The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 8: Bleach (7)*

Extra 8: Bleach (7)*

"A Hollow and a Shinigami, a strange combination" - said Yhwach calmly, then focused on the man - "Although I still don't know who you are".     

"Oh, pardon my lack of politeness" - Kurama replied curiously - "My name is Kurama Uzumaki, a traveler from another dimension."     

"Another dimension? Interesting" - mused Yhwach, the Quincy ruler - "Is everyone in your dimension as strong as you?"     

"No" - replied Kurama calmly - "It could be said that only one of my wives is as strong as I am, and her lineage is much older than yours, though I think that's enough answers from me, it's time for you to answer some questions"     

"How dare you speak to his Majesty like that!" - Jugram exclaimed in fury, only to be rendered completely mute as he felt someone grab him by the collar.     

"Haven't you been told to have respect for your superiors, brat?" - Kurama said as his eyes flashed with malevolence. His Chakra was released all at once, causing a tremor throughout the dimension they were in.     

Yhwach was surprised to feel the power of the man in front of him, more so when he noticed that the white-haired man was much stronger than him at his peak.     

"I apologize for my subordinate, again" - apologized Yhwach as he thought about how to make the man in front of him, help him in his crusade.     

"Some interesting thoughts, Yhwach, too bad you don't have what it takes to convince me to help you" - Kurama replied as he noticed how the Primordial widened his eyes in surprise - "You don't have to be surprised, I can read you like an open book.     

". . ." - Yhwach frowned as he heard this, only to relax because he knew it wasn't the best idea to have the albino as an enemy.     

"Do you bring your pride for the sake of your race, or out of a desire to complete your plans?" - Kurama asked as he looked at the Quincy king.     

"A little of both" - replied Yhwach as he squinted his eyes in irritation for it was the first time he was in a situation like this.     

"Your majesty!" - shouted a group of Quincy as they rushed into their leader's quarters after sensing that the source of the tremor was in this place.     

"Interesting" - mused Kurama as he saw the group, only to give them a blank stare as he watched a black-haired woman run in their direction with a powerful killer instinct - "Really?"     

The albino only shook his head when he noticed how not only the woman was trying to attack him, but almost all the Quincy present.     

"Bambietta, guys, I don't think this is a good idea" - said a pink-haired girl. She was aware of the situation, after all, the attitude of their leader was more than enough proof of the difference in power his Royal Majesty had with the white-haired man.     

"I see at least one of you is using your head," Kurama said as he nodded at the pink-haired woman's attitude. He could sense an unwavering loyalty, but at the same time, this was the reason why they could not think clearly.     

Yhwach for the first time understood that absolute loyalty was not a good thing.     

Kurama snapped his fingers and everyone present except for Yhwach and the pink-haired girl, froze - "That will be enough."     

"What's going on?!" - Bambietta exclaimed as her eyes widened in terror at the total loss of movement, though she wasn't the only one because all her companions were the same.     

"Can you move, Meninas?" - A blonde girl asked as she saw how her pink-haired companion was looking around in confusion.     

"You guys can't?" - Meninas asked in surprise.     

"Consider it a prize for using your head" - said Kurama calmly as he looked carefully at those present - "Well, what was I saying? Right, I wanted to ask what it is that you wish."     

"I wish to take the place of the Spirit King, and become the ruler of the Soul Society" - Yhwach answered seriously, after all, he had understood that lying was not a good idea in the presence of his 'guest'.     

"Motive?" - Kurama asked curiously.     

"Prosperity" - replied Yhwach as he looked at the white-haired man - "And absolute control."     

"I see" - nodded Kurama as he started to think - "I think I can offer you a good deal. I can expand this dimension so much that it looks like the human world, the spiritual energy will be infinite because it will be drawn from the dimensional gap, and it can be habitable for all species that inhabit the earth."     

"What is the price to pay" - Yhwach answered seriously because this sounded too good to be free.     

"That pink-haired girl" - answered Kurama as he pointed at Meninas - "She will be mine and this dimension will be completely isolated from the other realms of this reality."     

Those present looked at Meninas with surprise as Yhwach pondered the pros and cons that Kurama's proposal would have.     

"What about the Quincy's outside this dimension?" - Yhwach asked earnestly, after all, they too were his descendants.     

"You mean the descendants you almost killed?" - Kurama asked disdainfully upon seeing King Quincy's hypocrisy - "You can call them through your blood and ask them yourself. If they accept, they will be transported directly to this dimension."     

Yhwach said nothing in response to the white-haired man's sarcasm because he knew his actions were not the best, but at the same time that it was the best plan of action he could follow, after all, the life of a few did not compare to the welfare of an entire race.     

"You have 30 minutes to give me an answer" - Kurama said as he created a table next to some snacks.     

Those present frowned when they saw this, but said nothing to disturb the albino, though this was not due to fear, but because none of those present could move.     

"Why are you doing all this?" - Yoruichi asked as she looked at the white-haired man. Tier had a similar expression to the albino's other companion.     

"Because this is interesting" - answered Kurama with a huge smile - "Something tells me that this man is someone important to this dimension, although I still don't know if this is good or bad, so I decided not to risk it and give him the chance to isolate himself together with his race because I sincerely don't wish to perform a mass genocide."     

The Quincy stood in silence as they felt a cold sweat run down their backs.     

Yhwach listened to this earnestly as he felt a dissatisfaction appear in his heart, after all, he never thought that one day he would be treated as just another 'person' in the eyes of a higher entity.     

"I accept" - Meninas murmured as she bit her lip. She had decided to sacrifice herself willingly because she knew her leader would accept the proposal.     

"Excellent" - smiled Kurama as he looked closely at the beautiful pink-haired woman. She not only had a sexy body but there was something inside her that was calling out to him as if she was similar to him in some way - "I guess it's just you left now, Yhwach"     

"I accept as well" - Yhwach muttered as he felt further annoyance at how his subordinate had beaten him to the word.     

"Perfect" - said Kurama as he snapped his fingers, only for all the Quincy in the dimension to feel as they were surrounded by some sort of barrier.     

The dimension began to shake as the inhabitants of the dimension opened their eyes in surprise as they noticed the apparent changes in their surroundings. Before everything seemed to be a constant, lifeless night, but now everything was a majestic green color. Lush forests were seen in the surroundings while the sound of a river could be heard in the distance. Birds were flying around as the Quincy's watched in wonder as countless different animals walked around the area in confusion.     

The Quincy's didn't know what was going on, but they began to weep with joy when they sensed the large amount of Reiatsu in the vicinity as they excitedly shouted out the name of their Royal Majesty.     

The Sternritter members' eyes widened in terror when they noticed the huge change in their surroundings.     

"If we had attacked" - muttered one of them as he looked fearfully at the white-haired man who had done all this at the snap of his fingers.     

"With this, my part of the deal is done" - smiled Kurama as the barrier covering the Quincy disappeared, regaining again the ability to move - "That would be all for now, I hope your Race will live for a long time."     

Yhwach was about to thank him, but noticed how Kurama took Menina by the hand and disappeared along with his other two companions - "That was weird."     

"More than you think, your Royal Majesty" - replied one of his subordinates while shaking his head.     

"This is perfect for us, though" - Yhwach muttered with a huge grin as he started to absorb the Dimension Reiatsu - "With this, I'll be able to fully recover"     

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