The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 7: Konosuba (End)*

Extra 7: Konosuba (End)*

I am sorry I was absent for a week, but I had a confrontation with my older brother because he wanted to use my savings for his vices, ending up with my hand hurt, not seriously, but my doctor told me that I should not use it for at least a few days so that I would not feel discomfort. I am still a little uncomfortable with my hand, but nothing serious, although this is mostly from lack of activity.     

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *     

A week had passed since Kurama had fulfilled the wishes of the winners, and at the moment he was resting in the mansion that had belonged to that obese nobleman who had tried to capture him with the help of Maxwell, the demon.     

Kazuma was currently in paradise after having spent all his wealth because he could not resist the luxuries of the good life, although the positive side was that he managed to lose his virginity.     

Aqua's destiny had been just as Eris had said, she had been demoted to an inferior Goddess and now she was in charge of cleaning the baths, a good thing knowing about her control over the water.     

Eris decided to return to the dimension of the gods now that Darkness was no longer alone, and this suited her just fine because now that her mortal Avatar had been identified, everyone was running after her to make wishes and the like.     

The Succubus now lived alongside the Uzumaki clan and worked as servants, though as payment, Kurama had to 'recharge' them. It took him a year to finish the job with all the Succubus that now worked for him.     

Wiz decided to accept Kaguya's words about going with them to their world because now she didn't have her Undead magic, not to mention that she now had chakra, a side effect instead of mana of being revived with the Rine Tensei.     

Sasuke was still on the run from Megumin, and they were currently in the capital. Kurama had to admit that the young woman from the Kouma clan had a strong conviction.     

The date with Luna was fantastic and at the end of the evening, she invited him into her home, only to have loud moans echo throughout Axel after a few minutes. Good manners are never forgotten.     

And as for Darkness.     

* * *     

"I think your Sadistic side is growing with every sexual encounter you have with Lalatina-san or Hinata-san" - Kaguya said as she shook her head as she saw how Darkness was hanging upside down with an expression of absolute pleasure.     

"You can't blame me" - replied Kurama as he shrugged his shoulders - "The two of them get along well, don't they, Darkness, Hinata?"     

"Hai ~!" - replied the two girls as they let out a small moan.     

"At least Hanabi-chan isn't such a masochist" - muttered Kaguya as she looked at the two girls who were a hopeless case.     

"This is too much, Foxy-kun" - said Anko as she saw how Darkness had tears in her eyes - "Look at her, the poor thing is crying."     

"Goshujinsama ~!" - Lalatina wailed. She was crying, but not out of sadness or sorrow, but out of happiness - "I never thought my promiscuous appearance would be revealed before my new sisters ~!"     

"Oh, she's enjoying it that bitch" - Tayuya said as Kushina hit her for saying a bad word - "Why did you do that?!"     

"Sorry, it's an involuntary reflex" - apologized Kushina as she scratched her cheek.     

"We better back off" - said Kin as he watched Darkness start laughing madly - "I think we broke her".     

"Relax, she'll be fine" - Kurama said as everyone else gave him a blank stare - "I think."     

"Anyway, where are the kids?" - Mikoto asked as she raised an eyebrow.     

"They wanted to have a little adventure" - replied Hikari as she shook her head - "Luna-chan told them about the adventurer's job and they said they wanted to give it a try."     

"And who is responsible for watching them?" - Kushina asked seriously as Hikari averted her gaze.     

* * * * *     

"I think it's here" - said Jiraiya as he looked around - "According to the information, this is the plain where we will have to carry out our mission"     

"I wonder what kind of monster it will be" - said Naruto with a big smile - "Maybe it's a dragon? Maybe a Giant Wolf with a sword in its mouth?"     

"Maybe it's a turtle" - said Ryu neutrally, only to earn a glare from everyone present - "What? I like turtles."     

"I just hope it's not something gross or worse, a giant bug" - muttered Izumi as her body trembled slightly.     

"Nii-chan! Onee-chan! Aniki!" - exclaimed a brown-haired 5-year-old boy. He was being followed by 4 more children of the same age.     

"Hashirama! Boys! What are you doing here?" - Jiraiya exclaimed upon seeing Hashirama along with his siblings minus Kazumi - "Where's your sister?"     

"She's with Mama" - replied Hashirama with a big smile - "She said she couldn't leave her alone."     

