The Shinobi of Straw Hats

191. A Twin

191. A Twin

Zetsu finished telling Jon of what happen to Alabasta Kingdom's group after Levely. Jon just stay silent when Zetsu talk, but it makes the 5 Zetsu more nervous. Jon is silent to not interrupt the story, but he is certainly angry, very angry.     

It's not just Jon that got angry, but Luffy too. Sabo is his only brother now, so hearing Sabo get captured make him angry. He can't control his emotion like Jon, so he let his emotion out and break some walls.     

"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SABOOO!"-Luffy is punching the walls.     

"Luffy, calm down! He is imprisoned, so he is still alive, we just need to help him fast."-Zoro     

"He's right, Luffy. WG will most likely use Sabo to bait RA come out from their hiding. The best way to do now is moving together with RA. This will be a big scaled war."-Robin     

"Yeah, this might be as big as the Summit War 2 years ago."-Marco     

"No, this will be bigger, they don't know who they've been messed with. No one is allowed to hurt my Princess."-Jon say with cold voice     

The temperature suddenly drop, and everyone tremble. Some people faint, some fall to their knees, and some get difficulty to breath. The stronger ones immediately go in front of their friends to protect them from the source of this, Jon.     

Jon emotion leaked out, his anger, killing intent, hatred, and rage. It's not even his Conqueror haki, but everyone is affected. Even Marco, Luffy, Zoro and all the strong ones are trembling.     

"Luffy, i will go first."-Jon stand up     

"Alright, take care of Vivi."-Luffy     

"You guys just wait here, i will pick you up in soeme days."-Jon     

Jon grab Zetsu #1 then jump to the sky. He create a perfect Susanoo while jumping and immediately fly off to Paradise. Even if he's tired, he will not rest until he meet with Vivi.     

"Show the way!"-Jon     

"Yes."-Zetsu #1     

Jon fly as fast as he can to the island where Vivi is waiting. He don't need to worry about Wano anymore, because the war has finished. The Samurais can take care of the rest, and his friends are still there too.     

Jon keep flying and he can cover many days worth of sailing in some hours. He also keep gathering senjutsu chakra to power up his susanoo so he can fly faster. When he meet storm, Jon just make his susanoo run on the water.     

Sometimes he need to land on ground so Zetsu can keep track on their direction. Zetsu use the earth & plant roots to communicate with each other. They also can feel the other's direction through it.     

At noon, some hours after Jon left Wano, he got system notification. His wish for system to be a human have been granted, and he can do it now. Jon didn't have anything to do now, so instead of just keep worrying, he ask system to proceed with the wish.     

[Initiating procedure! Please provide some soil.]     


[Yes, it will be the medium for system's body.]     

Jon just nod and make the required soil with his earth jutsu. Then the system ask him to pour some of his blood to the soil, and he did it. He also pour some water on the soil, and mix them.     

[Requirement completed, starting procedure. System will be off in 3..2..1..0!]     

Suddenly Jon feel something come out from his body. It's like when he flow his chakra out from his body, but it's diferent. Jon assume that it's the system, and he can see a bluish aura fuse to the soil, water, and blood mixture.     

The mixture start to move and it start to shaped like a human. After that, it start to get bright, make Jon close his eyes. After the light dimmed down, Jon open his eyes.     

What Jon see in front of him is a naked girl that have similar face with him. They're not identical, but if people see them, everyone will know that they're twins. Altough the girl is noticeably shorter than Jon, but they looks like the same age.     

"Ugh, wear your clothes!"-Jon     

Jon try to take something from his inventory, but he can't.     

"Inventory is part of system, so now you don't have access to it anymore. If you just let me disappear, you will still have access to it. Now you need me to access your inventory."-Girl     

"So you've become a manager, huh? Whatever, hurry up an wear your clothes! Girls nowadays need to have more shame."-Jon     

The girl wear white underwears, black short pants, pink t-shirt, pink shoes, and finally a white hoodie. He also tied her hair in ponytail like the current Jon after his hair grow very long.     

"Please input a name."-Girl     

"Input? Sigh, you should say 'Please give me a name'. You're not a computer anymore, you're a human now, learn how to talk like a human alright?"-Jon     

"Understo- Okay, please give me a name, big brother."-Girl     

"Ooh, that sound nice. Hmm, let me think for a bit."-Jon     

Jon think for some hours to find a good name.     

"Alright, your name will be Jane, Van D. Jane, the twin sister of Van D. Jono."-Jon     

"Thanks, but that sure is a long time for 'think for a bit'. I even have time to learn human's behaviour while you thought of a name."-Jane     

"Ugh, i'm just not good with giving a name."-Jon     

Jane smile and she hug Jon.     

"Thank you, you must've knew it, but even as a system, i always feel that i'm alive. You always talk to me like i'm a human, so that makes me feel alive. Thank you for giving me this chance."-Jane     

"Your welcome. You can be said to be the one who help me the most in this life, so i just return the favor."-Jon     

Jon hug her back and kiss her forehead like a real sibling. When Jane was created just now, Jon already felt a bond with her. They're always together, so it can be said that she is his only blood family in this world.     

