, there was still a gap between it and the divine body.    

Lin Yi replied with a light smile, ” you’re already so old. Don’t get too touchy. Otherwise, people will think you’re an old hooligan and deal with you. Don’t you feel wronged? ”    

After he finished speaking, he kicked.    

The wretched old man was kicked to the wall 500 meters away, turning into an artistic human-shaped hanging painting, and no longer moved.    

This scene once again gave a heavy blow to the hearts of everyone present.    

The unlucky guy who got himself killed at the start didn’t underestimate his opponent’s physical strength, and they could accept it if Lin Yi killed him instantly.    

However, whether it was the sinister swordsman, the lava buzz-cut man, or the wretched old man, they had all displayed their real rule bending power. Even among them, they were definitely among the top existences.    

After all, if they didn’t have any skill, these people wouldn’t have made the first move.    

In the end, the referee was defeated one after another!    

The most ridiculous thing was that they didn’t even know what Lin Yi’s real trump card was. The so-called treasure that was immune to all rule power was just an unexplainable illusion. There was no basis for it.    

In other words, the deaths of the three Masters didn’t even give Lin Yi any valuable information, let alone cause any actual damage.    

It was simply out of the picture!    

“Don’t waste time. Everyone, attack together. Don’t give him a chance to breathe!”    

The long-haired man who spoke first spoke again.    

The rest of the people looked at each other and also put away their thoughts of fishing in troubled waters.    

They still had to fight and scheme against each other, but that would have to wait until after they took care of Lin Yi. If they couldn’t even take care of Lin Yi, then it would be a waste of time.    

At least for now, before Lin Yi fell, they needed to work together!    

The experts at this level were not stupid. They knew what to do at the right time. At this time, there was no need for more words. They naturally had the corresponding tacit understanding.    

All of a sudden, the pressure on Lin Yi’s body increased.    

He was able to perform so casually just now, on one hand, it was because of his own powerful strength, and on the other hand, it was because the other side had underestimated the enemy.    

In a situation where they still had to be on guard against each other, letting these two or three people test each other’s strength was actually quite limited, so the one-sided result just now was reasonable.    

“It’s not fair for so many people to fight me alone, right?”    

Lin Yi curled his lips as he looked at the huge attacks coming from all directions. With a thought, hundreds of clones appeared.    

The people on the other side were shocked, but they quickly calmed down.    

it’s just an ordinary true energy clone. Don’t you find it embarrassing to bring it out in such a situation? ”    

If it was a legendary law clone, they would have to be wary of Lin Yi’s monstrous performance just now.    

However, since it was only a true Qi clone, it was naturally much weaker in terms of strength. Even if it was a little special and could use various moves, it was still just a gaudy one in the eyes of the crowd.    








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