"Well, that explains Kazumi-chan's absence, but it doesn't explain what you guys are doing here" - Jiraiya said seriously.     

"Okaasan gave us permission to come with you as long as we didn't do anything wrong" - replied Mito while looking at the Sannin - "I promise to behave myself, although I don't promise anything about those two idiots."     

"Hey!" - Hashirama and Dan exclaimed when they saw that their sister was aiming at them.     

"Ok, you can stay" - muttered Jiraiya as he looked at the children, only to feel the earth begin to shake - "Watch out, our target is close!"     

"Let it not be a Worm, let it not be a worm" - muttered Izumi as she activated her Sharingan.     


"A Toad?" - Naruto asked as he saw his target - "Is this for real?"     

"If I'm honest, I'm a little uncomfortable with this, but it's a mission" - said Jiraiya as he frowned, only to walk over to where the toad - "I'm going to try to communicate with them, maybe then I can get them to stay away from this place."     

"I don't think that's a good idea, Ero Sennin" - Ryu said as he looked at the huge pink toad - "They don't seem to be as peaceful and intelligent as the Toads of Mount Myoboku."     

"I know, but I can't hurt them, not with all the help they have given me during my years of service as a shinobi" - replied Jiraiya as he shook his head - "Excuse me, I'd like to talk to you"     

"I think it worked" - Nawaki said as he watched the toad look curiously at Jiraiya, as if he understood him, only to watch as after the Sannin finished, the toad ate him in one bite - "Or maybe not."     

"I have to admit, that was fun" - Naruto said as he nodded, only to notice how his younger sister was watching in a westerly direction - "What's wrong, Izumi-chan?"     

"I sense the presence of Sasuke Nii approaching from that direction" - Izumi replied as the children watched a silhouette approaching at full speed.     

"Aren't you bored by any chance?!" - Sasuke shouted as he got closer and closer to the children - "You've been chasing me for almost a week!"     

"I'm sorry, but I don't plan on giving up!" - Megumin exclaimed as she continued to chase after the Uchiha.     

"Sasuke Nii-san!" - Izumi shouted upon seeing her brother.     

"Izumi-chan? What are you guys doing here?" - Sasuke asked in surprise at the sight of his sister, only to frown when he sensed Jiraiya's presence inside the toad. He quickly unsheathed his Kusanagi and cut the toad in half, only to notice as Jiraiya crawled out of the toad's corpse with a neutral expression on his face - "Anyway, what are you guys doing here?"     

"We were just seeing what Adventurer life is like together with Ero Sennin" - Naruto replied with a smile on his face - "But well, things aren't going well."     

"Damn it!" - Jiraiya roared as he saw that he was finally out of the Toad - "How dare a Toad betray me!"     

"I see" - nodded Sasuke, but his expression changed drastically in a matter of seconds - "Shit!"     

"I finally caught you!" - Megumin shouted as he appeared on the spot with a deranged look on his face - "Now you'll give me your DNA!"     

"I didn't know you had it in you, Sasuke" - said Jiraiya with surprise - "Sakura won't be happy though!"     

"Get away from me, you crazy little bitch!" - Sasuke shouted as he tried to break free from the Kouma clan girl's grip - "You don't get it, Jiraiya! This lunatic has been chasing me for over 6 days because she wants to get my Sharingan!"     

"Sounds like Orochimaru, but less weird" - Jiraiya muttered as he noticed how cute the girl was, though it was a pity that the girl had a boyish body with almost no curves - "Flat in front and gifted in the back, I guess god is benevolent."     

". . ." - Megumin quickly stepped back as she watched Jiraiya alertly. She could sense that this man was like Kazuma, but much worse.     

"Good thing you stayed away from Nii-san" Izumi growled as she scowled at Megumin.     

"Nii-san?" - Megumin asked in surprise as he looked at the girl - "She's your younger sister?"     

"Yes, but it's a bit complicated" - replied Sasuke as he shook his head - "Hello, Naruto."     

"Hello, Sasuke Nii" - smiled Naruto as he looked at the older Uchiha.     

"See, I told you that Sasuke Nii-san was coming, Naruto Nii" - said Izumi proudly.     

"He's your younger brother too?" - Megumin asked again as he frowned noticing that there was no similarity between the two boys, despite what the girl was calling him.     

"It's complicated," Sasuke sighed as he honestly didn't want to explain his situation, much less to this crazy little bitch.     

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