Ghost of the Uchiha



"Hehe, you did it!" Congratulating Minato, Nozomi grinned. Although she was happy that both Jun and Minato had passed, she didn't want to be the only one that didn't. Clenching her fists, she prepared to go all out against her cousin.     

"Yeah, I somehow managed..." Fuguki had been the strongest opponent he'd faced so far, not including Jun and Jiraiya. "Thankfully, I pulled it off."     

"Did you create that jutsu from earlier?" With his arms crossed, Jun pointed out what they wanted to know. That technique Minato used could be considered B-rank. "If so, then I must admit impressed."     

"Haha, it wasn't that crazy..." Scratching the back of his head, Minato smiled, recalling how it all happened. "I was training with master Jiraiya, and a beast attacked us. He scared it off using a very high-level wind-style jutsu, so I got inspiration from that."     

"The whole premise is to have the wind chakra swirl around your fist, almost like a compressed tornado." Eyeing his palm, Minato clenched it. "Its destructive power is quite strong, but I know that I'm capable of much more!"     

"You don't say..." Patting his back, Nozomi laughed. So far, Minato and Jun had always been a step in front of everyone. "If it's you, I'll believe almost anything!"     


"Hyuga Nozomi vs. Hyuga Hiashi! Both contestants, please come down to the arena!" Shigeo yelled, getting their attention.     

"Seems like its finally your turn, huh? You better show what the leaf's 'best clan' is capable of doing." Yawning, Jun sent a slightly provocative glare towards Nozomi.     

"Heh, I will." With confidence, Nozomi walked down to the arena, leaving Jun surprised. 'She won't get angry anymore? No fun..'     


"It's been too long, Hiashi." With a confident smile, Nozomi got into the gentle fist stance, not wasting any time. She came here to win, and she wouldn't let family ties get in the way.     

"I agree, Nozomi. You've grown since then." Getting in the same stance, Hiashi looked confident as well.     

Veins popped out near their eyes as they activated the Byakugan. Staring at each other, they were ready at any time.     

'Cheh. A frog at the bottom of a well... What right does she have to be so confident?' Up in the stands, the Hyuga clan-head sat with his arms crossed. His eyes displayed a hint of repugnance when he watched Nozomi.     

"Begin!" At Shigeo's signal, both Hyuga pressed their feet on the ground and sped towards each other.     

As soon as they got close enough, both of them started fighting so fast that most people couldn't tell what was happening.     

Hiashi stabbed his two fingers towards Nozomi's shoulder, but she gracefully dodged and retaliated with a quick stab of her own.     

The fight continued like this for a small while, with a consistent back and forth. Nozomi was slowly gaining the advantage.     

'I see!' Noticing a huge opening, Nozomi quickly fired up the eight trigrams.     

"As if I'd let you... Hakkeshō Kaiten!" Spinning briskly, Hiashi released chakra from multiple pores in his body, generating a massive vortex.     

Noticing this, Nozomi tried to evade but got hit directly and was sent flying a few meters away.     

"Shuuu...." Stopping his spin, Hiashi slowly exhaled and remained in the gentle fist stance. If one looked closely, they could see he was sweating coldly.     

'If I hadn't used the revolving heaven, Nozomi would've won...' With a grim expression, Hiashi waited for her to stand back up. 'I have to be more careful...!'     

"Heh, what a genius, that Hiashi. Mastering the revolving heaven at such a young age... He is worthy of the successor's position." Smiling, his father nodded in approval.     

"Ugh..." Feeling sore all over her body, Nozomi struggled to get back up.     

Once she did, she quickly got back into a fighting stance.     

'So he released chakra from his tenketsu and spun around to make a swirling defense... I see...' With her Byakugan wide open, Nozomi had caught every single detail.     


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!     

Don't forget to drop some stones!     


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