Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System

This Elf Princess Won't Give Up!

This Elf Princess Won't Give Up!

0Alma POV 16/17     


After we reached the castle, we brought the passed out Elred to my room, where I left him resting over my bed. He was really asleep. Very asleep…maybe hugging is really a strong weapon.     

"My lady, did he really pass out by your hug? A-Are you not lying to me?" asked Rose.     

"EH?! What do you think id di, knock him out with a punch or something?" I asked.     

"Maybe you kicked him by accident." Said Rose.     

"Rose! I am not that strong!" I sighed.     

"Wait, so if you were you would do it?" she asked while squinting her eyes.     

"Of course not! He was just acting gloomy when he remembered his past and I just wanted to hug him so he could feel better… And he ended like this after a lot of steam came out of his mouth." I said.     

"Indeed, the hugs of adorable princes are the strongest." Said Rose.     

"Stop it now! Don't make fun of me…" I sighed.     

"I-I would never!" said Rose while blushing a bit.     

"Now, I'll go take a bath, I am all shrouded with sweat…" I sighed.     

"V-Very well, shall I accompany you, my lady?" she asked.     


We walked back to the bath, and I took away my clothes, Rose has been washing me since I was a baby so I don't feel any embarrassment to show her my body.     

I jumped into the bathtub with relaxing warm water and rested over there, sighing in relief.     

"Pwah… This feels nice, so nice!"     

"I shall rub your back, my lady…"     

Rose began to rub my back with a sponge and some aromatic soap, the foam-covered me rather quickly, she asked me to raise my arms and she did the same over my armpits and then my belly and chest.     

"I see…" she muttered out of nowhere.     

"Huh?" I asked.     

"My lady's chest is slowly developing… 7 years of age is getting closer to maturity." She said.     


"As you can see, your breasts are slowly beginning to point out… Like this… Your mother has a large bosom, so you might also have a very big one. Men love this, my lady, so I am sure Elred will be very pleased when you grow into maturity." Said Rose.     

"S-Stop talking about that! Are you a pervert or something?!" I asked.     

"Eh?! No… My lady, I apologize!" she cried.     

"Sheesh… Do you really have to talk about such embarrassing things while I am bathing?!" I sighed.     

Rose then proceeded to wash my legs and then my butt a bit.     

"Ah, my lady's hips are wider now… I see. You're truly developing~" she said.     

"Stop talking about this or I won't call for your help while taking a bath anymore!" I roared.     

"I-I apologize! I won't talk about this anymore!" she cried.     

After the bath, I dried myself as I scolded her off of the bathroom, and then got into some lighter clothes, a simple summer dress, stockings, and little shoes. I didn't need it anymore, summer was getting hotter by the day. My hair wasn't made into drills after the bath, and I let it blonde and long for the moment.     

When I walked outside, I found that Elred had woken up, and was suddenly smelling my cushions.     

"Hahh~ Alma's scent…" he muttered.     

Rose was nowhere to be seen, so this pervert began to do truly unruly things!     

"What are you doing, you pervert?!" I roared once more.     

"Uwah! A-Alma! S-Sorry!" he cried, jumping to the floor and kneeling.     

"Sheesh… I am going to step on you the next time you do something like this! Don't abuse my goodwill." I said.     

"S-Step on me?!" he asked, suddenly getting more excited for some reason…     

"Eh? What?" I asked.     

"N-Nothing…" he said.     

After that, we decided to have dinner. My mother had suddenly come to visit me as well, so I had to present her to Elred and vice versa. Despite being brainwashed in some things, my mother was still my mother…     

"Oh my, aren't you such a gallant prince? I am so happy that you're my daughter's husband!" she said.     

"Hahah… I-Its nothing, really…" he said.     

"Oh no! I am so happy, you're so handsome too! And so cute… Make sure to give me at least three grandchildren, alright?" she asked with a cheeky smile.     

"G-Grandchildren?!" asked Elred while growing redder, steam came out of his ears as he felt all embarrassed.     

"What are you even talking about, mom?!" I asked while being embarrassed as well.     

"Ohoho~ You gotta keep the family going, Alma!" she said.     

"We elves live for very long, I don't think there's any need to desperately have kids…" I sighed.     

"I-I will do my best!" said Elred while vowing to my mother.     

"Oh my what a willful child!" she said.     

"S-Stop!" I cried.     

After that, I hugged my mother's belly to sense my little sibling, it was rather big as of now, in just a few more days it should be born… I am a bit nervous, hopefully, things go well.     

Well, my mother is Rank 6, the pinnacle of a mortal, so she should easily survive giving birth, right? It shouldn't be a major problem.     

"Are you excited to meet your little sibling, Alma?" asked my mother.     

"I am!" I said.     

"Hehe, it's coming soon, so don't worry about it… I wonder how cute will it be…" said my mother.     