They continue their way, and the twins start to discuss. They discuss about their stories to make people believe it. Well, they don't care even if no one believe it, it's not like people need to believe them.     

It take 2 days for Jon to reach Red Line from Wano. It usually take longer, weeks or even months, but Jon cover it in 2 days. It's because of his Susanoo's speed, and he didn't rest at all.     

"Red Line, up there is Mary Geoise. I really want to crush those bastards right now, but i need to meet Vivi fast."-Jon     

"Let's just give them warning."-Jane     

"Heeh, you really know what i want."-Jon grin     

Jon use his susanoo to fly over Mary Geoise and it alert many people. While passing by Jon & Jane throw many papers down. It become like a rain of papers, and the papers are actually crossed Celestial Dragon's marks.     

The meaning of Jon's message is clear, he's not afraid of Celestial Dragons, and he will end their rule. They messed with him, so now they will take the consequences.     

The agents and Marines that stand guard on Mary Geoise got alerted and prepared to attack Jon. They get ready to attack, but Jon immediately leave after that. He can't afford to fight those Marines and waste his time. There might be an Admiral there, and he won't be able to get away fast if he fight with an Admiral.     

After Jon leave, big commotion happen on Mary Geoise and Marine HQ. There's no casualties and no fight broke out, but this is still an emergency situation. If someone can easily pass by Mary Geoise without their detection, then he can come again later.     

"Did you find out that person's identity?"-Sakazuki     

"We're not sure, but all the clue that we have pointed to one person. So far there's only one person thay have the power to create a giant golden humanoid figure. He is Van D. Jono, a pirate with 1,4 billion bounty, a member of Straw Hat pirate."-Officer A     


"M-maybe they lost and ran away from there."-Officers C     

"Y-you're right, t-there's no way they can win against Kaido & Big Mom together."-Officer B     

"B-but Straw Hats have defeated most of Big Mom crew, so maybe they really win against her & Kaido."-Officer D     

"T-that is..."-Officer C     

"ENOUGH! No matter the result of their war, but it's a fact that their member can pass by our sky and we can't respond to it. Find him! If he can do this once, he can do this again."-Sakazuki     

The Marines & Cipher Pol start to make a big search for Jon. However, Jon didn't care about that and focus on going to Vivi's location. He do what he did knowing what might happen later.     

He don't care if all 3 Admirals plus Fleet Admiral gang up on him together, he will fight them. Even if Garp, Sengoku, or other prominent figures join in, Jon will not be scared and will make sure he win.     

"There's no point in getting scared of them, because sooner or later, i will clash with them. It's just a matter of time."-Jon grin     

"Sigh, let's just hope they don't find Vivi's location because of you."-Jane     

"They won't."-Jon     

Jon fly higher and now he fly above the clouds. This way, no one can see him from the islands or sea below. It take some hours before they reach their destination, the uninhabited island.     

Jon immediately dive down and his susanoo drop to the sea. It create a big impact that shake the water and make big waves. Of course this alert everyone on the island, and they all prepare for a battle.     

Jon deactivate his susanoo, and walk to the island with Jane on his back. Ha arrive on the beach and see everyone is looking at him with relief but pissed expression. Jon put Jane down and didn't know what to do, so he greet them.     

"Uuh, hi?"-Jon     

"HI? HI, YOU SAY? DON'T YOU KNOW THAT YOU'VE SCARED US, HUH?"-Koza grab Jon's collar and get angry at Jon     

Jon look around and see the others think the same as Koza, so he apologize.     


"VIVI! I'm glad that you're fine."-Jon     

Vivi run out from the forest and hug Jon while crying.     

"I'm fine, but father....he is-"-Vivi     

"It's okay, i'm here, he will be fine, i promise."-Jon calm Vivi down     

"*sniff* Alright."-Vivi     

"Uuh, Boss, who is this?"-Koza point at Jane     

"Ah, well, let me introduce her to you. She is Jane, my twin sister."-Jon     

""TWIN?""-Everyone surprised     

"Wait, i thought you don't have any family left?"-Vivi     

"That's what i thought too at first, but here she is, alive and well. She was searching for me, and finally find me because of my bounty poster. She was searching for me in New World, and we almost missed the opportunity to meet."-Jon     

"Why is that?"-Vivi     

"I just arrived on Wano's border when i suddenly see a giant golden humanoid figure flybto leave Wano. I know that it's him, so i do something to atract his attention. I attack him."-Jane     

"She shot at my Susanoo's face, so i really get attracted by it. When i look at her, i almost think that i'm dreaming. I thought she died, but she is alive all this time. I don't care how that can happen, the most important thing is that she is alive."-Jon     

"I never asked this, because you always look sad when you think of your family. But what exactly happened in the past?"-Vivi     

"Jane will tell you about it okay? I need to check on your dad now."-Jon     

"AH!? THAT'S RIGHT, MY FATHER."-Vivi remember her father is in critical condition and got panic     

"Sigh, just stay here, i will check on him."-Jon     

Jon leave them and go to check on Cobra's condition. Jon use his sharingan and medical jutsu to scan Cobra, and he click his tongue.     

"Damn, it's worse than i thought, i need Law's help."-Jon     

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