In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

145. Yao

145. Yao

Both of them appeared back on Midgard and looked at all the people that were standing in front of them.

"Entropy, why did you come over?" Elaine tilted her head to the side and asked.

"Nothing Aunt Elaine, I was just bored and thought to visit you guys and have some fun." Entropy shook his hand lightly and said with a wide smile.

"Yao will have a headache again." Freyja chuckled and commented at the side.

"Aunt Yao won't mind me coming over. I'm sure Uncle will be able to placate her." Entropy laughed mischievously while looking at King.

"Alright, I will go talk to her." King sighed and disappeared from his place.

'Fuck my in laws. They are always a pain in the ass.' King grumbled in his mind and appeared in his exclusive quarters in Kamar-Taj.

He looked around the room and it bought back memories of his times when he was also a student here.

He learnt all the Mystic Arts under Agamotto and also taught him some stuff. Now his friend is a cosmic entity under the Vishanti.

He is helping to keep the multiverse in balance and King rarely ever meets him. He still reminisces about those times.

'Let's go.' He shook his head with a smile and exited the room.

In front of his room was a square. Here, all the new trainees of Kamar Taj are trained in martial arts and the mystic arts.

"Mordo, hard at work huh." King smiled and made his way over to Mordo. Who was currently overseeing the training of all the new recruits.

"Master King, It's a pleasure to have you here." Mordo bowed respectfully and greeted King.

Mordo knows that the oldest relic in Kamar-Taj is King himself. He can be called their ancestor when it comes to seniority.

Agamotto maybe their founder but truthfully King has helped the sanctuary in more situations that Agamotto himself.

'I mean Agamotto is already gone and Ancient One is not even as powerful as Agamotto.' Mordo got himself out these thoughts and tried to get himself back from these dark thoughts.

"Keep up the good work." King patted him on the shoulder and then made his way over to Yao's room.

"Halt, no one can come here." Two guards were standing in front of the door and immediately stopped King from going in that part of the sanctuary.

This is an area that holds all the dangerous relics in Kamar-Taj and Yao's quarters are also in this area.

"Sorry guys, can you just call Ancient One? Tell her King is here." King smiled and asked politely.

'Been a long time since I came here and a lot of people have forgotten me.' King thought but the smile didn't leave his face.

"Please wait a minute." The guards nodded and one of them went to get permission.

He came back after a little while and let King pass through. The guy got told that King can access this area any time he wants.

"Hey dear, how have you been?" King entered Yao's quarters and immediately took her on his lap.

"Can you please take away your protection. So I know that you are coming over to meet me?" Yao questioned in a tired tone but there was a small smile on her cold face.

"Yeah yeah. I see that you have finally taken my advice and grew your hair out. Now you don't look like a cancer patient." King said in disinterest at first and then took some of her golden blonde hair into his hands while saying.

"Haaaa, you never listen to me." Yao shook her head and sighed tiredly before just letting go and leaning into King's arms.

"Why do you still keep doing this tiring thing. I told you to retire and just join me." King his arms around her and snuggled his chin on her shoulder.

"I have found a successor but he is up to the task yet." Yao said while closing her eyes and enjoying the rare moment of peace.

"You know I can take this gem and turn it into cosmic dust. No more stone means no more protection needed." King said while trying to take the necklace on her neck.

"Keep your grubby little paws away from the necklace." Yao smacked his hand away and chided him lightly.

"Hmph, you are always so stubborn." King snorted and hit her ass lightly.

"You just can't keep your hands in control." Yao shook her head and didn't care about his mischievous behaviour.

"You know." King wanted to tell her about Entropy. Whenever a Cosmic Entity cones to Midgard because of him. Kamar-Taj gets a bit tense.

"What now?" Yao sighed again and asked. She knew that another mess was coming her way.

"Well Entropy decided to visit Midgard and I have everything under control." King held her by the waist tightly. He was a little nervous.

"You know Kamar-Taj has to put itself on high alert as per protocol. We can't take risk with this realm." Yao was feeling more and more tired from this reality.

She wanted to live in seclusion with a couple kids of her own and enjoy the life in her old age and just watch over her family.

"I have told you so many times to just forsake this place and hand it over to Wan or something. Why take so much pressure on yourself." King felt his throat fill up a little while looking at her weak display.

"Just a couple more years dear. My successor will be ready and then I will be able to leave." Yao just touched her belly longingly and said to him.

"You sure about that?" King asked a little comically and made Yao laugh a little from how bad the joke is.

"See, you look beautiful when you laugh and smile." King said cheekily and kissed her on the cheek.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Yao looked back at him and said.

"No, I will be accompanying you here today." King shook his head and just stayed still like that Yao in his embrace.

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