Ghost of the Uchiha



A few hours later, inside a singular, dark cabin within the depths of the ship.     

Both of the enemy ninja woke up, confused as to where they were. When they finally remembered, they immediately tried to bite their tongues... Only to find out that they couldn't. They didn't have the strength to bit through it.     

"It's useless... I've used paralyzing poison from Jiraiya's toads and some of my formulas to create the mixture you've ingested." Narrowing her eyes, Tsunade came out of the darkness, scaring the two men stiff.     

"You're capable of speech, and that's it. if you don't talk, we'll let you feel pain worse than death." As her words trailed off, she raised her hand, and Jun also walked out of the darkness.     

Staring into the large man's eyes, he activated his Sharingan. Soon, he began convulsing and screamed in terror, frightening the burly man beside him. It looked like he was experiencing hell itself.     

"I-I'll speak!" Fearful of the genjutsu, the man lowered his head. He didn't want to be tortured for long periods, and would much rather talk and earn a swift death. "Ask me whatever you want... But I don't know much..."     

"How did your villages gain information on our secret mission? And what are your plans?" In a could voice, Tsunade got straight to the point. At her words, the man sighed and responded as truthfully as he could.     

"That, I don't know. We were given orders from our respective Kage to join on this mission, but they never told us what it was for. All we know were your identities, and the existence of a scroll with important information."     

"He's speaking the truth..." An eerie voice sounded as Orochimaru also walked out, his straight pupils fixated on the restrained man. Through his pulse and other methods, he had judged him to be telling the truth.     

"I guess there's only one way to find out..." Sighing, Jiraiya looked at Jun with a stern expression. "Could you repeat what you did in the land of tea?"     

"That? Sure." Unbothered, Jun walked up to the man and picked him up by the collar, staring into his soul.     

"What are you-"     

"Shhh... Just be quiet." Ignoring Orochimaru's and Tsunade's gazes, Jun scoured through the man's memories with his eyes. Now that they were fully matured, his prowess had become almost unparalleled.     

Isolating the relevant data, he filtered the rest, to reduce strain on his brain. Suddenly, he came across a seal similar to the one on Danzo's subordinate, Mezu.     

Scoffing, he raised his left hand and placed it on the man's head, activating the chakra-absorption seal.     

"Guaaaaghh!" Screaming in pain, the man's eyes became blank as he struggled to remain sane. Ignoring this, Jun kept on absorbing, until he was finally done.     

Dropping the man on the floor, he placed a hand on his own face, digesting the sudden rush of foreign information.     

"So?" Looking over in anticipation, Tsunade spoke up.     

"The other villages wanted to intercept our message and falsify a response from Uzushiogakure so that we wouldn't be able to intervene as they got rid of them." With a cold expression, Jun massaged his forehead... Although most of what he was saying wasn't in the man's head, he just spoke as if it was.     

He knew exactly what would happen anyway, so he took this opportunity to explain it without arousing suspicion.     

"They're planning on getting rid of the Uzumaki!?" Shocked to the core, Jiraiya's mouth gaped. "We're not even at war! Have all the other shinobi villages allied?"     

"They're not allied, but in a temporary, beneficial relationship. By joining forces to get rid of the Uzumaki, it'll level the playing field for them. They don't seem fond of Konoha and Uzushiogakure joining hands."     


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!     

Don't forget to drop some stones!     


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