"By the way, have you seen Callon lately? I am worried about him… I want to meet big brother more…" I sighed.     

"Callon? He has been very busy dealing with his studies, so he cannot really come here very often." Said my mother.     

"Hmm… But I should really get to meet him! Can I?" I asked.     

"Meet him? …I don't think you should, you should remain in the castle, Alma, never dare come out, your powers… they're dangerous and people might persecute you for them if they find them out." Said my mother. She had no idea we went out the whole day, Elred pretended that nothing had happened.     

"I-I see…" I sighed.     


Alma POV 17/17     


After dinner with my mother, we spent some hours with Elred in my room, reading books for the most part. He had brought some of his favorite books, and he loved to talk about them, it wasn't as boring as I imagined, and I had a fun time with him.     

After that, he went to sleep in his own guest room, although he kind of wanted to stay some more with me. But did he want to sleep in my bed or something?! No way!     

Anyways, after that, I slept rather well, spending a day without worrying about the detestable Greenwood, and my future as a lab rat is nice, even less when I didn't have to think about anything else than this…     

I think I have a year or perhaps a few months before I am taken away with my sibling to Greenwood's facility. My parents are brainwashed by him and are even willing to give up their newborn child to this complete stranger… I cannot destroy their brainwashing because it is too strong and seeped into their brains and souls.     

I will have to somehow find a way to escape using all the tools I have at my disposal, from Dagger to my new armor that is being made by Balmonlir, and I will also have to pack a lot of medicinal things, as many as I can! Alongside food, clothes, maybe even a tent and other things… You're never too prepared.     

But that's assuming I manage to somehow escape… I don't know how I will be able to do that, but I have to find a way out of this and with my little sibling, of course. I won't leave without my sibling.     

Maybe I could escape even before getting caught? I had considered it, but it seems too risky, and it will end with my parents chasing me down, which will end pretty ugly if they find me and then give me back to Greenwood again, but if I am already given to him, expose whatever he does inside his facility, and then show it to them as they chase me down, maybe I can find a way to convince them and break their brainwashing?     

Huh… I wish life could be a bit easier in this regard, it's such a pain in the ass. I have to deal with this annoying motherfucker that just wants to use me as a guinea pig, most likely…     

I have to use this time to raise a few companions, if possible… the twins might be coming tomorrow, but that's not near as enough… maybe I should go recruiting people all around the city? But that will bring unwanted attention, if my mother or father finds out about the twins, I can always say they're just friends because they're young, but if I bring a contracted mercenary, they'll obviously have suspiciousness of me and where the heck I got him…     

Huh… Maybe I shouldn't go recruiting kids, it might seem as weird… then this only means I only got the twins now… I don't know if her mother would be willing, but the twins are talented, in a few more years they could become quite strong.     

Perhaps I should also tame some monsters? Maybe having a tamed monster pet to cover my back would be helpful for me, if I could rely on a good wolf that helps me out…     

Or maybe a big dragon! That would be way more useful… but I don't think there can be anything like that, sadly.     

I sighed rather sorrowfully. I had such a fun day today but thinking about all of this truly depresses me, and the worst part is that my Mana Core is still sealed, and I can't use my Mana yet… I feel like I am a useless thing.     

But I have to use the rich part of being a princess to grow stronger somehow! I have to invest in some talented kids and make them my loyal retainers. I doubt Rose would ever go against the will of my parents, I have to raise these retainers with this thing in mind, to only obey me no matter what…     

If they end up obeying my brainwashed parents, they'll simply be another more of their dogs… I don't want to increase the dog count if possible.     

Maybe if we go outside tomorrow or another day, I could try looking around if there is any Monster Ranch or Monster Pet Store where I could get myself a monster to raise.     

Wow, that's actually a genius idea! How could I not realize it? Maybe I should just pay someone to bring me the egg of a dragon and I can raise it to be my guardian… not bad! At most, I got at least a year or a bit more before Greenwood picks us up, that's still some time… maybe if I use everything I got, I could prepare…     

But even then… Ugh, I don't know if everything will go as planned, I actually doubt it. Everything might go horrendously bad, to be honest.     

I decided to simply sleep it off, for now, there was no point in worrying anymore… Let's just hope things… go fine… It's the only thing I can hope for.     


As Alma slept, within the castle's corridors, a strange mass of grass and vines slowly crawled around, looking for something. It moved around hurriedly, evading any guard it could come in front of, but it felt like it was growing desperate and weaker, until it found a decoration plant and it suddenly pierced its branch with its grass, extracting its energy and nourishing itself again.     

"Hahhh… This is hard, walking around without being able to root myself is horrendous! But I have to come here and help that kid out… At the very least, I have to offer such aid! I cannot… let what happened in the past affect these future generations… I won't let this man that calls himself Greenwood get away with this!" the mass of grass and vines thought.     

Who could this mysterious being truly be?     


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