Ghost of the Uchiha



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Enjoy the double release!     


"What was that jutsu?" With her Byakugan active, Nozomi tried to understand what Minato just did. His fist was enveloped with swirling wind chakra, making her stare in surprise.     

"That Minato... The Jutsu he just used could be considered B-rank." Smiling, Jun crossed his arms.     

Jun wasn't sure if Jiraiya had taught Minato the technique, or if it was his own creation. if it was the latter, Minato's intelligence far surpassed his expectations. The use of wind-chakra in the technique was perfect, condensing the power of typhoons in one punch... A class move.     

"Did you teach him that, Jiraiya?" Staring at Minato, Tsunade couldn't hold her surprise back. That jutsu was incredible for a genin.     

"No. He made it himself!" Grinning, Jiraiya felt his pride burst forth. Having Minato as his disciple made him feel great. "His intelligence is incredible... I have the feeling that one day, he'll come up with an even better technique. Then again, I had to name it for him... His naming sense is terrible."     

"You don't say..." Smiling wryly, Dan turned back to the fight. When he compared his own team to Jiraiya's, he didn't know how to feel.     

Noticing Dan's slight change in demeanor, Tsunade smiled and placed her hand on his. "Don't worry, Jiraiya was born to be a teacher. The toad sage even foretold a prophecy about him!"     

"Tsunade! That's supposed to be a secret!" Feeling betrayed, Jiraiya furrowed his brows in exasperation.     

"Oh come on, Jiraiya. It's Dan!" Smacking him on the back of his head, she continued watching the fight as if nothing happened, still holding Dan's hand.     

Holding the massive bump on his head, Jiraiya felt like crying.     


'Where did that runt get so much strength from!?' Struggling to get up, Fuguki gasped for air. That attack had blasted away his sword and left his hand shaking from the impact.     

"Suiton: Mizurappa!" (Water Release: Wild Water Wave!)     

Standing, Fuguki once again performed hand-seals in quick succession. Opening his mouth, he spat out an enormous amount of water, filling his immediate vicinity with it.     

"Why don't you come over here if you dare...!" With a vicious expression, Fuguki merged into the water and disappeared. Seeing this, Minato frowned.     

'Unless I go to him, the match will never end... But if I do, he'll have the advantage... I need to get him out of the water...'     

Thinking fast, Minato stabbed two kunai onto the ground and quickly performed hand-seals. Once he was done, he grabbed both kunai and channeled electricity through them.     

"Raiton: Ikazuchi no Utage!" (Lightning Burial: Banquet of Lightning!)     

Minato's words resounded across the arena as the water was filled with yellow electricity.     

"I taught him that! I taught him that!" Getting up from his seat, Jiraiya watched with anticipation as the electricity traveled into the water, quickly spreading through it.     

"GUAGH!" Getting hit directly, Fuguki was ejected out of the water, lightning still crackling around him. 'My body is numb... Damn...'     

Making use of the opportunity, Minato flickered net to the motionless Fuguki and readied his jutsu.     

"Fūton: Senpūken!" Minato hit Fuguki right in the gut, sending him flying and incrusting him into the wall.     

The mist ninja's eyes were now blank, completely Ko'ed.     

"Minato Namikaze is the winner!" Running up to Fuguki, Shigeo quickly announced the victor. Making roar.     

"A genin that can use two of the five basic nature transformations... And to such a high-level... What a genius." Hiruzen couldn't believe his eyes. Minato was really out of this world when it came to raw talent. "Not to mention that flicker... I didn't know it could be used like that."     

"Hm..." Narrowing his eyes. The Kazekage nodded. They'd have to be careful with this one.     


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!     

Don't forget to drop some stones!     


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